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New Managers at Penzance

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I am now in a position to announce that Robin Watt and Steve Flack are the new Managers at Penzance. The Club is delighted that they have decided to join us and are greatly looking forward to the coming season. We would also like to thank all those who declared an interest in taking up the position - it's nice to know that Penzance retains its' popularity.

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Thanks John Mead for brokering the deal.

Never thought I would hear the words 'brokering the deal' at peninsula league level! :D I suppose there could have been a lot to discuss like the transfer budget, bonuses, company cars, pension entitlements, profit sharing, provision of an executive toilet etc, etc :yahoo:

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Cat grow up kid

I'm very good mates with robin and steve, they are VERY GOOD COACHES, all I said was... they move around a lot and 2 be honest they both agree with me

but the reasons managers move are not always down to themselves choosing to do so...

if i remember rightly they were at truro for quite a while

plus ihave known steve for almost 15 years

as for the grow up think ive been around the block enough times not to need to do that pal.

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