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I was playing at Wadebridge a few years ago when went up to the "top goal" for a corner. All the F Troop supporters were standing behind the goal cheering us on when one of the Wadebridge players turned to me and said, "You know why they all stand together don't you?" I looked quizically at him and said, "No?" "So that they can form a sentence!"he replied!

I can't remember if that was the same game that Timmy Allen took a corner from the same spot and accidentally kicked the flag out of the ground.

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While reffin at Holsworthy, they had a player called Simon Rooke well known for his moaning, he got tripped and before he hit the ground he was shouting "come on ref." I said "Give me a chance to blow my whistle what do you want me to do blow before you're fouled"? He answered in his usual aggressive and loud way "YES" and he meant it, I had to take a time out. Another one at Dobwalls Simon Skewes shouted "Ref can't you go shopping at Tesco's on Saturdays instead of making a fool of yerself up here".

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One from Truro,s Mr.Mourinho, ' ref you're ruining a crap game!! '. Always tickles me that one!! And watching a school game last season when the ref failed to give three obvious pens, ' get your hair out your eyes ref' you guessed it he was bald!!! Then he came over and told me off!!! Thanks Hayd, quality laugh that was mate x

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one that people at carharrack will know By Barry Moyle : F**k sake murphy, F**k sake ... (name goes here ) ,

others that i like myself, how can i kick rappo hes too nice,

hes never missed a penalty .. then misses.

god he is sh8t hows he play here, followed by a clap and what a goal.

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At a pre-season friendly; " cannot believe he missed that. That's the kind of shot he would score nine times out of a hundred !"

My favourite was when a partially sighted man and his Labrador turned up in the stand at Holsworthy at half time and a disgruntled Holsworthy player said to me , " nice of that guy to bring your dog back, Ref"

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The guaranteed 2 circumstances on the pitch to make managers go crazy in my opinion are.......

On offside decision that they think is onside........."nnnnnnnnooooooooooooo (bleep) way" and,

when the opposite team kicks the ball away to prevent a quick free kick......."Sort that (Bleep) out ref".

Another 2 classics from throw in situations..........

....."box them in".......and ......."work the line".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As a referee to a player who is constant on your back and moaning and before issuing a yellow for dissent " Listen and hear player you are giving my arsehole an headache, Now let me get on with the game".

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  • 1 month later...

Pre match at a ladies game ..a couple of girls in the physio room Neil Phillips counting numbers and bellowed "Im two short". Simultaneously myself and the goalie said "Try standing upright then".

From the dug out to a defender in the ladies...Neil Phillips once again "Get em out Samara"!!

Great lighthearted thread!!!

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I remember playing for Newquay in the Combo at Mullion. At half time we had this little beauty from our manager...

'In the first twenty, you did alright. In the second twenty, you were bloody awful and the final twenty you were a bit better'

Ps. I know that this could happen if Larry Marsh was ref, but I promise that wasn't the case!

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