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Cornwall's Up and Coming Footballing Talent....

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Interesting topic ATL, I have seen St Blazey play a few times this season but can't recall Yeoman so I cannot comment on him. What has impressed you about him?

I have seen the lad Farrant play down the right hand side for Blazey in the past and used to play a bit at Bodmin also. Can't say I've been impressed and not sure what you mean by 'youngsters'? He looked about 25 years ago!

Waste of topic in my own opinion!!!!!!

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Im a huge fan of young talent in the leagues and definately have to agree with 'ATL' on these 2 players. I also feel that in a couple of years St Blazey could be challening if only Bobby Oaten decided to call it a day. you only have to look at the start of the season where they were top of the league and are now looking like a middle of the table team,shame really that he cant quite get the best out of what ive heard is a team full of youngsters who have been at pro clubs in the last 2-3 years..any thoughts on this from some of the blazey followers on the forum...

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Interesting topic ATL, I have seen St Blazey play a few times this season but can't recall Yeoman so I cannot comment on him. What has impressed you about him?

I have seen the lad Farrant play down the right hand side for Blazey in the past and used to play a bit at Bodmin also. Can't say I've been impressed and not sure what you mean by 'youngsters'? He looked about 25 years ago!

Waste of topic in my own opinion!!!!!!

Interesting topic or waste of a topic ???

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BdBd I could not agree more. I have seen some unbelievable talent at Blaise Park this year. I have previously posted on my admiration for Evans and Swain who look real top, top players. It's a shame the green and blacks don't have more players up to their level, then they would be a great team. Interesting point on Mr Oaten as well; I personally don't think he has what it takes, though the fans admire his dedication to the job.

I shall keep an eye out for Yeoman and see what he has to offer, can't say he has stood out when I've seen them so far.

I hear they are also doing well in the FA Vase so good luck to them in that. It's always nice to see local teams prove themselves in the big games.

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''Interesting topic or waste of a topic ???''

What I mean is the concept is interesting and could spark a debate about promising youngsters, but the players mentioned have done nothing (in my eyes) to earn any praise. Apologies for creating a misunderstanding.

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Interesting topic. I think its good to see young talent expressing themselves in the cornish leagues. Ive seen St Blazey play twice this season at bodmin and saltash. I thought they were outstanding especially the two blazey strikers who dominated both defences. Can see why they are both equally scoring a lot of goals - they have a great understanding of each others play. Have they played together before do we know?

I think blazey have a very young squad with promising future prospects. Inconsistency seems the main problem for them atm though after a great start to the season, playing well against the better teams and not so well against the mid table teams.

Bdbd, you say that there are some ex pros in the blazey team? Do you mean apprentices? And can you further my knowledge by naming some of these players and their previous clubs?

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BigBear very good post, welcome to the forum. Are you a fan of the green and blacks? Sources tell me the front two spent time merging their partnership as youth players at Plymouth Argyle. On their day you can see why they have both been where they have, but you can also see why they were let go. The big man whose name escapes me is one of the most over rated players I have seen in the league. You hear stories about how good these players are, but he is one who hasn't delivered when I have watched.

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Thanks Zac. No not a fan, i generally follow most of the prem teams and try to watch the big games when i can. Just interested in the blazey situation and their positive turnaround from last year. Yeah i heard they were at argyle together. Think the lad broomfield went to swindon for his apprenticeship while the big lad coombes stayed on at argyle. Would have been interesting to see how they got on together at youth team level. Wouldnt say over rated but of course you are entitled to your opinion, from what i have seen of him you can see that he has been coached at a high level and seems very talented in my eyes - on his day of course. Maybe the reason he didnt make it, inconsistent performances? In the games i have watched he dominated with his strength and presence and great with ball for a big man i must say. Just read masseys mutterings which talks a bit about the lad after his hat trick in the vase. Birth of a new star according to massey, i heard he was head and shoulders above the rest and sherborne couldnt handle him. So i cant be to wrong? Big game player maybe?

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broomfield and coombes are both very promising players and if they keep their heads they will definately have a bright future and i can only imagine they will be playing at a higher standard at some point. 'Bigbear' you are correct with the point of 'being at pro clubs' where some of the boys have completed an apprentischip/YTS (for the golden oldies on here). to my knowledge i believe that Dan Evans and Broomfield both were at swindon, Lewis Coombes and Lewis Edwards at Plymouth, Dan Bennett at Pompey with Ryan Yeoman and George Swain both playing for bideford and barnstaple respectively so a real crop of great potential to go on and achieve in the CSWPL if they stay together and individually in a higher standard

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Nice topic. Would also like to add that Jon Hoyle was an YTS (sorry bddb i am a golden oldie) at Argyle and won the fa vase with truro not so long ago.

Blazey seem to have a cracking squad, certainly one of the most talented young squads in the league on paper along with Parkway and Elburton. give them a few years together who knows?

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Surely one of the stand out youngsters in the league has got to be Chris luxton, played in at great Bodmin side for the last few years and pretty sure he's still a teenager. hoppit you clearly watch Camelford regularly, who are the stand out youngsters in your opinion. I heard that the ashes have lost a decent youngster to Bodmin in luke doddridge, bit of a shame!

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Surely one of the stand out youngsters in the league has got to be Chris luxton, played in at great Bodmin side for the last few years and pretty sure he's still a teenager. hoppit you clearly watch Camelford regularly, who are the stand out youngsters in your opinion. I heard that the ashes have lost a decent youngster to Bodmin in luke doddridge, bit of a shame!

Josh Colwill the goalie probably one of the best in the league, Martin Haynes and Adam Sleep combine well as centre backs, Ryan Pooley up front, I could name a few more that usually put in solid performances.
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