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Cornwall Football Forum

Wendron United v St Blazey Senior Cup

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All the stuff on this thread sums up why I have stopped posting things on this forum . Started off as a thread celebrating a Cup Tie between a minnow club that have put a lot of time and money into improving their team and facilities and pushing themselves forward ,and one of the big names of Cornish football who are gradually getting back on their feet with a vibrant young side after a horrific past season . Something , I am not sure what , has turned it into a slagging match .

Similarly the thread about the Liskeard manager . That has been dragged into the gutter for one reason or another .

Used to look at this forum all the time , found it filled the gap left by a shrinking local media in finding out what was going on . The banter used to be sharp , but also funny and honest at the same time .A lot of the stuff on here has turned personal and downright nasty . Can't really be bothered with it now .

That's the last time I will be on here . I'm expecting a slagging off , but I won't be replying . I won't be reading it

Likewise. Same reason I rarely post on here any more. Any topic of note gets turned into a cesspit of insults and foul language and I don't have the time for it.

Well that's enough from me on this site too. It has turned into a trash site.

The Bald One signing off..............

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Its called banter!!! And I bet its not the last we'll see of these moaners.

Banter plays a massive part in football, whether it be between players or supporters.

It will always be present either in the build up to games or in the post match summing up!

And with us living in the age of computers and social networking, this is somewhere people can take a look at the said banter and then choose to either comment or not.

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Its called banter!!! And I bet its not the last we'll see of these moaners.

Banter plays a massive part in football, whether it be between players or supporters.

It will always be present either in the build up to games or in the post match summing up!

And with us living in the age of computers and social networking, this is somewhere people can take a look at the said banter and then choose to either comment or not.

Well said.

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Its called banter!!! And I bet its not the last we'll see of these moaners.

Banter plays a massive part in football, whether it be between players or supporters.

It will always be present either in the build up to games or in the post match summing up!

And with us living in the age of computers and social networking, this is somewhere people can take a look at the said banter and then choose to either comment or not.

Exactly!! Why post moaning comments, just don't come on here its your choice. I think the forum is great for both banter, bit of fun and actually seeing whats happening in the leagues.


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bloody hell half the time its the players winding each other up or a club. you want to read some of the forums of prem clubs .that real nasty . as for blazey they have enjoyed a great season but hopefully they havent forgot they were almost finished . fans give up . so give a little respect to the smaller teams without them you have no cup

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