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Over Paid Players.

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I was speaking to someone involved at Saltash & also someone at Parkway last week & I was astonished when I was told what some of the players were being paid for there clubs, now iv always known that some clubs have a good budget & think its great that good players are being rewarded for being talented. But in conversation there were players which are bang average at best that are picking up wage packets that they do not warrant. This also included the 1 season wonders that live on 1 decent season. Thoughts please????? I obviously realise this happens at all clubs!!!!!!!!

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Surely how much a manager wants to pay his players is his business?

And whether a player is "bang average" is a matter of opinion?

Only a manager knows how much he values a certain player and what that player can bring to his team,

When a player signs for a club there is an agreement made between player and manager of which both parties are happy with, If not there would be no signing surely?

Maybe some players are being overpaid but isn't that just a fact of life, whether it be in football or anything else.

I think it will always go on.

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I was speaking to someone involved at Saltash & also someone at Parkway last week & I was astonished when I was told what some of the players were being paid for there clubs, now iv always known that some clubs have a good budget & think its great that good players are being rewarded for being talented. But in conversation there were players which are bang average at best that are picking up wage packets that they do not warrant. This also included the 1 season wonders that live on 1 decent season. Thoughts please????? I obviously realise this happens at all clubs!!!!!!!!

Can I ask who you spoke to at Saltash please

The answer you'll get is.... They told me in confidence!! Bet they are glad they told you?

Same old topic that's been discussed and debated before...... Why are people so interested in what others are being paid. If the club are happy to pay it, get over it. Everyone's opinions differ, in these cases yours doesn't matter. If you don't like what youTHINK players are on, don't go to the match therefore these so called bang average players won't get any of your gate, tea, programme or raffle money.

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No player in the pennisula league is worth much more than a few quid for traveling afterall west/east is no better than combo 5years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think you find it's more than a few quid to get from Plymouth to the deepest parts of Cornwall!

5 in a car driving from Plymouth to Penzance and back tenner ahead 120 miles round trip £50 to the driver thats 40p a mile ample money even for a primaddonna lol

So that few quid is now 10 quid. The driver does not come out with 50 quid, he has to deduct 20 quid for petrol, cost of crossing the bridge or ferry...... What about the MOT and Insurance costs, more mileage more servicing of cars the list goes on! People need to understand the costs involved in football are more then they ever thought about.

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MQ do you float around on fluffy clouds?

No one would play if they didn't want to, especially choosing to give up most of they're Saturday to travel around devon and cornwall.

If you get offered money to do something you would do for nothing, all be it "beer tokens" then your not going to turn it down are you!

So If you want to slate the lads who get paid to play look towards the payer not the receiver.

Do feel If you were a paying manager you'd be telling a different story and If you turned up on Saturday and handed out £20 to each of your players I very much doubt you'd get anything given back to you!

Ok granted their are a few exceptions who do chase the money, But I feel playing to get paid is more of a status thing to alot of lads, whether it be for a tenner or fifty a game.

But the amounts being paid are determined by firstly the clubs who set their budgets and then secondly with the manager who decides which amounts go where.

p.s MQ let me please state this comment is a generalisation and I have not mentioned your club, Before you begin another witch hunt

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People need to understand the costs involved in football are more then they ever thought about.

Everybody with a HOBBY incurs costs. What's so different about football? IT'S ONLY A HOBBY!

A stamp book or a butterfly collection is a hobby. A hobby is something that is done in his or her spare time and for NO pay!! So we have now established its not a hobby!

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People need to understand the costs involved in football are more then they ever thought about.

Everybody with a HOBBY incurs costs. What's so different about football? IT'S ONLY A HOBBY!

A stamp book or a butterfly collection is a hobby. A hobby is something that is done in his or her spare time and for NO pay!! So we have now established its not a hobby!

But if its not a hobby, what is it? Hardly a job when nominal amount received!

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