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Newquay make approach for Drummond

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According to The Packet ©

Falmouth Town manager Les Gilbert has revealed that striker Matt Drummond may be on his way to Newquay.

The club have received a seven-day approach for fit-again Drummond, who made his return to Town's starting line up for Saturday's home clash against Saltash United, which ended goalless.

Should Drummond move to Mount Wise he will link up with former Town captain Mark Vercesi, who left Bickland Park in November, weeks after the departure of Alan Carey.

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No mention that 3 Newquay players have left or are on the way to Saltash in the last few months, they have to be replaced. Two of the SWPL squad are only able to play during short returns from University, inc one in USA. Two have retired from football this season due to work, both top quality in Hampshire & Arscott, not easily replaced, another has gone to Dubai - That is 8 players effectively gone since August, how many have Newquay signed ?

Newquays budget is not even the highest in the town if the figures quoted are to be believed. If Godolphin are paying £25 or £30 a man for a win (and they do win a lot) then the amount paid out will far exceed The Peppermints over the season.

Please, don't let the facts get in the way of intelligent debate !

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Newquay have been shelling out big big money for players from all around the county for the past 2 seasons. Rumour has it (from many reliable sources) that it cost a minimum of 25k last season to win west division using players from far and wide. Plenty from Plymouth area on £50's and £60's plus, common knowledge. No way would they have dropped down a division and done the travelling for training etc for anything less. This year no different from what you hear on the grapevine from listening to players who have had offers etc and all have to travel. You dont think hooper is at newquay because he always had a soft spot for the club do you. He is there because he was promised the big bucks to get the players he wants and he will stay there as long as newquay stay good to that promise.

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I suppose I went there for the money as well did I ?

No I didn't , Newquay is a proper football club with proper people running it.

Trust me I have been approached by over half the clubs in the prem to discuss sponsorship and money making ventures as all of them have found it hard to sustain a budget of over 500 pounds per game.

Newquay Fc is massive and players join hoping to be a part Of the future, which trust me is exciting ..

Fact is I know that the first team budget is at least 10th best in the league .

Money Man

James chapman

Commercial manager Newquay Fc

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Lets say the budget was 10th best in the league. Newquay are 11th with clubs around them in better positions then them, so u could say they are underachieving. But we all no that's not the case & there is big sums of money being paid to some players who don't give a toss about the club & as mentioned above will only be there until the money runs out or they get offered something better. Newquay can do what ever business they like, & I get boared of reading about what they get up to. But the league table don't lie & they are a very average side in this league FACT!

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Good on Newquay if they have sought funds/sponsorship to build a strong squad in this league.

Having a sustainable budget to attract the big names in the region is not a bad thing. In all honesty that's what this local league has become, larger budgets are going to give the best chance of success.

Teams with small/no budget with local lads like camelford challenging for honours is a rarity, so refreshing to see them doing well

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good luck to newquay for getting the money to pay thier players, but believe me this doesnt secure loyalty. to suggest other clubs are poorly ran because they dont have a sponsor with more money than sense is unfair. there are lots of clubs like ourselves who are surviving purely on local lads and loyalty. i know im dreaming but if every club down here stopped paying these prima donnas and just played players that wanted to play for thier home town club. the leagues would look a lot different. lets see what happens when the money men get bored . i know youre going to say im jealous but believe me im not, like i said good luck to them. ive met many players in my time who will play for the biggest brown envolope, and never liked many of them. i like the honest and loyal boys far better. i wish newquay all the best in the future for as long as they can afford it. biggest english town in cornwall


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Surely it would have made more sense if the current Newquay management team took over at Bickland when Carey left!

They probably would have done if there was a shed load of money available! On second thoughts, Mr Carey wouldn't have left if there was a shed load of money available, would he?

Fair play to Newquay, if they've got the acumen to attract sponsors and want to spend (relatively) large amounts on players good luck to them. However, we are all realistic enough to know that if the sponsorship/funding dries up or disappears, the manager will be out of the door like a shot, closely followed by most, if not all, of the brown envelope brigade. Hopefully, for Newquay that won't happen.

Falmouth spent decades spending big bucks on players (even at times money they didn't have) with what seems very little effective financial control until reaching the stage that they are now in - dire! Hopefully, Robbie & Les can implement an effective youth policy and attract some of the players back to the club who felt the club weren't interested in the past.

One post script - I was reading an article in the local rag about ex-Town defender John Garwood who played in the 'Oxford United' days back in the 60's. he said that even back then there was little or no team spirit and it was all about the money. Even to the extent that Falmouth once refused to take the field (at Helston, I think) until a wage increase had been agreed - so the brown envelope brigade aren't just a modern phenomenom.

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An excellent post. Simple economics. If the club can afford to pay the money and for instance the ground is not in need of investment and the money does not need to be spent elsewhere then carry on paying the money. Unfortunately as a Town fan It doesnt appear that Falmouth stuck to these rules in the near past. Well done to Newquay for seemingly getting their house in order. I hope for their sake they can maintain their momentum because if the money runs out, on past experience many of your new signings may soon look for pastures new.

Anyway it seems that town are approaching things in a much more sensible way now and I hope thay can build on an excellent, if a little fortunate, performance against Saltash on Saturday. I have not seen fight like that from a Town team in a long time. Well done boys.


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Just a fact for you fal fans. The budget was vastly reduced in the summer. Not when mr Carey left. So talk of the new signings arriving at newquay because of money is wrong. Fal do seem to be being more realistic this season with their budget though...and may even have money left over at the moment!!!

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I really think that this all hilarious..... people always moaning about money being paid....

Some facts of local football life whether liked or not:

1. If a club has money to spend and they believe it is right to do, they will right or wrong. They do not need permission to do so!

2. Players, should they have the ability to play for paying clubs, will do so. Loyalty doesn't really come into it as if you can earn more money elsewhere, you will move!

3. Any clubs that cannot afford to pay are likely to be jealous of those clubs that can, or they have learnt lessons from burnt fingers and choose not too any more.

4. Players who are not good enough are simply jealous of better players that are being paid to play.

We live in Cornwall where the number of Step 6 (and below clubs SWPL West JCCL / ECPL) are few and good players sparse. If you look at the midlands where the number of good players out ways clubs, no money is paid for playing. It is a fact of life in Cornish football, that the better players will play for clubs that can pay money. We all go to work to earn and if a player can supplement his income by being paid to play, then good on him.

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Do newquay have plans for promotion in the future

Would it be that difficult ?, The Ladies team travel much further than Bristol in their League. It is a question of convincing players to test themselves at a higher level, not taking a whacking great big wedge for doing so. That is not to say that some recompense would not be made, but not so much that the club risks going into the red.

At the moment, the club are building for the future, how quickly that happens at first XI level depends on many things. Below that, the club are already the biggest in the County and probably this side of Bristol, it will take a few years more before the fruits are ready to be picked.

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Do newquay have plans for promotion in the future

Would it be that difficult ?, The Ladies team travel much further than Bristol in their League. It is a question of convincing players to test themselves at a higher level, not taking a whacking great big wedge for doing so. That is not to say that some recompense would not be made, but not so much that the club risks going into the red.

At the moment, the club are building for the future, how quickly that happens at first XI level depends on many things. Below that, the club are already the biggest in the County and probably this side of Bristol, it will take a few years more before the fruits are ready to be picked.

Biggest in the county.....Mmmmmm!

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Just read the Falmouth Packet. They're saying that Matt left Falmouth not for the money but because they don't have a physio and he needs professional assistance with his rehabilitation which, he says, Falmouth declined.

Les & Robbie say that this has never been mentioned in their discussions with Matt and, from quotes attributed to them they clearly that this is a feeble excuse

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Just read the falmouth packet aswell. If there are funds available like les gilbert is quoted as saying then surely (even if not asked for!) they should have made sure that a 37 year old was getting the necessary treatment for a serious injury that happened playing for their adopted club. The word "stupid" comes up in that interview but it could well have been used to describe this situation of not looking after a 35 goals a season striker!! Out of sight out of mind I suppose.

The old debate about money and loyalty arises again with players always getting stick for it but obviously here there has been no loyalty shown from the club to their top player when the going got tough. Matt probably had to have time off work aswell.

Whether he asked for help or not...thats irrelevant. Shame on Falmouth Town AFC.

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I have yet to pick up The Packet, but will this evening. Meanwhile I would like to make it clear that the policy at Falmouth Town has been, and still is, that the Club will pay for a player who has received a major injury when playing for the Club to receive private phsiotherapy. At no time has any of the Directors been approached by Matt. If he spoke to anyone at the Club and was declined that help that person has no authority within the Club to make any decision.

Vicki Ferguson

Director & Company Secretary Falmouth Town AFC Ltd

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Little Fella, I bet your a leading light in the communist party?

There is insurance for anyone who has to take time off work, ok it won't cover what anyone may earn, but it is compulsory for every club to have it in place. For many years players have known this & if they feel it's inadequate then I suggest they take out some of their own in case of an unfortunate injury. I remember when I was managing Penzance, Ron Vercesi came in & explained this to everyone in the club. It's a risk every player takes when playing our fave sport I'm afraid. Not many clubs will have anything other than the standard CCFA insurances in place I'm sure, so if you're worried about the consequences of log term or serious injury, then speak to someone like Ron, I'm sure he'd be delighted to advise anyone. I know people knock the NHS, but being probably the only country in the world with it, they do have physios who help with rehab after serious sports injuries. You may not get the attention that you would by going private, but you don't get refused, especially if you ask. As for Falmouth Town having to be ashamed, that's just another cheap swipe at the club. No mention was made to Les or myself by anyone at the club, or Matt himself regarding some physio. I'm not saying that this isn't something that we should address now that it's been brought up, but obviously nobody has asked the question until now. I'll bet 90% of clubs at our level would be in the same boat. Hats off to Newquay for having that in place, but I'd be very surprised if that's the sole reason for Matt heading off to Newquay, and certainly not a reason for you Mr Little Fella, or anyone else for that matter to slag off Falmouth Town, or indeed any other club when you only seem to want to listen to one side of a story, because one thing's for sure, unless you've spoken to everyone involved you don't know the facts.

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the club are already the biggest in the County and probably this side of Bristol

Should be no problem then being in the FA Cup and FA Vase next season! The FA would never allow these competitions to go ahead without the biggest club this side of Bristol in it! :D

Very selective edit Goldeneye. Go back and read it again !

Just for the record, the actual words used were - 'At the moment, the club are building for the future, how quickly that happens at first XI level depends on many things. Below that, the club are already the biggest in the County and probably this side of Bristol, it will take a few years more before the fruits are ready to be picked'. Whilst I shouldn't have to repeat what has been said and printed dozens of times, just for Goldeneye, I will explain.

Newquay AFC have around 600 players registered from ages 5 to Seniors, boys, girls, men and women. The club do not rely on one or two men to keep the club afloat, the main committee, the players, managers, parents and supporters are all involved in the running of the various teams and the parent club. The club are in the process of developing a multi-purpose indoor and outdoor training facility, something which will benefit the community as a whole and the club for years to come.

Medically, Newquay AFC have been supported by The Remedial & Sports Injury Clinic for as long as I can remember, but I am sure that most clubs have there own support programme for players. Insurance has not increased for decades, perhaps it should be looked at by The FA and upgraded to reflect loss of earnings, or a set amount of £150-200pw, at least that would assist with some bills.

Newquay AFC should be in the FA Vase next season, along with many other Cornish clubs that were excluded this season due to a FA rule change. The FA Cup application will follow the season after that. The club will be hoping to emulate Torpoint and Bodmin who have flown the flag for Cornwall in recent years.

If only we could get all the local football knockers to actually visit the clubs they attack online, crowds would double in some cases.

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Thanks Dave, I thought I was the only one scratching my head over the relevance of that, but for the record. Our company directors would probably say I've been retired for years! But Pingu, I'm a bit miffed that you even think I look old enough to retire! Unfortunately I'll have to keep working until I'm at least bleddy 90! Kids, women, pubs, cars, boats, and Uncle Leslie have kept me poor!!

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Just read the Falmouth Packet. They're saying that Matt left Falmouth not for the money but because they don't have a physio and he needs professional assistance with his rehabilitation which, he says, Falmouth declined.

Les & Robbie say that this has never been mentioned in their discussions with Matt and, from quotes attributed to them they clearly that this is a feeble excuse

Load of bollocks - left for the dosh.........end of.
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Very selective edit Goldeneye. Go back and read it again !

Nothing selective about it! I accept that Newquay are building for the future, but I take issue with your assertion that the club are 'ALREADY the biggest in the county and probably this side of Bristol'. I think your the selective one. :wacko:

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Rumour has it the offer of free physio treatment £80 per game and a goal bonus done the trick. Aging striker, on big money equates to "building for the future" ? Ha Ha, well funny Nemesis, keep em comin lad,(also nearly signed the Quinn on same money, "for the future" of course.

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