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Foul and Abusive language ........RESPECT.

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At todays game the away Manager screamed at the referee " You are shitting me ref , you are an absolute fu....g discrace ". To which the linesman shook his head and the Ref just looked on,

This sort of behaviour is just bringing our game down and the Officials do not have to put up with it.

So why do they ? Are they affraid of getting bad marks or getting chinned in the bar / carpark after the game ?

Come on Officials , lets here from you.

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I too took in this game as neutral and throughout both players and dugouts were shouting at the ref using foul language (as happens most weeks)

Bald one you obviously didn't hear one if the parkway midfielders call the ref a 'stupid c**t'

Too be far though the official today was poor and lacked consistency. But didn't deserve the language aimed at him (from both teams)

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The referee has the power to stop this, so my question would be why don't they? They themselves can stop a majority of the language towards them, they will never stop all of it as frustration gets the better of all of us. A word with both teams before the game and then with managers/captains from both sides together also before the game. I know having watched the Peninsula league for a few years now that the better referees do take a certain amount of verbal abuse but they make it very clear when enough is enough, they also are talking with the players all through out the game, whether it be explaining there decision or passing on comment of some sort which most players take on board. This is only my opinion tho :)

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I can't get my head around why Football can't take a leaf out the book of Rugby. For instance yesterday England scored a try against Scotland, celebrated and got ready to convert, when the assistant referee pointed out he missed a high tackle and play should be brought back for a foul. Referee said ok brought play back, disallowed the try and called the Captain over. He told the captain that he missed a foul earlier in the play and would disallow the try and bring play back. Captain said ok and set his team up ready to start again. No swearing, no tantrums nothing, just respected the decision and got on with it.

So why do we get swearing from managers & players alike abusing the referee and absolutely no respect shown?

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I can't get my head around why Football can't take a leaf out the book of Rugby. For instance yesterday England scored a try against Scotland, celebrated and got ready to convert, when the assistant referee pointed out he missed a high tackle and play should be brought back for a foul. Referee said ok brought play back, disallowed the try and called the Captain over. He told the captain that he missed a foul earlier in the play and would disallow the try and bring play back. Captain said ok and set his team up ready to start again. No swearing, no tantrums nothing, just respected the decision and got on with it.

So why do we get swearing from managers & players alike abusing the referee and absolutely no respect shown?

i'm afraid it's a reflection of society in general Mr O, little respect shown outside of football so won't be shown for 90 minutes in a competitive environment. Sad reflection on the world as a whole i'm afraid rugby maybe an exception but i'm not sure.

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No rugby isn't all sweetness and light. It's a hard, vicious game and some of the on field behaviour crosses the line

However, what you surely can't deny is that 99% of the time rugby players show more deference and respect to the referee.

By and large they show him the respect that he deserves. Why the players respect the ref so much is open to discussion, are rugby players in general more courteous,or is it that rugbys governing body will back their refs if they punish individuals ( and teams ) that disrespect them.

I don't know the answer - all I'm saying is that's how it is !

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I have recently moved from Cornwall and am now playing football in the alliance league in The Midlands and I have noticed a big difference in the way that foul and abusive language is handled compared to the way I saw in my time playing SWL and SWPL in Cornwall. An example of this is that we currently have a player on a 14 game ban for calling the ref a cheating C***. Now people, including myself might think that is harsh to the length of ban but I have to agree to him being sent off. I heard this sort of phrase and worse being used on a weekly basis in Cornwall going unpunished. It does appear that different leagues areas and standards have different ways of dealing with the level of abuse that will be taken and what punishment will be accepted. A level of consistency across the sport needs addressing! Every sport has its floors but I have to agree with other posts, surely the FA and FIFA could learn something from RFU and IRB about the strategies it uses for dealing with foul and abusive language.

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The reason that rugby players are respectful to the referee's is because they are brought up in their sport, where respect is the normal - not the abnormal. Managers, coaches, spectators have never known different than to show respect to the officials, it is coached into and observed by players their whole careers. So they learn respect from the minute they participate.

Football on the other hand teaches no respect at all. Probably the first introduction to football is from the television and the premiership, and if you think about that - I don't have to say anything else.

There is however a slight change in the way some decisions in rugby are being accepted.....so change is in the air I'm afraid.

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No rugby isn't all sweetness and light. It's a hard, vicious game and some of the on field behaviour crosses the line

However, what you surely can't deny is that 99% of the time rugby players show more deference and respect to the referee.

By and large they show him the respect that he deserves. Why the players respect the ref so much is open to discussion, are rugby players in general more courteous,or is it that rugbys governing body will back their refs if they punish individuals ( and teams ) that disrespect them.

I don't know the answer - all I'm saying is that's how it is !

There are signs that the attitudes are changing for the worse in rugby , look at some of the statements made about officials at professional level from the respective coaches of Saracens and Leicester .

As the stakes get raised in the new professional era (European qualification,promotion/relegation,new contracts and bonuses depending on refereeing decisions),then things will gradually move to that of the ones seen in football . This will in turn permeate down through the levels and age groups and will be deemed acceptable .

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No rugby isn't all sweetness and light. It's a hard, vicious game and some of the on field behaviour crosses the line

However, what you surely can't deny is that 99% of the time rugby players show more deference and respect to the referee.

By and large they show him the respect that he deserves. Why the players respect the ref so much is open to discussion, are rugby players in general more courteous,or is it that rugbys governing body will back their refs if they punish individuals ( and teams ) that disrespect them.

I don't know the answer - all I'm saying is that's how it is !

There are signs that the attitudes are changing for the worse in rugby , look at some of the statements made about officials at professional level from the respective coaches of Saracens and Leicester .

As the stakes get raised in the new professional era (European qualification,promotion/relegation,new contracts and bonuses depending on refereeing decisions),then things will gradually move to that of the ones seen in football . This will in turn permeate down through the levels and age groups and will be deemed acceptable .

Agree with that.

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How many referees have actually played the game at the level they referee ? not many referees talk to players anymore i qiet word in there ear ect ect there power mad and book happy . allso in the bar after they all stick together even when there wrong and if yu ask the linesman he says he didnt see it lol
Tricky , that has nothing to do with the foul and abusive language. I remember you when you played and when you were in the Ivybridge dugout and you were a right gob sh...
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All in all it seems the higher standard you play the more you get away with i played duchy and like someone said you swear at anybody not even the ref your off i know play ecpl and you get away with a little bit more but not much having watched a lot of peninsular football the foul language towards refs is a joke how they get away with it is beyond me

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The officials who would not tolerate bad language have all been moved up and what's left don't seem to be that fussed but what I don't understand is if you stood in the street shouting abuse like most players managers etc you would be arrested for it plus how many clubs have young supporters or ball boys listening to what's being said. How long before you don't take the kids because of it when at the end of it all there's just no need

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So rugby is all sweetness and light? Lol lets not forget 'blood gate', that certainly brought the reputation of rugby in to the gutter. Football has its bad points but these egg chases that go on about rugby being such a gentlemans sport need to open their eyes!

However the lads that play Rugby don't roll around on the floor like they just broke their leg or act like their in excruciating pain from the slightest of touches only to be back up and running around like their doing the marathon within minutes.

The saying is that Football is a gentleman's sport but is played by thugs but Rugby is a thugs sport played by gentlemen.

Maybe club's committee's should be telling their management team and players that being disrespectful and abusive to match officials whilst representing (because that's what these managers and players are doing) their club will not be tolerated because it also brings the club's that these people are allegedly representing into disrepute.

During Chris Vinnicombe's first tenure as Witheridge manager he told all his players that if anyone got booked for mouthing at the referee or any kind of dissent then he would fine them £50. Only one person ever got fined the £50 and that was Chris himself but true to his word he paid the £50 fine to show the players that he was serious about it.

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I saw two players and possibly a third booked yesterday for inappropriate comments towards the official, perhaps if the first card shown was a red, then that would be an end of it. I do think that the officials have a responsibility to present the FA Respect campaign to the players prior to kick off, if the players were all told they would be shown a red for anything deemed foul & abusive, then the players and managers would have no arguments afterwards.

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The players are all playing under the LOTG so know that if in the opinion of the referee they use offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures they will be dismissed from the field of play.

Unfortunately sometimes referees shy away from this law, others have higher tolerance levels and at some points officials do not even actually hear the language as they are moving and concentrating on getting the next big decision correct.

I believe this is something in my experience which has now begun to improve and players now appreciate being spoken to and warned about language, with most then heeding the warning.

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Its not all down to the man in the middle, The assistant referees should get involved and advise the Referee as quite rightly Bighairydave a has pointed out that the referee will probaly not always hear this as there will be too much going on on the pitch, Thats why the higher leagues have the luxury of a fourth official. My personal opinion is that we have too many leagues and if we didnt we could have the luxury of a fourth official in the SWPL Premier.

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Its not all down to the man in the middle, The assistant referees should get involved and advise the Referee as quite rightly Bighairydave a has pointed out that the referee will probaly not always hear this as there will be too much going on on the pitch, Thats why the higher leagues have the luxury of a fourth official. My personal opinion is that we have too many leagues and if we didnt we could have the luxury of a fourth official in the SWPL Premier.

Don't be daft, its mickey mouse football.....LOL.

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As a ref in the senior leagues in west cornwall we do get alot of foul an abusive language thrown at us. Yes we make mistakes and sometimes understand why things are said, but I can also show you a team sheet full of names who also make mistakes but nothing is said to them. We are all human and not robots.

Whould would happen if a feferee called a player ' your a f-ing joke' after that player missed an open goal...

I agree frustration does get the better of us which is why I give players/mangers time to cool down before I intervene. If it gets too over the top then, depending on the severity of the out burst, I would first talk to them before considering issuing a card or sending them out the tech area.

Also because we dont give fouls does not mean the it was not foul. It means we dont have enough info at that time to make a decision and I always say 'sorry player I dont know and I'm not guessing''. Like penalties.....the ref is effectivly giving a goal. If I do not know I am not guessing and I am not giving the penalty. Understandably you did get angry words thrown at you. You win some and you loose some.

I hear players alsways saying the standard of referee in cornwall is poor. There is a running joke in refereeing circles 'If I was anygood I would not be refereeing in this league' which most players still do not get the funny side of that! Its true, you do get the poor referees but good referees do not grow on trees. Knowing the laws and applying the laws are two totaly different things. The good referees are experienced enough, who has been on the grass roots pitches and made the same mistakes the 'poor' refs are making, to make all the right calls. If you want a good ref then join a club in the higher leagues.

Here is an idea of a new reality TV show. Famous pundits and ex-players become freferees. Each week they get assessed and one leaves the show. Eventualy the last 4 referee a charity match at Wembly. Should be interesting how these so professionals then see what its like being a referee.

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Football is a drug

Before the match everyone is everybodies best mate....even the ref is liked

As soon as the first whistle is blown to start the game then something in the players/manager's bain switches off. They turn into bain-dead morans...

As soon as the final whistle is blown that something is switched back on and everyone is everybodies mate again.....even the ref

Football is a beautiful game.....shame its played by idiots ( thats the 'football player' not the 'person' before you acuse me of foul and abusive language :) )

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I can't get my head around why Football can't take a leaf out the book of Rugby. For instance yesterday England scored a try against Scotland, celebrated and got ready to convert, when the assistant referee pointed out he missed a high tackle and play should be brought back for a foul. Referee said ok brought play back, disallowed the try and called the Captain over. He told the captain that he missed a foul earlier in the play and would disallow the try and bring play back. Captain said ok and set his team up ready to start again. No swearing, no tantrums nothing, just respected the decision and got on with it.

So why do we get swearing from managers & players alike abusing the referee and absolutely no respect shown?

Be careful what you wish for!!

I saw some blatent "contact with eyes or the eye area of an opponent" (eye gouging!) in a football match last night. The player that did it to the defender then scored. As in rugby the referee was not abused at all.Not even by the player that was blinded for 10 minutes!

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The issue of foul language and abuse towards referees needs to be addressed from the very top of the game first and foremost. While you have the likes of Alex Ferguson and Wayne Rooney clearly swearing at screaming at officials, you don't stand a chance of addressing the issues lower down the pyramid. Kids and immpressionanble young men see this week in week out on the TV... if it's acceptable at that level, it will be acceptable at any level.

The minute football's hierarchy decide enough is enough and clamps down on the big egos and over-paid Premier League stars, the minute we might stand of chance of changing the game at our level.

I would like to see the FA start the 2013/14 season with a statement that this type of foul language and abuse will no longer be tolerated then, the first time it happens, I'd like to see referees start pulling out some red cards. The problem will very very quickly start to solve itself. But it starts at the top gents.

This behaviour is not acceptable in society, or indeed in the workplace, so why should it be acceptable in football? It shouldn't.

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Ivy lad, I agree with you that it needs to be tackled from the very top but that does not mean that until that happens we accept it at the lower levels. I for one will red card a player in those circumstances, but, an experienced referee needs to actually hear the words clearly and also see the player say those words. To hear those words and then send off the player who the referee thinks said it is a big mistake, there is a very slim chance that a referee 50yds from the dugout in the heat of a game be able to pinpoint the actual person who used the language, this also applies in the field of play there is not alot you can do when it`s said behind your back. As to tricky ricky`s comments most managers and players do not know the experience of the match official on their games and it will make no difference to how they are treated anyhow. A quick example is that I have played and officiated at high senior level but several times I have been asked that had I only ever done kids football !. This respect campaign is a total waste of time but that is where we need to get too but it`s not working. Many good referee`s get low marks from the teams just for doing their job properly others are what I call popular referee`s and their marks reflect that, but a popular referee is not the best referee. If as a referee you send off players etc the your marks will reflect that, the amount of times on this forum I read that a player was sent off but the official made a mistake is almost every week.

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Sorry but swearing is part of the game so it tackling ! so many parties are trying to stop swearing stop tackling and the off side i wont even go there , is he interfering with play etc etc ! when they brought in the tec area and five subs named to play three i knew a manager who always named himself as a sub so he could wander down the touchline giving orders lol if he was challenged he simply replied im a named sub and im warming up and sometimes he was in his normal gear shoes etc lol ,if the swearing is on going have a word but its a contact sport i challenge any one who has just taken a clout not to react , if its verbal or not! this is were the good refs come into their own , Players get away with bone breaking tackles then someone gets pulled up because he has reacted to it , If the guys in the middle control the field at a better standard then you would not get the handbags swearing and pushing and shoving that happens , But if it does happen look at why guys what have you missed ? contact will happen on the field and between dougouts but come on if its ok at the top when the world is watching then stop making mountains out of mole hills at our level , its a cheep shot watching guys shouting then the first time it does not go their way they bring in the ref , did you hear that did you see that ! think the world of football is going mad soon it will be played with no tackling and players wearing gags !!!!!!!!!

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a good referee should be seen and not herd its difficult as a manager not to swear when the { wanna be a footballer but wasnt good enough referee } wants to be centre stage . on many occasions referees allso swear so respect must works both ways but it dosnt and it never will .

Your first remark...fair enough. The rest of the post- utter tripe.

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tricky, referee`s would all like to be seen and not heard but unfortunately some players/managers will not let them, and as to referee`s being wannabe footballers but were not good enough is absolute rubbish, most referee`s do it because they love the game ( as I do ) and it was something that kept me in the game after I finished playing. Just for info I actually played 2 levels below football league and attained that level in my refereeing before the age limit took over, so I think i am reasonably experienced and have a good idea of what I talk about. As to referee`s swearing I have to admit I have known it happen (never done it myself, and never will) but it is a very rare incident.

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tricky, referee`s would all like to be seen and not heard but unfortunately some players/managers will not let them, and as to referee`s being wannabe footballers but were not good enough is absolute rubbish, most referee`s do it because they love the game ( as I do ) and it was something that kept me in the game after I finished playing. Just for info I actually played 2 levels below football league and attained that level in my refereeing before the age limit took over, so I think i am reasonably experienced and have a good idea of what I talk about. As to referee`s swearing I have to admit I have known it happen (never done it myself, and never will) but it is a very rare incident.

Thats what I said, only more succinctly.

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a good referee should be seen and not herd its difficult as a manager not to swear when the { wanna be a footballer but wasnt good enough referee } wants to be centre stage . on many occasions referees allso swear so respect must works both ways but it dosnt and it never will .

So glad I'm a wanna be footballer that wasn't good enough so took up reffing

"I did it to put something back into the game after 25 years as a senior footballer"(And manager)

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Is there a list of words anywhere that are not acceptable? So called swear words mean nothing to me because they are just WORDS, and they are in the dictionary! Surely it's the way the referees are spoken to rather than the language used that is what the respect thing is all about. In the opening statement The Bald One says he heard 'You are s****** me ref, you are an absolute f****** disgrace'. S****** and f****** are a part of everyday language nowadays. What if he'd said 'You are toying with me ref, you are an absolute nincompoop'! What's the difference? Surely it's the aggression side of it that matters and not words that offend some people and not others. Offence is taken and not given! Referees deserve respect for what they do. And the referees that get the most respect are the ones who can distinguish between frustration and abuse.

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Is there a list of words anywhere that are not acceptable? So called swear words mean nothing to me because they are just WORDS, and they are in the dictionary! Surely it's the way the referees are spoken to rather than the language used that is what the respect thing is all about. In the opening statement The Bald One says he heard 'You are s****** me ref, you are an absolute f****** disgrace'. S****** and f****** are a part of everyday language nowadays. What if he'd said 'You are toying with me ref, you are an absolute nincompoop'! What's the difference? Surely it's the aggression side of it that matters and not words that offend some people and not others. Offence is taken and not given! Referees deserve respect for what they do. And the referees that get the most respect are the ones who can distinguish between frustration and abuse.

Spider , I see where you are coming from. The outburst above was said in an aggressive confrontational manner and I am sure that if this happened in a pub there may have been a fight. I think good refs do take into consideration frustration , but some of the noise from the dugouts are just not neccessary. The ref will not change his decission.

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Is there a list of words anywhere that are not acceptable? So called swear words mean nothing to me because they are just WORDS, and they are in the dictionary! Surely it's the way the referees are spoken to rather than the language used that is what the respect thing is all about. In the opening statement The Bald One says he heard 'You are s****** me ref, you are an absolute f****** disgrace'.

S****** and f****** are a part of everyday language nowadays. What if he'd said 'You are toying with me ref, you are an absolute nincompoop'! What's the difference? Surely it's the aggression side of it that matters and not words that offend some people and not others. Offence is taken and not given!

Referees deserve respect for what they do. And the referees that get the most respect are the ones who can distinguish between frustration and abuse.

So because its in the book of words it ok to use them!! There also alot of other words in there as you have already mentioned..... whats the diference of how you say it, so what you saying is that aplayer can say to the ref without raising his voice you a f***** disgrace and get away with it, the meaning is still the same! Maybe if that's the everyday language you hear, or use yourself is ok for you, for some it's not.
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