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Newquay vs Helston

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A game that had a pretty dire first half came to life when 5 minutes into stoppage time substitute James Miller cancelled out a Luke Whelden opener for the Peppermints. Whelden's was an opportunist shot from wide out on the left on 49 minutes.

After a brilliant reaction save by Newquay's 'keeper Sam Trudgeon and then Mark Goldsworthy hitting the post, it didn't look like Helston's night, until that Miller late, late goal.

5 minutes into extra time the game turned full circle when Goldsworthy touched home a cross from the left to put them 2-1 and Eddy went close soon after to wrapping the tie up. 5 minutes later it was all square again when Whelden made it 2-2.

The game looked to be possibly heading towards penalties when Miller finished off a quick break forward to make it 3-2 and book Helston's place in their first Senior Cup Final appearance since 1937 when they beat Truro City 4-3.

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Cracking game for the neutral of which there were plenty in the 242 crowd. Where the ref found so much injury time is anyone's guess, Alex Ferguson is still looking for his watch. Both sides had several chances to score on a very fast surface, which got slippy as the rain came in. Quite how the Helston lads didn't score in a mad 15 minute spell in the second half is still a mystery, for Helston to grab an equaliser in the 95th Min was a real killer for Newquay fans, the neutrals suddenly cheering for the Blues.

Credit to Helston for taking the lead but Newquay picked themselves up, despite looking completely knackered, Luke Weldhen pulled it back to 2-2. Helston rounded off the scoring and my prediction of 3-2 aet in a chat with a Blues player during the warm up came true, although I couldn't say which way it would go, it was always going to be too close to call.

Congratulations to Sid and the Helston boys, hope they have a great day out at Saltash and join us in the Prem next season, they will be a match for a lot of sides.

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Think the injury time was justifed...Aaron Collick had a couple of minutes treatment after the newquay opening goal plus 3 substitutions from helston 2 from newquay...just about right i would say.. cracking night!

Cracking game for the neutral of which there were plenty in the 242 crowd. Where the ref found so much injury time is anyone's guess, Alex Ferguson is still looking for his watch. Both sides had several chances to score on a very fast surface, which got slippy as the rain came in. Quite how the Helston lads didn't score in a mad 15 minute spell in the second half is still a mystery, for Helston to grab an equaliser in the 95th Min was a real killer for Newquay fans, the neutrals suddenly cheering for the Blues.

Credit to Helston for taking the lead but Newquay picked themselves up, despite looking completely knackered, Luke Weldhen pulled it back to 2-2. Helston rounded off the scoring and my prediction of 3-2 aet in a chat with a Blues player during the warm up came true, although I couldn't say which way it would go, it was always going to be too close to call.

Congratulations to Sid and the Helston boys, hope they have a great day out at Saltash and join us in the Prem next season, they will be a match for a lot of sides.

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Congrats Helston, good to see you representing the area so well. Hope to join you one day soon. Great result and brilliant to see a few ex Wendron lads doing so well. As for not been paid..I'm not so sure...but that's another story.

Excellent result for a squad and manager that deserves it. Best of luck in the final.

Wendron United FC

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Congrats Helston, good to see you representing the area so well. Hope to join you one day soon. Great result and brilliant to see a few ex Wendron lads doing so well. As for not been paid..I'm not so sure...but that's another story.

not that old chestnut rearing its head again. .as soon as a team does well everyone thinks they are being paid!

Excellent result for a squad and manager that deserves it. Best of luck in the final.

Wendron United FC

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Dobbie, not taking anything away from you guys. What Sid, Richie etc have done on and off the field for Helston is brilliant, and should be commended. Great model for success. I'm not the one who brought up money, and whether they get paid or not is their business, everyone else seems to be, and I certainly don't care. Don't want to take the shine off the victory as they are a close knit squad and one that deserves the success. Wish them all the best for the rest of the season in their trophy hunts, like I previously said, hope to follow their success in the coming seasons.

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He was up there watching with a pasty in one hand and half a pound of cheese in the other!!

Congratulations to Sid & the lads. Sounds like a heart stopping end to the game. All the best in the final, a shame dear old Patrick won't be there on Easter Monday, he would've been proud as Punch.

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Can you ask the lady at the game who was talikg her drum to Saltash on Easter monday if we can borrow it :yahoo:

Cracking game for the neutral of which there were plenty in the 242 crowd. Where the ref found so much injury time is anyone's guess, Alex Ferguson is still looking for his watch. Both sides had several chances to score on a very fast surface, which got slippy as the rain came in. Quite how the Helston lads didn't score in a mad 15 minute spell in the second half is still a mystery, for Helston to grab an equaliser in the 95th Min was a real killer for Newquay fans, the neutrals suddenly cheering for the Blues.

Credit to Helston for taking the lead but Newquay picked themselves up, despite looking completely knackered, Luke Weldhen pulled it back to 2-2. Helston rounded off the scoring and my prediction of 3-2 aet in a chat with a Blues player during the warm up came true, although I couldn't say which way it would go, it was always going to be too close to call.

Congratulations to Sid and the Helston boys, hope they have a great day out at Saltash and join us in the Prem next season, they will be a match for a lot of sides.

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Thanks for all the kind comments. Its really appreciated.

As for the not getting paid remark. I can say that I have never had a penny from Helston Football and nor would I want to. The squad is so close knit that everyone would know if lads were being remunerated and the truth is nobody gets a cent . The trouble is two fold the teams that pay out a fortune every game need to justify the fact they pay and they cant get the quality and/or the camaraderie that Helston Football Club have, Then the teams that dont pay have a jab because thats justification for not having the quality and/or camaraderie.

The truth is and I have been around football in Cornwall for several years and have been paid very well at times. Helston have something that I have never seen or experienced in 17 years of senior football. Lets not forget we have won nothing yet but even if we dont win a bean the achievements of the lads has been second to none and above all Sid has proved its possible to have a competitive team without throwing around brown envelopes likes confetti.

Over and out, Im off for a Zafiros (KFC has had its day) full English, I got a stone to put on for the final.


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As Dave Deacon has already said the first half was a drap and dull affair but from the second half onwards it was a cracking semi final. In my opinion Newquay had the stand out player on the night in Luke Weldhen. I thought he was outstanding scoring two goals, working tirelessly for his team mates and leading the line alone brilliantly. However, the man of the match or match winner was James Miller whose two finishes were of the highest order. Another important point in the game was the introduction of Dan Stidwell down the left hie pace and delivery were excellent especially for Helston's second goal scored by Mark Goldsworthy. I am sure all at Newquay will be very disappointed and to come so close to reaching the final must be hard to take at this moment in time. Well done to Helston and they played extremely well after the first half and the team spirit James talks about is easy to see on the pitch and in the dug out. Good luck to Helston in the final

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I for one am proud to be part of such an up and coming Football Club. You only need to have been in and around our team over the last couple of years to see that on the pitch we certainly can compete at a higher level but additionally off of it, the team spirit, work ethic at training and an unbelievable sense of togetherness can bear fruit without the added distraction of the dreaded 'brown envelope'! Whilst I'm on an absolute high after a thrilling win last night, I'm also gutted that I won't be able to make it to Saltash on Easter Monday to see us take our place in the Cornwall Senior Cup Final. Play well lads, do yourselves proud and I'll be watching from afar!!

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Some very valid, decent and accurate comments and debate following last nights semi final. I personally think Jimbo has summed this cup tie up spot on and Id like to wish all at Helston FC the very best in the Senior Cup final as they have certainly earnt the priviledge to be there on easter Monday.

Just a quick mention too for both sets of fans and the neutral fans as they all certainly played their part in creating a brilliant atmosphere last night at Treyew Rd.

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Unfortunatly the not being paid remark is very true!!! Just goes to show you don't need to lash out loads of money to get to the best cup final in Cornwall. Well done lads.

WRONG!!!!! The best cup final in Cornwall is the junior cup. As for not being paid ! benefit in kind the taxman calls it.

However all the best to Helston in the final - depending who they're playing.

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appreciate all the good said about us on here. Cheers for a great night Truro city FC aswell on behalf of us all at Helston!

Thank you CJ. It was a pleasure to play host to such a match (as it turned out!). Mind, I can't really speak for TCFC: I'm just the announcer; but for me it was originally something I was going to do as the club was hosting the semi and I'm their announcer. It turned out to be a complete joy, with so much drama. I was particularly grateful to the young lady from Newquay next to me who assisted with identifying the Newquay subs as they came on. Well, told me who they were rather than merely assisting! I hope both sets of fans got something from the game. Obviously Helston's did but I hope Newquay's accepted that they had lost a truly thrilling match (forget the 1st half!) which was a credit to the Peninsula League and the County.

Shame there weren't more from the CCFA in evidence and why didn't they do a 50/50 to raise some funds for - well, a football charity or the like. I hope what I did was appreciated because I appreciated the privilege of being there! Will there be the same atmosphere at Wadebridge tonight, or at Saltash on Easter Monday? I hope so. I hope TCFC have set a standard for hosting the event. Shame and embarrassment about the last time but that is firmly in the past. Good luck to Helston: away, the underdogs!

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appreciate all the good said about us on here. Cheers for a great night Truro city FC aswell on behalf of us all at Helston!

you can be assured the helston fans will do there part in recreating the atmosphere of last night...what a cracking nail biting night it was

Thank you CJ. It was a pleasure to play host to such a match (as it turned out!). Mind, I can't really speak for TCFC: I'm just the announcer; but for me it was originally something I was going to do as the club was hosting the semi and I'm their announcer. It turned out to be a complete joy, with so much drama. I was particularly grateful to the young lady from Newquay next to me who assisted with identifying the Newquay subs as they came on. Well, told me who they were rather than merely assisting! I hope both sets of fans got something from the game. Obviously Helston's did but I hope Newquay's accepted that they had lost a truly thrilling match (forget the 1st half!) which was a credit to the Peninsula League and the County.

Shame there weren't more from the CCFA in evidence and why didn't they do a 50/50 to raise some funds for - well, a football charity or the like. I hope what I did was appreciated because I appreciated the privilege of being there! Will there be the same atmosphere at Wadebridge tonight, or at Saltash on Easter Monday? I hope so. I hope TCFC have set a standard for hosting the event. Shame and embarrassment about the last time but that is firmly in the past. Good luck to Helston: away, the underdogs!

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