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Was told today that Krac was having time out as he wasnt getting the buzz from playing. I am a big fan of that lad and always say to my lad about his work rate on and off the ball. The lad is to good not to be involved and i hope that changes. Hope i was told the correct information. Sorry if not.

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Of course he will have a game or two off anyway for his red card on Wednesday.

Whether the suggestion is true or not, I have to admit he hasn't been quite the influence in the last couple of Bodmin games that I've watched (the two cup ties against Gornal and Penryn) recently. Hopefully he'll be back soon fully enthused and ready to join in picking up all those trophies probably heading the way of Bodmin :)

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Of course he will have a game or two off anyway for his red card on Wednesday.

Whether the suggestion is true or not, I have to admit he hasn't been quite the influence in the last couple of Bodmin games that I've watched (the two cup ties against Gornal and Penryn) recently. Hopefully he'll be back soon fully enthused and ready to join in picking up all those trophies probably heading the way of Bodmin :)

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Christ beaker,

Your ruthless!!you sound like a true supporter..... not!

A player of your beloved team decides he wants a break and you've hung, drawn and quartered him within the week!

From what i've been hearing he's not the only one struggling for motivation at Bodmin.

Lets see if your not missing him next season when your supporting a mid table side with half the players from this season and a new manager.

Im sure if you spoke to Gilby and aired you opinion, he'd tell you you were talking sh1t!

I for one think that if a team has won everything for a number of years and has no desire to move up then eventually players will get "bored" I mean there didint seem to be much celebration on reaching a cup final wednesday night did there?

I predict big changes are on the horizon for Bodmin

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heavy piches dont go down well with his type of ball play more suited to to dryer pitches him and hobbs and a few other well known players allways get sent off in the heavy conditions they never seem to get sent off in aug or sept or april !!! great player to watch tho.

I had to read this post twice just to believe my eyes!!!!

Are you seriously suggesting some players get sent off only on heavy pitches??? I'd be interested to hear who only gets sent off on dry pitches??

Is it the case that if the pitch is muddy this forces a player to hand ball?..... I think not!

I suggest to you Tricky Ricky, that your as bad a pundit as you were a player!!

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Mockey J, Truro City will not be travelling round London next season & are you insinuating the Bodmin pay the same packet as Truro. If you do I think its time you start living in the real world.

your telling me truro r paying big bucks don't make me laugh also why wud he want 2 get beat every week cus can't see truro getting good enough squad to challenge next season either
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Yeah - I can't for the life of me see why any player wouldn't want to test himself at as high a level as possible.......

Mockey J, Truro City will not be travelling round London next season & are you insinuating the Bodmin pay the same packet as Truro. If you do I think its time you start living in the real world.

your telling me truro r paying big bucks don't make me laugh also why wud he want 2 get beat every week cus can't see truro getting good enough squad to challenge next season either
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50 pence head i was suggesting the skillfull type of players that they are there abilty and and close ball control isnt as good as it is in better weather there for frustration comes in .

in better weather there first toush is better and confidance is on a high .as for me as a player who was very much like them i allso liked and preferd the dryer conditions when i played in southern , devon , western , southwestern , and p @ d .


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Kracy boy , have a break this season and come back to Parkway next season. We have several good young players who could learn a lot from you and develop further. It would be great to see you centre mid teaming up with the lad Dawe.

Think about it as giving something back to football ( perhaps ) !

I can see the headline now " KRAC is BACK" .................. lol. :yahoo:

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