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Guest Monty

I hope all those players do well at TIVERTON,great club and great history and Ramsey is spot on with us officials. Also nice to see players who have done exceptionaly well in the SWPL step up and have a crack and if it dosent work out they can always step back down. Good luck.

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Do people think these players will make the grade at this level?

Certainly good to see them having a go. I'll be particularly interested to see how Shane Krac gets on as he was certainly too good for SWPL. Although didn't see too much of defender John Heveran last season, he always gets good reports and will be testing his ability more, while Adam Carter - proved prolific over recent seasons in the SWPL with his goals tally, very strong on the ball, but mobility perhaps the question mark. What do you reckon mockey? But to repeat myself, I'm glad to see them having a go. At least this way they will soon find out.

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i think kraccy hevs and wrighty need and deserve the challenge and look forward to seeing a game

as far being out of depth , i recall seeing claude davis enter premiership football and his level was clear to see

if they dont cut it im sure it would show but feel confident their futures are safe going up from swpl

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Carter will struggle for goals. Not Mobile enough, its a step up in fitness and what they would expect from you regarding work rate. He wont get away with walking around the pitch when his team doesn't have the ball. I'm Sure Krac will prove himself if he doesn't try and over do it. Tho i'm not sold on Hevaran, Admittedly superb in the air, but struggles with pace, and you can definitely count on there being a lot of pace in that league.

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Guest Monty

Very Over rated league, Tiverton have been a sleeping giant in this league for years. The players i have seen over the past season at Tiverton have done well and are no different in class with the CSWPL lads that are stepping up, obviously its a bit more serious and pre season will be of a good test and no doubt over time these lads will do the buisness. But i dont see any of these new signings finding it a struggle.

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I think Monty could be right. I've watched a few games in this league and the standard doesn't differ too far from the CSWPL. I can't see too many of the boys struggling in this league, but with the amount of signings they seem to be making, they may even struggle to consistently play. Even though the money seems to be there, is it worth the hassle of travelling for training and away games every week if that's the case. Love for money, or football would be shown if this was the case.

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Can't see any of these lads being there for a long time in my opinion, even if they play well enough. Think they will find the travelling a pain and the enjoyment sapped from clocking up all those miles.

Wish them all the best however and hope they can prove a point as i think in Wright, Heveran and Krac Tivvy have picked up excellent players.

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Do people think these players will make the grade at this level?

Certainly good to see them having a go. I'll be particularly interested to see how Shane Krac gets on as he was certainly too good for SWPL. Although didn't see too much of defender John Heveran last season, he always gets good reports and will be testing his ability more, while Adam Carter - proved prolific over recent seasons in the SWPL with his goals tally, very strong on the ball, but mobility perhaps the question mark. What do you reckon mockey? But to repeat myself, I'm glad to see them having a go. At least this way they will soon find out. I reckon they will all do alright swpl teams always seem to beat western prem sides in vase and fa cup
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It's easy to judge from the sidelines and say there isn't that big a difference. Just like all these east Cornwall and P&D players/managers/supporters do. It's not untill you play in the games you realise the difference, I hope I'm wrong by I can't see Tiverton being a force in Southern league SW1 is it ?.

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i played for Tonbridge in in 1991 beazer homes the standard wasnt much better then south western league in them days . same as now step up isnt much better but they will get more time on the ball because there first touch will be a lot better good look to cracky hevs wrighty ect ect .if johny c is chucking his money about up there then why not take the cash ? but i promise you this he wont last untill xmas then im sure the lads will come back to local football

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The Standard isnt that much better?

Ive played in step 5 in the Hellenic League and also Midland Alliance in the last 2 years aswell as the Step 4 Southern League this season, and i would say there is a definite increase in standard.......

Teams are more organised, have more pace about them and although you do have a little more time on the ball things happen a lot quicker and like any step up, you get punished a lot more often than the league below when you allow the opposition a chance.....

From what i have see, the SWPL prem is really a step 5 league in terms of quality rather than step 6 as it officially is, so the top players in the league will no doubt be able to step up and do well but they will not have the same impact that they had this season unless they improve....which they may do, as they will be playing with and against better players than before.

As someone mentioned, its easy to say from the sidelines how bad a standard something is but once you get out there its totally different......i watch League 2 a lot live and the standard looks no different to what i play in most weekends but im pretty sure if i went out there id be miles off, things would be happening far too quickly for me.

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Fair play to Krac, Heveran, Wright and Carter for making the step up and trying themselves at that standard and i hope they do well. They all have quality in their locker and weather its enough to play at that standard only time will tell. My only concern is that at some point during the season there is going to come a time where they might find themselves on the bench for what ever reason, will they be happy travelling all that way to find out they are on the bench, and thats just for the home games, what about the trips to Didcot and Evesham to name a few??? Its ok turning up at Parkway or Bodmin and finding out you aint starting, but when you

make a 6 hour round trip, if you find out you aint playing, thats when the test comes.

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Just like to wish them all the best and hope they do well, some people are fools if u think the standard isn't going to be different of course it is the higher you go up the ladder the better quality players you play against SIMPLE! Anyway all the best lads


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