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Falmouth Town Pre-season Training

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Pre-season training will begin on Monday 24th June, and will be every Monday & Wednesday from there on. 6.45 at Bickland to change, then the short walk upto Union Corner. Players from last season will receive an Email with a full schedule of what we'll be doing at every session. Steve Winnan & Tom Whipp are organising the whole thing, and having seen what they have planned, it's looking very professional and I'm very impressed.

Bickland Park is looking superb after the pitch being revamped. A great place to play football.

Any new players are more than welcome to come along & those interested who would like me to Email you a copy of our training schedule, then feel free to contact me on 07795 425552.

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Pre-season training will begin on Monday 24th June, and will be every Monday & Wednesday from there on. 6.45 at Bickland to change, then the short walk upto Union Corner. Players from last season will receive an Email with a full schedule of what we'll be doing at every session. Steve Winnan & Tom Whipp are organising the whole thing, and having seen what they have planned, it's looking very professional and I'm very impressed.

Bickland Park is looking superb after the pitch being revamped. A great place to play football.

Any new players are more than welcome to come along & those interested who would like me to Email you a copy of our training schedule, then feel free to contact me on 07795 425552.

Robbie is anything going to be done about the shelter at the bottom end of the ground ? as it is in a dangerous state & could end up falling onto spectators, also the surrounds in Winter time get very muddy & slippery to walk on.

Also Can Falmouth not get a grant from the lottery fund, or FA, to improve the ground facillities & Finally there was talk about Falmouth FC joining with Falmouth School to built a new stadium at the Hospital site if it could be brought from the NHS, Financed by selling Bickland Park, any news on this please, But good luck to the Town this Coming season you are both doing a great job in getting Falmouth Town back to where it belongs


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Hi Hammers.Firstly, I can't really comment on any future plans to move away from Bickland, as I don't know anymore than anyone else?

As for the ground, we will be looking at remedial repairs, and I am aware of the state of the sheltered areas. Obviously time is a limited commodity for myself, as it is for most of us, but I will at least try & make those areas safe. Anyone who has some spare time would be most welcome to pitch in. Anyone can get hold of myself on 07795 425552 to find out when anything will be going on at the ground. I have a week off work in July, and will be putting a few hours in then, as well as some time in the forthcoming weekends.

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Hi Hammers.Firstly, I can't really comment on any future plans to move away from Bickland, as I don't know anymore than anyone else?

As for the ground, we will be looking at remedial repairs, and I am aware of the state of the sheltered areas. Obviously time is a limited commodity for myself, as it is for most of us, but I will at least try & make those areas safe. Anyone who has some spare time would be most welcome to pitch in. Anyone can get hold of myself on 07795 425552 to find out when anything will be going on at the ground. I have a week off work in July, and will be putting a few hours in then, as well as some time in the forthcoming weekends.

Thank you Robbie, as for TOIGTBIW, he talks a load of rubbish so know doubt like me you will ignore his stupid comments,

yours Hammers

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Bickland is still the best, most charismatic and atmospheric ground in the county whatever state it is now in unlike Kernick who had a nice pitch many seasons ago now to go with their 30 all seater stand hey Mr Baker!!? Good luck to Falmouth and Penryn, two great clubs apart from the odd balls here and there who do your head in talking shite all the time.

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Bickland is still the best, most charismatic and atmospheric ground in the county whatever state it is now in unlike Kernick who had a nice pitch many seasons ago now to go with their 30 all seater stand hey Mr Baker!!? Good luck to Falmouth and Penryn, two great clubs apart from the odd balls here and there who do your head in talking shite all the time.

Agree with all of that. Well said that man, made me laugh anyway. BUT, its still a hole in the ground, a very nice hole, but a hole.
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A hole in the ground it possibly is ,penryn on the other hand is just that,a hole!

Putting my post in context, which a few obviously have not, the post refers to the assumption of its value in relation to the purchase of the old hospital site.

As I have said before,Bickland park will always be the best venue to watch football, because, it is a hole in the ground...think amphitheatre, I do despair at times, brain in gear time for a few.

As for Penryn, what have I or my post to do with Penryn ?????? or the person who everyone keeps referring too ???? I have never said who I am, some-one suggested a name many posts back alluding to that person and you all jumped on it, well keep jumping....... and guessing. He, will keep playing along, I know.

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