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Liskeard need help behind the scenes!

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Sadly this seems to be becoming a more common problem. St.Austell were there a few years ago (and in financial problems as well) but have come out of it a much stronger club on and off the pitch BUT it takes hard work and a good sized committee preferably with some older and younger members with different skills to offer.

In the League, at the moment it's Coventry in a mess and the supporters suffering. Football isn't about pratt's like Suarez it's about Clubs and their supporters whether professional or at SWPL level. Good luck to Liskeard and other struggling clubs...as a St.Austell supporter I remember what it's like to think your club might fold.

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I'm afraid its the sign of the times. Younger people are just not coming through to help out clubs. Sometimes its the club itself which is the problem in over riding the youngsters concerns or the younger ones are here today and gone tomorrow if they don 't get their own way. Football at this level needs its supporters to help.

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very sad to see but im afraid it wont be the last club to fall into trouble . the crowds just are not there, the quality of player not there . when you see some clubs chucking 80 to 100 pound a game to players and only 30 0dd people turn up to watch it doesnt take long to do the maths . sad to see a great club like liskeard struggle

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If and I do mean If, Liskeard have to lose a side, it will be a disappointment for the players who will be spread to the four corners of the SWPL or ECPL.

What concerns me is that Millbrook, Dartmouth and Hayle have already dropped down by folding the SWPL side or moving them down to a lower league, I hope that Liskeard if they are forced into such a decision, keep the SWPL side and not the other way around. Former Western League Champions, a glorious past in Cornish footballing circles, it would be such a shame to lose them.

Good luck to The Blues, hope to see you on Saturday !

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Since this league was formed a few years ago many teams have withdrawn and I am wondering whether the membership cost of belonging to the swpl league is too much. I do not know what the figure is but I am sure it is a great deal more than the old sw league. Also there is the cost of the officials and I am sure their fees could be trimmed slightly ! Just food for thought because the way things are going at present, I can see within 5 years there will be only a half dozen or so clubs playing senior football, not enough to even form a league. The playing budget has to be trimmed and perhaps players are now becoming aware that the days playing just for money are over.

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BIG AL - Liskeard have stated it is NOT a financial issue, it is a lack of volunteers and committee members to help out.

As for a Cornish League, we already have one, it is known as SWPL Div 1 West, although they do allow the odd strangers from just over the border in on occasions. Of course if your team is any good or has a little faith in playing a better standard, they could try and get into what was known as the South Western League, it used to cover teams from Penzance to Exeter and beyond upto Cullompton and Tiverton, so for those who miss the good old days, it is back, they now call it SWPL Premier Division.

Hopefully Liskeard will have got some bodies on board, ex-players etc to keep both sides playing at Lux Park.

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If people really do want a Cornish league then get off your backsides and do something about it!

If you're not prepared to do this, then let those people who are get on with it regardless of where they might live without direct or indirect digs on here.

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Very few players show loyalty to a club.

But on the flip side to that, very few managers show loyalty to players which in turn helps create the above situation. How many players can say they have played for 1 or 2 swpl clubs? Most of the lads these days move at the drop of a hat for an extra fiver.

Cornwall teams should play in Cornish league.

Wupass, what do you suggest people get off their backsides and do exactly?

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The South Western League was formed in 1951 but foundation dates of the member clubs range from the 1880s to 1980s. The league disbanded in 2007, with a merger with the Devon County League to form a new league covering the whole of Devon and Cornwall called the South West Peninsula League. The Premier Division is at Step 6 of the National League System, feeding directly into the Premier Division of the Western League.

There isn't going to be a "Cornish League". :)

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Very few players show loyalty to a club.

But on the flip side to that, very few managers show loyalty to players which in turn helps create the above situation. How many players can say they have played for 1 or 2 swpl clubs? Most of the lads these days move at the drop of a hat for an extra fiver.

Cornwall teams should play in Cornish league.

Wupass, what do you suggest people get off their backsides and do exactly?

Surely that was obvious? Get off their backsides, spend 7 plus hours a day working for virtually nothing, form a step 6 league just in Cornwall and then everyone will be happy, apparently.
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sorry to hear of liskeards problems but i am afraid lots more clubs are or will be in the same boat .as people have to work longer hours and different shift patterns to make ends meet .also lots of clubs have their older club servants but as age catches up and they retire from club duties younger people are reluctant to take their places on commitiies ,this could be due to apathy or some stalwarts set in their ways and not welcolming young people on board ,these are just my own personal opinions and not aimed at any club or persons

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sorry to hear of liskeards problems but i am afraid lots more clubs are or will be in the same boat .as people have to work longer hours and different shift patterns to make ends meet .also lots of clubs have their older club servants but as age catches up and they retire from club duties younger people are reluctant to take their places on commitiies ,this could be due to apathy or some stalwarts set in their ways and not welcolming young people on board ,these are just my own personal opinions and not aimed at any club or persons

But you are quite correct on the second part.

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sorry to hear of liskeards problems but i am afraid lots more clubs are or will be in the same boat .as people have to work longer hours and different shift patterns to make ends meet .also lots of clubs have their older club servants but as age catches up and they retire from club duties younger people are reluctant to take their places on commitiies ,this could be due to apathy or some stalwarts set in their ways and not welcolming young people on board ,these are just my own personal opinions and not aimed at any club or persons

Head meet nail !


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Why has this problem come up just as the season is about to start?

Surely this should have been addressed in the close season or have people left the club in the lurch at the last minute.

There are usually a handfull of individuals at most clubs that work their socks off but if you lose one or two it seems almost impossible to fill the gaps.

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Some interesting points being raised, unfortunately the problem of volunteers s pandemic to all grass roots football, it's nearly impossible to get young players to stay with a club for 2 seasons let alone being in you get committee members to inject fresh ideas and enthusiasm, the soul is being sucked out if grass roots football through poor direction and lack of investment from the FA.

Would a Cornish league work? For me no, Cornwall is already geographically isolated from the rest of the footballing world, having an insular league would further isolate Cornwall and restrict more ambitious clubs, yes the cost of travelling etc would be reduced but at what cost.

Since arriving in Cornwall in April I've been pretty staggered at the amount of money thrown at pretty average players in as far down as combination league, which is just crazy. This culture starts with the premier league and has filtered down, creating a culture of buying success and eroding player loyalty, unfortunately I can't see it changing and this in turn affects supporters and potential volunteers from coming forward, because there are great servants of clubs but when you see all your hard work cancelled out due to someone splashing cash it has to be demoralising.

Football at grass roots level is very difficult beast to manage and maintain, I wish Liskeard all the best and hope that there is some people who come forward to support what is a geeat club.

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Since arriving in Cornwall in April I've been pretty staggered at the amount of money thrown at pretty average players in as far down as combination league, which is just crazy.

Totally agree Savo. I think all the clubs at SWPL and below should stop paying players, as I class it as a hobby at that level! If the clubs stop playing what are the players going to do - stop playing? If they do it just shows how little they love the game? I wish Liskeard all the very best and hope that they can find some more volunteers. I would like to think there are some ex-players in their 50's & 60's, who enjoyed good times with the club, willing to help out.

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Since arriving in Cornwall in April I've been pretty staggered at the amount of money thrown at pretty average players in as far down as combination league, which is just crazy. This culture starts with the premier league and has filtered down, creating a culture of buying success and eroding player loyalty, unfortunately I can't see it changing and this in turn affects supporters and potential volunteers from coming forward, because there are great servants of clubs but when you see all your hard work cancelled out due to someone splashing cash it has to be demoralising.

Unfortunately this is so true of my own club. We have lost good loyal men as a result. Got burnt once before and it will happen again.

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Payments to players in Cornwall and in particular to bring players in from Plymouth, has been going on for 100+ years. It is well documented in local football history books. Let's not pretend that it is anything new in these parts, there are many Cornish clubs who actually turned professional in the 1950's, although crowds were on average 10 times what they are now - no TV, tourists, surfing or folk working on Saturdays in those days.

Anyway, looking forward to visiting Lux Park again tomorrow, good luck to Liskeard in finding the help they need off the pitch.

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Savo - Bang on mate.

Nemesis - You may well be a controversial individual, but I bet most clubs would love to have two or three " clubmen " like yourselves beavering away in the background. Individuals such as yourself are becoming rarer.

As someone whose days of involvement are behind me ( and I've done it all in the past, at a lower level admittedly ) I restrict myself to watching a few games and whilst the old " it was better in my day " adage isn't true, I do believe that players are now getting "expenses " for playing when that standard of player would have paid to play twenty / thirty years ago.

I've said it before on here that I just couldn't give up my valuable time and effort working behind the scenes and then see a carload of players swan down from Plymouth ( no offence ) play, drink one pint in the clubhouse and shoot back to the Barbican with the money I grafted to raise stuck in their arse pocket

From the obvious problems at Liskeard ( and probably others ) it would appear I'm not alone

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Some interesting points raised and discussed here. I have to say that my phone has been red hot since the club made its statement and most comments are positive but there are a few stupid rumours like

"emergency meeting called to discuss withdrawing a team" and

"it will cost £2500:00 to withdraw"

The club are clearly making a plea for more help behind the scenes and we need input on match days with the day to day tasks. Thanks for all of the positive comments and watch this space, come and join a club with a prestigious past and hopefully a healthy future.


This is about help not finance!!


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