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Cornwall Football Forum

Saltash United v St Blazey - Sat 10th August - Appeal to Supporters

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This is an appeal to supports of both clubs who may be attending the game at Kimberley Stadium on Saturday.

I will be travelling back down to Saltash to attend this game and am delighted to be collecting a set of shirts kindly donated by Saltash United for my appeal on behalf of the Kits4Causes charity,


If any supporters attending the game have any old shirts they could donate I would only be too glad to accept them.

This is a comment made on the Pie & Bovril Junior Football Forum:

"Its nice to think that some wee guy's or lassie's 1st fitba tap could be a Rob Roy, Pollok or Talbot shirt etc. I am sure they will treasure it, albeit the terrible circumstances some of the poor souls will be in life. Hope it brightens up their life for at least that moment."

The same equally applies to Saltash United, St Blazey, SWPL shirts as well as any pro clubs tops.

If you are able to assist with this appeal please bring anything you have to the game.

Many thanks.

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Thought I would add this from the kits4causes website to underline what a simple donation of a shirt can do.

Our Aims

The primary aim of Kits4Causes is very simple. We want to help as many charities as possible achieve their aims through the use of football and the donated football kits we distribute.

Football is loved the world over, however it is the sad case that there are many people around the world who are not able to experience it like many of us in more economically developed countries can. Football can provide the vital connection needed for charities to get their point across, and the football kits become the incentive, breaking down stubborn social and cultural barriers to many issues experienced all over the world. Throwing money alone at these issues will not solve them.

“Sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else can.” - Nelson Mandela

We also aim to educate people within the UK on the potential for social development through football. We want to show the inherent power of football to make a real difference. We aim to create an appreciation for the life that many of us live in, whilst also showing how football can bring us together in the UK, regardless of gender, race or religion.

Football really does provide a real incentive for change, and we aim to work with any organisation based that recognises the use of football for social change. So far we have:

  • Helped to break-down the enshrined stigma of HIV/AIDs via the use of football, tackling HIV/AIDs head on via the use of preventive education.
  • Helped to bring warring communities together, playing an active role in the South Sudan as well as in Northern Nigeria between Christian and Muslim communities.
  • Helped to increase the importance of education, increasing attendance at schools.
  • Helped to widen the reach of health education provided by organisations.
  • Put a smile on the faces over 13000 people and brought them a bit of joy and happiness.
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