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The new Peninsula League

Guest Postie Pidge

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So far so good from what i have seen! Clubs, officials and supporters at home and away matches seem much more in control. More orgainsation can clearly be seen throughout, as the rules have made us do so, and that has helped a great deal. Bounderies and restrictions pushes people harder to do stuff but in the best of ways.

BUT i think that some of the teams that have been in this league for many years will be in for a tough season from looking at the results that have happened already!

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Obviously I see this league from a distance (Bradford!), but from what I have seen, the positives far outweigh the negatives.

For far too long, clubs like St Blazey, Falmouth, Liskeard and Bodmin had been operating in a detached "step 7" league, when in reality the football was more like step 5. The re-structuring has brought Cornish football in line with the rest of the country.

My only hope is that the clubs that finish top of the SWPL do have a crack at the Western league and beyond. The problem is, of course, as it always has been, and always will be, the cost and time needed for travelling.

As St Blazey showed on Saturday (and St Blazey are a team who will probably finish mid-table in the SWPL) Cornish clubs can compete well even with step four clubs.

I am convinced that Truro City don't need to be the only club making headlines in Cornwall. Yes, the SWPL is great, but it should not be the be all and end all - it should be a platform for greater success. My hope is that the SWPL doesn't become stuck in a rut and detached from the pyramid in the same way that the SWL did.

My big surprise about the top division is 1) that Torpoint qualified and 2) that they are doing so flippin well!

I think the div 1 west is just as exciting. It has enabled the smaller SWL clubs to go into the league right for them and have a crack at joining the big boys next year. It also let step 8 clubs who have long held ambitions go into a league which is right for them.

So then, any thoughts? Am I still completely ludicrous in thinking Cornish clubs should attempt to follow Truro City up through the leagues, or is money still too big a factor?

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:drink: I am sure that some of the ECPL and Combination sides that have moved into the new league will find it hard to compete with the majority of the clubs that have played in the old CSWL.

They may adjust as the season progresses but a few are struggling to come to terms with the higher standard as the early results are showing.

Is there relegation from the new set up this season?

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for the clubs like mousehole , hayle , camelford etc it is good and for the teams like blazey , bodmin, falmouth etc it is good........

but for the teams taht have stayed in div 1 west (and east i expect) it feels like relegation, especialy with the teams supplying there own linesman, because , i know this may start a debate about "people giving up there saturdays to run teh line unpaid " bla bla bla, but alot of the club linos do cheat, its fact, whether its in jnr footy, ecpl, combo or now swpl1 some do cheat, and even the 1s that dont cheat theres always the thought in the back of your head as to were you actually offside or not, and it forces the frontmen to play further back.

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At the end of the day in an ideal world there would be 3 officials for every game, although I doubt if many clubs could afford it.

Foxhole paid in excess of £90.00 last week.

If you also had to rent your pitch like say Biscovey add on another £40.00 a game.

So for the majority of clubs that don't have major sponsorship it would not be affordable.

So using club linesmen is the only option for the majority.

To say that a lot of club linesmen cheat is in my opinion not the case.

The majority probably make mistakes due to lack of knowledge or fitness but that is the price you pay for having to use volunteers.

Even when you do have neutral officials they are not always infallable!

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My big surprise about the top division is 1) that Torpoint qualified and 2) that they are doing so flippin well!

Torpoint qualified by finishing above Penryn and Newquay and thanks to Porthleven withdrawing their application.

The team were actually sixth on "current form" over the last ten games of last season. So I'd say, given that late run of results, promotion was deserved. :D

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It's all about finding your own level. Some clubs will find it difficult at the top end but that is to be expected. What is exciting is that there is now a route to follow if clubs can afford it and want it. For to long the Western Leage Division One was in the way of progression.

What clubs must not do is go beyond their means. If they do generate a good income or have a generous benefactor then who are we to deny them their opportunity.

As I said - stay within your means and you will be ok. Go for broke on the basis that success will bring in lots of income then think again. You must have a support base and income. Then you have a chance.

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I have mixed feelings about the whole re-structuring of the leagues having had a few weeks to digest the changes.

Looking at it from our point of view at wadebridge it has been a big blow to our ambitions to play at the highest level simply because we had one bad season out of the last six when we never finished out of the top half and there were obvious reasons for that.

We have lost a few players, our gates are down and the standard of football i think is probably between East Cornwall/Comination & the old SWL and with only one team to be promoted its not going to be easy to get out of this league.

Our local derby will be Camelford instead of Bodmin Town and that is absolutely not disrespect to Camelford as it is great for them and they are playing really well and i predict them to be in the top half of the league. If teams like ourselves who have been in the SWL since it began don't get promotion will we lose all our best players to the top Penninsula league ??

I think the old SWL was already at level 6 standard at least so why didn't the top Devon teams apply to go into the SWL instead of playing in the Devon league and develop the leagues like that. I am sure that some of the Devon teams are not as good as some of us who have been relegated.

We were also told that every club had to have certain facilities, floodlights etc to be accepted into the top league; if every club has not fulfilled these criteria within 2 years will they be relegated; ironically we have put our onus on improving our facilities before paying big money ;hopefully we will be proved right.

Another question i would like to be answered is what will happen if the 2 teams relegated from the premier league both come from the East or from the West what league will they go in.

I am sorry if this seems a bit negative but its only my perspective of what it could mean at Wadebridge ;obviously for teams that have improved their standard i think its great and i wish them all the very best of luck.

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Guest crosser

Another question i would like to be answered is what will happen if the 2 teams relegated from the premier league both come from the East or from the West what league will they go in.

the east/west border is not fixed and these division will be decided at the start of the new season, so clubs on the devon/cornwall border could find themselves playing west one season then east the next depending on who is relegated.

kind of agree with your other points though unfortunately last season was a winner takes all situation and everybody knew at the start of the season where you needed to finish in the league to get premier division football unforunately their were established swl sides that did'nt get there as well as other's that did'nt want to get there. I'm happy that torpoint managed to make it as I said before the season ended division 1 east/west are going to be hard divison's to get out of. and the longer it takes the worse of you will be, just wondering if pothleven will ever regret not taking it when it was rightfully theirs.

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I am sure that some of the Devon teams are not as good as some of us who have been relegated.

If this is true then the Devon (11) vs Cornwall (7) imbalance will be sorted in the coming seasons. i.e. If both Premier division clubs to be relegated are from the old Devon League and replaced by one each from Cornwall & Devon then in two seasons time the Premier make up will be 11 / 11

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You've not accounted for promotion; a scenario where a Cornish side wins Premier and goes to Western League, but the side that comes down from Western League isn't within the Peninsula League geographically.

Would there then be scope for two Cornish teams to go up from Div. One West, e.g. three in total when taking into account the Div. One East winners as well?

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Guest Postie Pidge

A concern that I have voiced on an earlier reply is that players are allowed to sign for 3 or 4 teams and 2 or 3 different clubs. This results in players being involved in up to 3 games per week. What will happen to the cup competitions and when will the league step in and do someting about it??

I might be missing the point but players can only sign for one Peninsula League club.

Blackie - Years ago Wadebridge vs Camelford used to attract crowds of 3-4,000!

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Guest crosser

I am sure that some of the Devon teams are not as good as some of us who have been relegated.

If this is true then the Devon (11) vs Cornwall (7) imbalance will be sorted in the coming seasons. i.e. If both Premier division clubs to be relegated are from the old Devon League and replaced by one each from Cornwall & Devon then in two seasons time the Premier make up will be 11 / 11

the original statement was i believe true at the time of devon league/SWL era unfortuntely some of the better cornish SWL sides that did not gain premier league status, will now struggle to field a strong side and within a couple of years this scenario will get worse as the old devon league side's get stronger in the premier league and the old cornish SWL side's get weaker in division 1 west.

Where the SWL league side's dipped out was that they had a mixture of devon and cornwall sides where as the obviously the devon league only had devon sides and as somebody pointed out to me it was a merger of the two league's not FA's, but in my eye's it should have been a true 50/50 split of devon and cornwall sides.

On a side note if cornwall side's do start to dominate the premier league over the next 5-10 years and we end up with a similar league breakdown to the old SWL what will the devon side's do then????

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If Wadebridge are to get out of this league quickly then Stuart Dudley will be the man to do it for us; he's a great guy and all the players are right behind him; so here's hoping.

We deliberately chose to play Camelford on Boxing Day and Good Friday because we know we will get our best crowds of the season; lets hope we get 1000 people Pidge.

Hope i'm wrong about the league.

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My concern Postie Pidge is more directed towards managers who no longer have the ability to sign a player and then can rely on him to turn up for training and matches. Clubs are still practicing 2 nights per week and players are still training with e.g. a peninsula club and an ECPL club and then representing a peninsula club on a saturday and an ECPL club on a mid week fixture. The same players are also eligible to represent a Duchy team at any stage!!!

One player one club has been mentioned before how about one player one league?????

Any thoughts??????

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Guest Postie Pidge

Regarding the SWPL, it is one player one league (although he could sign for another team). I see where you are going on this and you are right.

I know of a player who has been suspended and I still receive his details informing me, and he hasn't been signed on by me for years, let alone playing a game

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Not an easy situation to sort with the new "Step" progression encouraging clubs to go further and develop

(which I think is a fantastic idea) but at some point the league need to look at the problems that are beginning to creep into local football and look for guidance...

Sorry .....

getting boring now but feel quite strongly about this one ....

Night all........................

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is there any way that all players sign a sort of non contract contract that ties a player 2 that club, usless 7days comes in 4 that player & if he plays 4 another team that team loses points, fine etc

i no if players r contracted they should b layed but there must b a way of doing it

mousehole wern't complaing when vercesi played for them last season!

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