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Godolphin v Bodmin

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Another well done to the Godolphin tonight. Thoroughly deserved 3 points as I'm sure most people in the crowd would agree. Heard a lot of praise around the ground from neutral fans and even Bodmin fans about the G performance and the way they play.

Could've been wrapped up earlier with a 2nd or even 3rd goal but fortunately they did enough to restrict Bodmin to maybe 1 shot on target.

Bodmin became frustrated with having to chase the ball and threw in a few nasty looking tackles and elbows but luckily nobody seriously hurt.

Must say I feel for Bodmin manager Gilbert having won everything last year, losing many key players this pre-season and suffering a lengthy injury to one of his best players Luxton, PLUS rupturing his own knee ligaments and then having to try and maintain the same level of performance as last year - a very difficult task! And the Bodmin fans around me in the ground didn't sound too sympathetic to these facts.

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Yet again I'm very impressed with Godolphin, great team work, effort and attitude on and off the ball. They made a good Bodmin side look average. If Derick can keep this team together throughout the season they could win the league. My only concern would be their depth in their squad and can they perform like tonight week and week out?

I thought tonight there two centre backs were outstanding, strong in the air, strong in the tackle and played decent football when in possession. I also rate there left winger, very good feet and skill,

Well done Derick

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I looked at the two squads and worked out that at some point, 11 of the players had turned out for Newquay in the past.

Bodmin - Miller, Jewell, Stapleton, Ludlam, Lindsay, Drummond.

Godolphin - Whigg, Dart, Hartigan, Harris, Eglington (Possibly Flannigan as well, although I stand to be corrected)

Not a bad side that.

I do wonder having read the reports and tweets from both Godolphin games, they will be boosting CCFA coffers with Yellow Card fees, this may affect the side when suspensions come in on the totting up of cards. They also have a couple of lads who will be away at University soon, so any injuries will stretch them further.

Having said that, I also have to say well done to 'G' on winning what were undoubtedly two of the toughest games they could have faced to start the season, points on the board early on boosts confidence, the Red side of town can vouch for that.

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From Tom Howe on Twitter.

Bodmin: Miller, Reed, Jewell, Chambers ©, Stapleton, Bance, Matthews, Ludlam, Hodge, Hobbs, L Doel - Subs: Morgan, Lindsey, Drummond, N Doel

Godolphin: Semmens, Whigg, Dart, J Lowry, Pinnell ©, Brown, Rose, Fallens, Flannigan, P Lowry, Dilley - Subs: Eglington, Shepard, Harris (Hartigan was named in starting line-up but was injured in the warm up, Flannigan took his place)

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Newquay being on no good players! Most of the g players are from the g always have been yes there are a few ex Newquay players that played for the g that either not wanted by Newquay or have signed for Newquay thinking they are a better club then Realised godolphins the best team in Newquay and have come back !! Either way football is football does it really matter where they have played or how much budget a club has or how big the showers are !! Lets just enjoy watching good football .

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Not the wittiest or most educated post I've seen on this site from the older get!

Answer the question ????

Thought it was rhetorical! Doesn't really merit any response !

You just did respond LOL. No, I'm am not a fan of Godolphin, in the sense of a fan. No axe to grind with you people at all, just asking questions and passing comment, the clue is in the word - forum. As for a sense of humour ...you can laugh at me anytime you like, hope that was good enough communication for you both, little bit touchy feely there boys, LOL here.

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Back to the topic. . . Smashing result for The G. I wasn't overly surprised as like others think Bodmin will only compete for around 5th or 6th this season. But it's a marathon not a sprint and the true test if The G will be winter fixtures when they have to battle and dig results out not just play nice attractive football on a perfect pitch!! Great club and deserve all these plaudits as they have built up from Duchy with a clear plan and real ambition taking gentle steps along the way. Look forward to watching them when they play Parkway & Elburton. Great result chaps and keep up the good work.

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However when others do the same and pass comment and ask questions on this 'Forum', you tell them to shut the **** up! One way here it seems.

There's comments and there's comments, some are better left at home, some of your most recent ones regarding referee's fall into the latter. Stick with whatever you're doing these days and leave the referee's referee, unless of course YOU can do better

No, my opinion is not the only one, its one of many on here, including the two fools who posted after you, or should I say one fool and A.N. other I think.

Anyway, as I posted earlier, well done to Godophin.

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Christ my Mrs is less argumentative than this during her worst week of the month! I admire your support for the men with the toughest jobs in football, however you are the first person I've come across who defends this particular referee. But that's your choice and I respect it. I certainly won't tell you to shut the **** up!!

I pay my £4 gate fee, I show my support. I support the SWPL wherever and however I possibly can, I also choose to sponsor and support Clubs of my choice wherever I can so please accept that I am entitled to air my views on the Cornwall Football Forum, Just as you do.

Now lets agree to disagree and both move on and enjoy the new season.

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I do not know the referee in question, just dislike the continual attack upon the ref's, by every-one, not just you. As for saying shut the ....up, that was at every-one, generic, not just you.

There is no way I'm as bad as a woman at that time of the month, not fair that (sobbing) anyway, I'm happy to agree to disagree with any-one, so, a good season to you as well. :thumbsup:

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