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Referee and Assistant Referee Costs?

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except east and west is club linos lol

I'm surprised that East and West leagues are not required to have neutral appropriately qualified officials. I know of other league's (e.g. Midland Combination Division 1 and 2 and the Reserve Divisions) locally to where I am currently based (Birmingham), which are supposedly the same level or lower on the Pyramid than the SWPL East and West which are required to have an official qualified referee plus two official and qualified neutral assistants.

Does anyone know why this is the case in the Peninsula East and West - is it to try and keep costs down for the clubs? As a striker, having played in matches with 'club linos' I have experienced on many occasions being 'frustrated' at their decisions!!!

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jay1982, perhaps your head has been buried in the proverbial sand for the last few years, or have you not noticed a severe shortage of referee`s and it`s getting worse. Another small point assistants do not make decisions, they are all the domain of the match referee.

Looks like someone else is feeling 'frustrated'! No need to have a pop, I was merely making an observation and yes, you're correct that referee's do have the final say on incidents but to say assistant's do not make decisions is ridiculous.

On the point of the shortage of referees, no, I have not noticed a shortage if I'm honest but if that is the reason for the E&W leagues not using three officials then that seems a legitimate reason. However I do feel that this is surely not just a Cornish issue and yet other leagues at this level seem to manage it.

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jay1982, no i was not having a "pop", just trying to make my reply lighthearted and yes that is the reason a shortage of match officials, just looking on the full time appointments for the Trelawny League, on one saturday they are at least eight officials short, now if you took away more officials for assistant duties on the CSWPL then they would be probably about twenty short. Going back into the dim distant past on the senior league I was on the reserve section which would be at least the level of CSWPL East & West used club assistants. Club assistants do not make decisions, they advise the referee within the duties the referee has asked them to fulfill, the referee makes all the decisions and does not have to act on the advice of a club assistant. As an example I will not let club assistants give me fouls on the field of play, they are all my decisions and mine alone.

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If comparing prices from years gone by the average weekly wage for 40 hrs back in 1958 was approx £8, now the Office of National Statistics show the January 2013 average wage excluding any bonuses as £442 (Nice if you can get it - too many overpaid filing clerks lol).

If clubs were required to pay referees 55.25 times the 1959 figure to keep abreast of inflation it could be the end of football, non league clubs couldn't afford it.

It just goes to show that non league referees are in a round about way subsidising the clubs whose fans sometimes hurl abuse in their direction.

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B Manning, It has been as you describe it for many years, I remember only one referee who differed, that one was considered the best referee in Buckinghamshire, in later years he got an award for it, I was running the line for my club and made decisions based on what that referee laid down before the game started, about 10 mins into the game the referee said to me that he was confident in me and to flag for anything I saw even foul play, after the game the opposing teams manager complained that he responded to every one of my decisions whilst ignoring their linesman, the referee responded to the criticism with "Your man was cheating whereas I wasn't", the referee chuckled about it after, we shook hands and he ended with, "I wish you were running the line for me every week".

That week I stood in because there was no one else prepared to do it, for me to do if every week - NO thanks.

However, I could have done a better job than those running the line at Wembley on Wednesday, they were poor.

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The referee and 2 assistants for a SWPL Premier match cost, on average, £120. So it takes the first 30 adults or 60 seniors through the gate just to pay for the match officials. When you look at the attendances you can see why clubs are struggling.

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And it takes around 150 people to go through the gates to pay the players?????

I say stop paying the players and then paying the officials wouldn't be so much of a problem. Paying players will to stop within the next 5-10 years, when clubs finally realise they're being mugged! :SM_carton:

I think in 5 to 10 years there will be a drastic shortage of referees?? :mellow:

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Just read this forum to understand why there is a shortage of referee's, or should I say a big part of it. The abuse is a disgrace.

What was the thread the other day where someone said the worst referee in Britain, how do you think that makes that fella feel,

disgraceful I say, I always think how good, is or was, the moron posting the drivel, and of course they never made a mistake in their playing days -no - they were perfect, if they are that good why are they playing down here LOL.

Go on you perfect people - take up refereeing. NO of course you won't, you couldn't take your own stick, let alone some-one else's.

I don't blame any referee for packing it in, and its going to continue, you could all help by being a bit more understanding of the difficulty of referring a football match - or any sport come too that.

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When you confront these people and say why dont you take up the whistle and give it a season? the answer is always No i cant do it because i couldnt take the abuse. We wil be in a drastic situation soon with officials and my opinion is that we are starting to see this already, but the abuse and the negative comments will always get thrown at the men in black, Club officials outside the SWPL Premier will only have basic orders in order to follow the referees instructions and also to stop each others clubs official getting slated or blamed? We will always endeavour to keep fair play and also encourage to let the game flow as much as possible, but players and spectators will always want to see blood for what is deemed normal argie bargie meaningless handbags etc etc, and losing side representives and spectators will always blame the matchday officials when 10/10 they have always played badly. No matter what we do we will always be scrutinised and ridiculed, but the end of the day if we dont turn up there will be no football and if that is what joe public want then there wish will come true sooner then they think. Hope everbody involved in football has a great season and most of all enjoy it, and to all those volunteers that keep clubs afloat year on year KEEP YOUR CHIN UP because i as a referee really appreciate what your doing and enjoy the football circuit in Cornwall. :c:

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Assistant Refs at SOME West Div Clubs that I have watched over the years, cost the away side 2 goals or 3 points, if they can get away with it. :SM_carton:

Everyone wants to see the best players from the South West, if they don't get travel costs at the very least, they will play locally with pals in the Cream Tea & Pasty Leagues Div 5. It is a fact that players have been paid in Cornish football for over 100 years, why would that change now ? Clubs in the SWPL want the best players and facilities, all of which costs money.

If you want to follow Buckland up the leagues, it costs. If you want to go for broke, then you will end up homeless. If you want to watch very local players at a club, then only the bigger towns will be able to win due to more players in the area.

Anyway, back to Refs, can't have a game without them so why not try and have their expenses sponsored by your local opticians, it would certainly be a talking point. Linos are essential in Senior football, too many clubmen are exactly that, they are worth a good 15-21 points a season at certain clubs.

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Must say If I am Refin with club assts I will do my best to get them involved as much as possible. As stated some club assistants are better than appointed officials who would rather be refereeing. Don't forget the club assistants do it because they want to with no reward so it will not help if a referee only wants them to do "ball out" or ignors any decision they make.Yes no game without a referee but it makes a game a lot easier with 2 good club assistants

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It depends as well how many games you have been an assistant referee to the qualified official to get an understand that you feel the assistant is 100% honest in all decision.

When i was a lino I loved it every game taking authority on big decisions than just an offside. In one game the referee came over and asked if a defender had clipped a player inside or outside the area and I had to be honest and I was, it was outside lol, close to being a penalty and as honest as people know I am, I would of said yes had it been inside.

The trouble is jay birmingham (or all of midlands )has a population couple times the size of cornwall so you are bound to have a larger number of people being officials. I see on the football league chart only 2/3 officials are assistantsin the league and often enough they dont even get games in the FL. We need more officials to make the step up.

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£1 in 1950 is roughly £22-£23 in buying power today. If you look at how much footballers are paid at the top now then the increase is way short, be interesting to see what local clubs paid players then and do a comparism? Any ideas Mike?

No idea of match fees from the past

but two transfers-

Geof Peach Truro City to Falmouth Town 1959. £250 today £5000

Tony Kellow Famouth Town to Exeter City 1976 £12,000 today £73,000

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As previously recognised, some of the problems finding referees in Cornwall are the result of population and geography. The parish-pump politics of match appointments and Larry Marsh and Alan Wallace in the past had quite an impact. Then there was the guy who introduced the rugby 10 yards back for dissent into football because he felt like it. And I wish I had some videos of Wormy's Greatest Hits to go with my Fawlty Towers box set. Club Linos get completely different instructions from one week to the next. Ultimately, Cornwall's anarchic dreckly culture doesn't cooperate with anything or anyone and makes effective FA governance impossible.

Something there to celebrate, then ! :):c:

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I agree Isaac as confirmed by myself the referees who officiaite with club linesman who they know they can assist professionally to make their jpb easier makes a game more competitive than 1 sided but assist with a completely new referee you have never assisted with he/she could ask for new ways of assisting!

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jay1982, no i was not having a "pop", just trying to make my reply lighthearted and yes that is the reason a shortage of match officials, just looking on the full time appointments for the Trelawny League, on one saturday they are at least eight officials short, now if you took away more officials for assistant duties on the CSWPL then they would be probably about twenty short. Going back into the dim distant past on the senior league I was on the reserve section which would be at least the level of CSWPL East & West used club assistants. Club assistants do not make decisions, they advise the referee within the duties the referee has asked them to fulfill, the referee makes all the decisions and does not have to act on the advice of a club assistant. As an example I will not let club assistants give me fouls on the field of play, they are all my decisions and mine alone.

Which weekend would this be manning?? I've looked and there's a number of referees missing off of the list who I am certain are avaliable for many of those weekends in aug , but as of yet have nothing??!! Surly the Appointer should make sure this isn't the case????!!!

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The weekend concerned was Sept 7th, at the time there were 8 TBA against games ( it`s now 7 ) this means that at this time he does not have referee`s available for those games, along with an e-mail we received stating there is a shortage of match officials at this present time. another point is some match officials maybe have not re registered plus referee`s do have other lives and are not available, ie holidays, injury etc.

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