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Falmouth Town

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£100,000 in debt.

How long did that take to build up?

This is very sad news for Falmouth Town, the only bright light is that unlike Truro City Falmouth do have a ground to sell, & hopefully have enough money to find a new sight for a Stadium with cash left over to run the club,

Hammers :c::mellow::(:c:

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£100,000 in debt.

How long did that take to build up?

any club can get into a mess with debt but it is how you get out of the mess at least they own the ground so have a chance to settle their debt and have money to move ,maybe not ideal but at least the club will survive and maybe rise again which is good for local football . there are teams all around at present who with their debts called in could go to the wall so no one should become complacent and think it cant happen to us because it can , it maybe be rents not paid or the taxman comes a calling this is not a pop at any club but my own opinion on how for the grace of god it could be any of

our own clubs

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TOIGTBIW.......WRONG !!! That is dfinitely not the case.

£220,000 is the rumour. I think the local paper said £240,000 and that was a year ago, when you were one day from closing.

Your loans were restructured to keep the bank and creditors happy, I heard you mortgaged the ground to reduce monthly outgoings.

That's the combined debt of the football and social club. A lot of this, if I recall correctly, was in print, not that you can believe everything you read, but, no smoke without fire.

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The bottom line is that until a deal is secured we have to plough on and keep our heads above water. Without help in increasing our income this will be difficult. The guardians of our ground have a duty to the people of Falmouth to provide the best facility and standard of football possible. Fortunately the right people are interested....Town Council, Sarah Newton MP. What is needed is a show of solidarity from the die hard fans and do gooders who can give a little of their time to get a solid infrastructure in place to work through this transitional period. Meeting midday this Saturday in clubhouse. Small changes can make big differences so grafters and ideas most welcome.

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The bottom line is that until a deal is secured we have to plough on and keep our heads above water. Without help in increasing our income this will be difficult. The guardians of our ground have a duty to the people of Falmouth to provide the best facility and standard of football possible. Fortunately the right people are interested....Town Council, Sarah Newton MP. What is needed is a show of solidarity from the die hard fans and do gooders who can give a little of their time to get a solid infrastructure in place to work through this transitional period. Meeting midday this Saturday in clubhouse. Small changes can make big differences so grafters and ideas most welcome.

Well said, I wish you well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Falmouth Town have had their glory days and Bickland Park was once envied by many,but now sadly they are like an ageing pet, they've reached an age when you can remember the good times but it's time to let them go,put Bickland to sleep and move on,buy a new pet with the proceeds (farther up the road ),Good luck for the future. :ninja:

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At the end of the day, Falmouth are only moving out of necessity, if their debt was not so large, or they were in the black - they wouldn't be moving anywhere. Moving, or possibly moving into a sports complex/partnership, will, weaken their position for a long time, the attraction will no longer be there, playing on a school field, Mmmmmm!!!!

Better to seek out an independent site if possible, or available, and local, imo.

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Out with the old in with the new. Times are changing, everyone wants to see new developments/grounds at this level. Especially as bickland is falling down. Tavistock Afc prime example. What a facility they now have. I say the future is bright if they can agree the right deal.

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