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Callington Town v Truro FC

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This message was taken from the SWPL forum:

Cornwall County FA have ordered that the Cornwall Charity Cup tie, Callington Town v Truro City, will be played on the 3G pitch at Callington School on Saturday.

Although not ideal, and 3G not currently allowed in the league, its use is legal in County Cups and at least its a pro-active way of keeping the game ON !

Phil H

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Only option tbh Scotty with the weather were having, better then not playing at all.

It's looking like we could be playing our senior cup game on 3G, our lads don't really mind, we played on it when we were in East cornwall league against St. Stephan's borough, decent service to play on I reckon.

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It should be a good surface to play football on, it is a shame the majority of the 3G surfaces in Cornwall are extremely small pitches making it hard to play much football on them as it becomes too tight. I suppose this is because the majority are linked to schools and are therefore designed with children in mind, certainly better than no game at all though!

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The Football Conference voted against them this week.

When I am on the continent (Spain & Portugal) 3G are used full size for training by Adults, the same pitches when used for children become two pitches one each half with movable goals situated from touch line to touch line and the pitch marked out in different colours. For league games they use grass. It enables them to have two games taking place at the same time for youth football.

Maidstone use a synthetic pitch in the Ryman League, not sure but I think they call it 4G they are unable to take promotion higher up the pyramid unless reverting to grass.

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Ridiculous decision!

Obviously a Truro player who only has studs so needs to go out and buy some moulds.........

Ha! If you knew me, you'd know that's clearly not the case.

Pro clubs use a mix of grass and 3G for weather conditions like we're currently having... Anyway that's not the point.

My opinion is based on the fact that it plays completely differently(not in a good way) to grass. Let alone the fact it's not as forgiving equaling more injuries. We train on a 3G pitch every week, it's very good for training yes, matches no. As I'm sure anyone who's played on one would agree. Let alone the fact there's a massive great fence about 2 feet away from the touch line on most astro's. It's far from ideal!

The weather isnt doing anybody any favours (everyone is in the same boat, no pun intended) but forcing games through on make shift surfaces and locations to try and aid the 'back log' of games isn't going to help players who get injured on the surfaces. Or the clubs who haven't got the option to play on an alternative surface, leaving those clubs in the same position. Whatever way you look at it there's going to be a back log of games and surely it's better to play on the correct surface and ground? Especially in a cup match!

I want to play as much as anyone else ... But we cannot help the weather!

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with the back log of games what is going to happen?

Like last season it probably going to be 3 to 4 games a week to fit all league and cup games in!

can the CCFA extend the season to June? or

Only play games which involve relegation and promotion teams?

I do not know. This is my thoughts....what do others think?

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From the SWPL website:

"Cornwall County FA have ordered that the Cornwall Charity Cup tie, Callington Town v Truro City, will be played on the 3G pitch at Callington School on Saturday.

Although not ideal, and 3G not currently allowed in the league, its use is legal in County Cups and at least its a pro-active way of keeping the game ON !

Phil H"

I don't think Phil would use the word 'ordered' unless it was so.

And that was on Thursday, presumably before Callington had declared their normal pitch playable or not.

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