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Cornwall Football Forum

Any Teams Looking for New Players

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Are there any teams looking for new players in the West Cornwall area? I've recently moved home to Cornwall (Penzance) and I am looking to start playing Saturday football again. I was going to try and contact individual local clubs but a) don't have the contacts and don't want to be bothering those clubs not looking to add to their squads at this point in the season. I've played at a reasonable standard (PSNI FC in the Irish Championship and played for the Army) a few years ago but haven't played regularly for a while, just intermittently where work commitments have allowed. I've now moved back home and will not be working any weekends so I'm keen to get involved with Saturday football again. I'm 31 and I play as a striker, I will be available for training/matches from next week (w/c 17th February).


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