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Foxhole afc players departing

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After being promised that no players would be wanted by Truro after are management team departed us we have had a 7day notice of approach for are very talented young keeper which is a massive loss for us as now the new manager has to try and find a replacement on top of that one of are promising young midfielders has asked to be deregistered as he no longer wants to play for us this sounds to me like he wants to go to Truro as well but doesn't want to wait 28 days to do so everyone at foxhole is very disappointed at what has happened and find it very frustrating as to what is happening after working so hard pre season to get sponsorship in place for all the kit that was requested by are then management team just for them to leave 6 months in to there 3 year plan

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very sad when a chairman of a club has to make comments about managers that have left when all players connected with the club know the real reasons why they've left. it will be good to hear the managers response to this. Agree with you totally cornishuser doesn't look good on foxhole football club. not the way to encourage people to be associated with them.

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How sad to have to read this, really as a club you should NOT be airing your dirty laundry on a public forum especially coming from the Chairman. It makes you look very bitter. Maybe as a club you should be taking a good long hard look at yourselves to see why you have had so many managers and players over the last few seasons ?! Foxhole WAS and CAN be a very successful club again with the right people on the committee and management side of things & players who want to be part of a developing club, which you have to be, whether you like it or not. I do hope things change for the better and soon,

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Got to say that having a 3 year plan for the playing side of a club is extremely ambitious knowing how fickle players and managers are - the grass is always greener and players will always listen to flattery. No problem with a 3 year plan for off-pitch issues but cannot think of many,if any team, that has stayed together for 3 years, especially if they are not top of the tree in their respective league.

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Good luck to Foxhole,a club which I first came up against 38 years or so ago with youth football. Always a force to be reckoned with and with brilliant vocals.This sort of club is the backbone of grassroots football and no doubt is still being held together by hard working people.The players will always come and go at a whim but the glue must always stick or we lose what we have got. Good luck again!

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Looking at this from a distance, having never played for Foxhole, but had played for the previous management during their last sell at Truro Reserves, id say its hard to blame them for making the move.

Foxhole facilities are decent, however they are not at the same level as those at Truro City, and nor should they be given the difference in playing level of the respective first teams.....why should a player or manager not wish to better themselves and play somewhere they feel happier and in what they consider better conditions.

If a player is wishing to move over and would have to wait 28 days due to the 7 day rulings, isn't it worth agreeing to waive the 7 days and allowing the transfer to go through.....after all, if you stop a player doing this they are unlikely to want to play for you anyway, and the player misses out a months worth of football.....there are no winners.

This option also means less paperwork de registering a player, it just needs a form signing, assuming of course the player has paid any outstanding debts.

It isn't ideal having players follow a manager but is it not better to have players at the club who can be relied upon and who want to be there?

The new kit which was purchased at the request of the previous management is presumably still with the club? if so, this should help when appointing a new manager as it sells the club in a better light than it would have been last summer.

In no way is this meant as a dig at Foxhole, but this is just part of the way football is at our level now.

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Well I'm with you on this chris allen, if they said that they would not approach any of their old players, and have gone back on that - then they're sh-ts.

If, however, the players have decided to follow them, then, they're the sh-ts.

I don't blame you one iota for posting this scenario, it happens all the time, its just your turn.

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Considering all that is known & said i think someone maybe forgetting the fact that one of the three management team at Truro is JP who unless I'm mistaken has gone back to his previous club for the goalkeeper, harsh , if they said no to coming back for anyone but lets not forget this is his Son we are talking about. Does not excuse if what I've read about not coming back for players but his Son!!!!! Come on fellas, a proud dad , a proud son who clearly wants to play for his Dad , if he's good enough get him in the team. From a Foxhole perspective the position of this guy is the real hurt as we know keepers are hard to find.

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Managers taking players to their new clubs and / or players following managers has been going on in all levels of football for a long as I can remember.

You only have to look at the Premiership as a prime example:

Moyes - Fellaini

Rodgers - Joe Allen

Martinez - McCarthy

Mourinho - Essien

Hasn't Kevin Nolan followed Sam Allardyce from Bolton to Newcastle and now on to West Ham?

I don't know what assurances the outgoing Foxhole management team had given to the club about players, but one thing all managers get asked when they get interviewed for a new job is, what players can they bring with them?

Quite naturally a manager will assess what he's got at the new club compared to players he's worked with before and if he thinks the one's he's worked with before are better or there's a position that's in immediate need of being filled he'll go back to those players in the first instance.

Quite rightly, in this case not only is Jon Peters going back to a club where he's managed before (Truro City), but he obviously feels his son Dan has the quality to be their reserve team keeper and having seen the lad in action (and also taking into account his age) he has the potential to push for a first team place in the years to come.

There is no question that despite the massive improvement Foxhole have made this season so far, with a very young squad, that Truro's Reserve side are better and having the chance to manage again and be involved with arguably the biggest club in Cornwall is a no brainer for Jon and his management team.

Chris Allen is quite quick to have a go at the outgoing Foxhole management team but I notice that since Shaun Hayward has made the switch from being Assistant to Bobby at St Blazey to the hot seat at Foxhole that Lewis Hayward, Ben Nosworthy and Jordan Greatrex have also transferred from St Blazey to Foxhole.....Funny how there's no mention of that in his rant, or is it OK for the incoming manager to go back to his old club for players but when Jon Peters (et al) take two players to Truro and give them the opportunity to make a step up, that's a different matter??

Surely it's wiser to welcome the new manager in and focus on what he (and his new players) can bring to Foxhole rather than have a go at the previous management team and two players who have all made a step up by moving to Truro.

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There's lots of things I could add to this topic but like dan peters said I won't go any further as to what went on with the departure of our management team but let me assure people it's not all at the clubs fault we are glad to have A very experienced man come in to take over and iam sure he will prove an excellent replacement and an asset to foxhole stars and hopefully for abit longer than 6months thanks for all your comments on this subject but as far as iam concerned the topic is now closed

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Dan did not leave Foxhole because Truro tried persuading him to sign on, but because he wanted to follow JP (his dad). His decision on what he wants to do end of the day. Having played for foxhole in every game up until January (not leaving for truro) I sort of know how JP, robin and flacky decided to depature but shouldn't say as its not my place to say . Wish Foxhole afc good luck for the rest of the season, hope they manage to stay off the bottom and push higher up the league

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