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Well the new kids on the block win again the 1st half was awful but the 2nd half the G scored straight from the kick off and where tremendous the funniest thing i saw was Bodmin goalie saying to the ref you are having a jarvis and getting booked for that the 1st half was such a scrappy afair with more fouls then football being played .The poor linesman in front of me the stick he got was unbelievable but he did make a bad call when the Gs goalie Sean handled way outside his area ang got away with it but the new kids still keep winning and entertaining my mom is a difficult 1 i thought Aidan Martin played well and Josh Fearon as well but i will give my man of the match to Tim Peacock the No5 for G . This was my 1st match back after my cancer op in Bristol and this was a real tonic watching the G wIn again Well done to all the players staff and the people behind the scenes like Nigel who make this club such a great club .

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So Leeds United, are you going to avoid commenting on a loss for your beloved Bodmin once again today like you always do or will you swallow the fact you have lost to Godolphin again and come on here and praise them for what they are and what they've achieved? Loads to say on others but you seem to only ever comment on the team you carry the water bottles for when it suits.

Come on, be a man and not just a water bottle carrier and admit publicly to have tumbled to a better side. You cant just dig at every other side when it suits, gotta take one of your own from time to time.

We all look forward to you're response.

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VJ (I suspect that the J stands for juvenile) must you pollute every thread on this forum? Your random insults lack humour or indeed any other redeeming feature.

Spelling and grammar also leave much to be desired. The misuse of your and you're when in each case, the other was indicated, is really quite basic.

Do leave the forum alone until you learn some manners.

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