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Ivybridge Win the League?

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I find the first comment a little disrespectful! If you feel the need to say no disrespect then clearly you feel what your saying is disrespectful, the players we have, have put us in a great position! But because we have no stars we are not capable of winning it!?! Yet we drew with exmouth (away) godolphin (away) beat parkway (away) beat saltash (home) and drew with Bodmin (home) we have given everyone around us a good game and over the season we've done enough to have earnt a bit more respect then you have just shown. We still have the goal of top 6 (qualify for the vase) as our prerogative anything on top of this will be a bonus. All we can do is give credit to the squad for what they've achieved. Last night is the first time we've really lacked discipline all season and in the end if felt like a loss!

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Well done Razza, thanks for the easy bite! You have probably been up all night doing the night feed!

Seriously I'm just saying the players and management have done a fantastic job this season and do you think Ivybridge with a small budget can win the league? ? That's all bud

I personally think Exmouth will win the league and Parkway a close 2nd

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Like I said top 6 is the goal anything else is a bonus, no worries was a long night ha it's nice to hear positive comments about how we're doing things at ivybridge from an outsiders perspective, you can put your fishing rod away now ?

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Fantastic effort from all those involved with the first team this season. A great team spirit, good management, good coaching... and no over-inflated egos!

Proof that you don't need to throw money around like confetti in order to progress at this level.

Can they win the league? Well, the league table and stats don't lie... of course they can! But perfectly understated comments from Raz. Feet firmly on the ground!

Well done boys!

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Teams spend what they have. It's not they're fault if they have the resources to do so. Saying that tho most clubs in this league now have near on the same budget, £20 -£25 per player, it's definitely more of a level playing field as shown in the league table. It's anyone's

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I expect the SWPL committee are secretly hoping Exmouth win the league .

Probably because they are the only club who have applied for promotion. Looks better in the eyes of the FA if clubs are moving up the pyramid when they win the league. Traditionally that does not tend to happen in the peninulsula league

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Gone off the original topic , but, maybe they need to provide more funds to help clubs make the step up to the WL. All comes down to money at the end of the day! Clubs aren't prepared to go under for the sake of WL football and rightly so!

But some clubs are happy to splash out stupid amounts of money to players, then claim they can't afford to take promotion

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Gone off the original topic , but, maybe they need to provide more funds to help clubs make the step up to the WL. All comes down to money at the end of the day! Clubs aren't prepared to go under for the sake of WL football and rightly so!

But some clubs are happy to splash out stupid amounts of money to players, then claim they can't afford to take promotion

Like who? and do you know how much promotion actually cost!!!!

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Gone off the original topic , but, maybe they need to provide more funds to help clubs make the step up to the WL. All comes down to money at the end of the day! Clubs aren't prepared to go under for the sake of WL football and rightly so!

But some clubs are happy to splash out stupid amounts of money to players, then claim they can't afford to take promotionHere Here...my sentiments (and facts) exactly !

Parkway paying out loads to players yet couldn't afford the step up ??

Their running a bath mate...

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I find the first comment a little disrespectful! If you feel the need to say no disrespect then clearly you feel what your saying is disrespectful, the players we have, have put us in a great position! But because we have no stars we are not capable of winning it!?! Yet we drew with exmouth (away) godolphin (away) beat parkway (away) beat saltash (home) and drew with Bodmin (home) we have given everyone around us a good game and over the season we've done enough to have earnt a bit more respect then you have just shown. We still have the goal of top 6 (qualify for the vase) as our prerogative anything on top of this will be a bonus. All we can do is give credit to the squad for what they've achieved. Last night is the first time we've really lacked discipline all season and in the end if felt like a loss!

Mark, you did not have to bite there, as that is exactly what he wanted. Just let your football do the talking, and actually, your football is shouting not talking. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to watch your team this season, but the results don't lie and your position is proof of that. Keep it going and that will wind up Mr best further. Well done.

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The only extra cost you need to incur when taking promotion is a bit more travelling which isn't massive, if the players are keen to play at a higher level they would play for the same money for the first season at least. The worst that can happen is that you get relegated back to where you came from.

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Hoppit - if it was as simple as that. Whilst this is not the subject on the web could I just point out some reasons that have to be considered by the clubs wishing to go up. Apart from 'a bit more' travel money

1. There is no guarantee to be relegated from where you came - you can be relegated to Western League Div one.

2. There are less away supporters that travel, much less, lower gate money, bar and food sales.

3. The few that attend often have passes issued by the league, as they issue six.( don't forget some of the clubs only have 40 or 50 at their own games)

4. Match officials are appointed by the FA, who have no geographical knowledge.

5. Match officials can cost up to £195

6. Away evening matches are some distance and players would have to leave work early, would that always be possible.

7. Some clubs due to this have to have weekend teams and evening away teams - not very good really.

8. As match officials appointed by FA, there is no negotiation at local level as to who does the games to assist with travel.

these are just some of the points - wish it was like you said - but its not.

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Hoppit - if it was as simple as that. Whilst this is not the subject on the web could I just point out some reasons that have to be considered by the clubs wishing to go up. Apart from 'a bit more' travel money

1. There is no guarantee to be relegated from where you came - you can be relegated to Western League Div one.

2. There are less away supporters that travel, much less, lower gate money, bar and food sales.

3. The few that attend often have passes issued by the league, as they issue six.( don't forget some of the clubs only have 40 or 50 at their own games)

4. Match officials are appointed by the FA, who have no geographical knowledge.

5. Match officials can cost up to £195

6. Away evening matches are some distance and players would have to leave work early, would that always be possible.

7. Some clubs due to this have to have weekend teams and evening away teams - not very good really.

8. As match officials appointed by FA, there is no negotiation at local level as to who does the games to assist with travel.

these are just some of the points - wish it was like you said - but its not.

Parkways excuse for not taking promotion was lack of funding yet I stand by my facts that they are paying ridiculous money to players at this level.

And that's why each league should have a ceiling on what it pays players,

You could cover travel @35p a mile ( that's why I get for work)then a maximum of

Perhaps £20 for div west & east

£50 for prem

£100 for Western prem

£150 for southern ect ect ( all players should be registered as self employed to)

That in its self would encourage players to play at higher levels, but whilst the likes of parkway are paying my suggested southern cap to East and west standard players , you will only attract one type of player, he who will quickly move on for an extra fiver.

And back to the tread ...

Can Ivybridge win the league ?

Of course they can and I hope they do.

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Surprisingly sensible post from you Gripper. Unfortunately totally unenforceable without a Football Association even more draconian than the one we have now. Even if you could get a league to agree a salary cap amongst its members, there would be individuals flashing around Brown envelopes to the fancied players and undermining any system that you could come up with.

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If clubs are prepared to pay good money then surely thats up to them. Cant really blame the players, It can help with bills, fuel, shopping etc. The people who moan about the money could be jealous! Perhaps they don't or didn't get as much. I no not many would turn it down if it was on offer to them!!

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Course you cant blame players..or the clubs if they are succesful, however the clubs then moan about being broke & have nothing to show for it. Just cant see how parkway are getting so much bad press when they are doing well regardless of what their expenditure is & theres other sides that probably cost just as much & are nowhere near them in the placings

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The thing is if promotion was compulsory in a few years half the western league premier could be teams from Devon and Cornwall so that gets rid of the travelling excuse as for the refs expenses if clubs can pay reasonable amounts to get a decent squad surely they can afford a few more quid than what they pay now for the extra fee. Nobody outside Devon and Cornwall cares who wins the SWPL but they would if they new strong teams were on the way up to challenge them, pointless being in the pyramid system if teams don't take promotion. Excuses thats all we ever seem to get, gets my gander right up, I travelled miles in my day when the roads wasn't as good and neither was the money, bit of a pain sometimes but just got on with it. Will always be a backwater in footballing terms unless clubs take the bull by the horns and have a go.

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