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Cornwall FA Survey

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The Cornwall FA should come forward into the 21st century!

Perhaps you should give them a call and have a chat with them they might just surprise you! If you've got issues with them why not speak to them and sort it out rather than just carp on about them on a public forum.

I'm guessing you have absolutely no idea who does what there and your comment about it being a "closed shop" on another thread underlines your ignorance of their work.

You should have applied for a recent position there and aired your views.

You can talk the talk but…!

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There is always room for improvement in any set up, and as you rightly say neither of us are perfect. But I know from being in regular contact with them that despite what you may feel they try to be pro-active where they can and have a number of initiatives they're working on to improve our local game.

Expect evolution rather than revolution as they still have to operate within the FA's framework and alongside the local league and cup system which as Richard Chown has already alluded to, are undergoing discussions for change.

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Tommy it is far easier for someone to have a moan on hear than it is to stand up and face the flack. this is why so many organisations are going to the wall, not just football because of the lack of volunteers. the majority of people today will not do something for nothing other than moan!!

how many clubs struggle to get someone to:-

1. run the line

2. wash the kit

3. tidy the changing rooms

4. make refreshments

5. fetch the ball

the list is endless of the little jobs that get done without anyone thinking about but! they need to be done, or are all done by the same person. clubs do not have committees like they used to have were everyone mucked in together. but they do have a few more moaners

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Because all the kids today have everything done for them and given to them from the year dot. That's why there is no volunteers anymore'

It started years ago and has now evolved into what you have today, the failure of clubs, and the beginning of the demise of football as we know it. Everybody today is a premiership footballer, and have been told so by various organisations that take the little darlings and make them believe they're better than they are. They don't graft anymore, and now we're paying for it.

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I was chatting to someone yesterday and saying how important everyone is to an organisation however small their role. Take the smallest cog out of a watch and suddenly it doesn't work!

Instead of spending all the time moaning why not use that time volunteering to help out your local club and make a difference!

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