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Cornwall Football Forum

Match Officials

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As the season approaches its close and many start to look to the 2014/15 season and I after a recent conversation I had I began to become interested in the selection of match officials at this level. Week on week you hear complaints about the standard supplied (personally I can’t see the issue), so will there be any change for the new season? Is there any kind of demotion/promotion?

After doing a small but of research I came across this forum (http://s8.zetaboards.com/ratetheref/topic/8468473/2/) that listed the officials promoted to Level 4 (SWPL Prem standard I believe!). I notice that Cornwall has five successful candidates who will join the league next season (Congratulations!) :

Ciaran Barlow (Cornwall FA)
James Gallagher (Cornwall FA)
Neil Hunnisett (Cornwall FA)
Adam Price (Cornwall FA)
Michal Wroblewski (Cornwall FA)

As a neutral that only really attends SWPL Prem fixtures I have not come across any of these, can anyone shed any light on these individuals?

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Level four is Supply League (Contrib Assistant)

Level three is Contrib (Conference/Football League/Premier assistant depending on performance)

Level two B Conference North/South (Performance dictates assistance)

Level two A Conference Premier

Level One National List

Select Group/FIFA

Those are the referee levels with leagues.

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