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Cornwall Football Forum

Two strikers being featured in next week's CORNISH SOCCER

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Yes, the next issue is coming out next week

This time as well as taking a closer look at how the county's leagues are going, it features two players who know how to score goals - Torpoint Athletics Brian Stacey and Helston Athletics Mark Goldsworthy

The price is again £2, and add on a further 62 pence for postage if appropriate.

Or why not order the next three issues at a discount, save 12.5% and get 3 print issues delivered to your door for only £6.88

All you have to do is:- email payment via PayPal to davedeacon@cornishsoccer.info OR straight into the bank account CORNISH SOCCER, bank details Sort Code 30-96-56, account number : 00700568 - OR you can pay by cheque - send it to Dave Deacon, CORNISH SOCCER, 49 Killigrew Gardens, Trispen, TRURO, TR4 9BT

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