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Quoted from The Herald 22/6/15

Saltash United Chairman Bill Wakeham paid tribute to three members of the clubs administration team as they retired from their roles with the Ashes.

Bob Rowse, Bren Cummings and Luke Ranford - the club secretary, treasurer and football secretary respectively - have all left the South West Peninsula League Premier Division club after years of service.

Physio Matt Potts has also left the club in the days that followed Matt Cusack's arrival as the new manager at the Kimberley Stadium.

Wakeham wanted to thank those members of staff who have helped the club through a difficult period in its history.

"We really want to thank these individuals for their dedication to the club", the Saltash Chairman said.

"Some of them have been working almost full-time without reward so we owe them a great deal.

"Obviously we'd also like to make sure the people taking the club forward are also recognised because, again, they are, for the most part, are doing it all for nothing."

"Every club at this level is very similar in that they have to rely on the unsung heroes to keep going and we want to make sure that everybody knows what these people have done."

"If you look around at Saltash its a very little village team so needs a lot of people to give up a lt of time."

Wakeham explained just how difficult running a football club is in this day and age.

He continued: "With the financial problems that are rife in modern football that level of commitment is very important."

"Just look at the struggles at Torquay United and even just a few years ago Argyle nearly went under.

"It was the same at Saltash for a time."

"We were so much in the red and we had to work really hard to turn things around."

"We're now back in the bblack and the new officers we have are excellent so the future is bright for the club."

Given the club's history and the impressive infrastructure there are actually slightly more strains on Saltash United compared with other members of the South West Peninsula League Premier Division.

"The club has got a pretty good history and our ground qualifies us for both the FA Cup qualifying rounds and the FA Vase, " explained Wakeham.

"It's an enclosed stadium with floodlights and a huge clubhouse with a large function room."

"With the premises that we have it becomes even more important to make sure the club is operating at a good financial level."






Edited by pastyman
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