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Referee Course


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Ladies and gentleman,

After the success of the last Basic Referee Course in late October which saw 10 new referees qualify, I've decided to try again at getting people interested in picking up a whistle.

The next course will be run on the weekend starting Friday 15th April, spanning over the whole weekend (16/17). On successful completion of the course, you will have qualified as both an Assistant Referee and also a referee (subject to completing an initial assessment). 

Although details have not been finalised, I am quite sure that the course will again be held at Holmans Football Club in Camborne. I'm also waiting to hear back from the FA regarding the course being subsidised but also for the incentive of getting some (if not all) of the fee back once you have officiated a certain number of games. This will primarily (I think) be determined by the amount of people we are able to get on the course.

Since I qualified, I have officiated when I haven't had a game for my club. Ive enjoyed pretty much every minute of it.

The purpose of this course is to get more referees through the training to officiate in the Trelawny, Sunday, Women's and youth leagues (obviously if you are in the duchy region you can be assigned there).

Refereeing is rewarding despite what people may say and see. I've enjoyed my refereeing career so there's no reason why you couldn't either. There's also a financially gain to it aswell, of course.

With the course being in April, hopefully that will give everyone interested a chance to make necessary arrangements (work, childcare, shopping with the Mrs a week earlier etc)

If you are interested in refereeing or/and want more details about the course, please give me a shout either on here, via pm or email (davidrbartlam@googlemail.com). Alternatively, you can contact the CCFA Referee Development Officer, Ray Brown (Ray.brown@cornwallfa.com).

If you do have any questions, please feel free to fire away. Hopefully those of you that know me, know I'll be honest.

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Congratulations Dange'rouse, Fighting for the last course to get your colours (black), is one thing, to persevere for the sake of local football is pure altruism.

I really hope you get support from all those who couldn't travel east for a course or didn't have enough notice. Hopefully the CCFA will use some of its' enormous fine income to subsidise the course, its' members and their equipment.

If you can keep the campaign going for a few more years, we could have a full Trelawny League programme on throughout the season, even on Senior Cup weekends!

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