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Cornwall Football Forum

Where are the Champs now.

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In 1998 , I player Managed a Ranco Controls Ltd football team that comprised of local  factory players from our Southway in Plymouth and Bodmin factories. This team was put together to take on Ranco teams from France , Italy and Germany. It took place in a place called Thyez ( think thats how its spelt lol ) , in France. After 3 days of football we returned triumphant with  the cup. There was a recent photo of the team in last weeks Evening Herald. Looking back , their were 2 players who played in Cornwall at the time and they were very good too. Does anyone remember them. One was the old man of the team and he was probably the best player ive played with. All I remember about his name was Freddie ferrett ...... The other was a goal keeper who I am sure I have seen coaching on our current footie scene. He also played at Bodmin and in later years was , I think the groundsman at Bodmin.I will try and insert the photo .

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Yep , I remember now.  Both excellent players. Yes , won on penalties against the diving Italians. Great after party in a 3000 packed   night club where the bouncers were on the outside on horse back. Looking at the standard of that team , I think they would be able to  have held their own in the lower regions of todays current South West Premier. Does Paul coach now ? And anyone know what freddie is up too.

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Think Dave Ferret is at wadebridge helping out and Paul  at Newquay playing the occasional game for the reserves and dping a bit of coaching. Can't remember your name as u were player manager but also remember the lively Zihad aka Jeff playing up front. Remember the night club well. We were treated like royalty and the presentation was like winning the campion league.lol

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Thought it was you. Other than Fred and Jeff everyone else would remember me. I remember the the video , when you saved the penalty the guy with the cam corder ran with the rest of us. It was weird seeing the play back going up and down , then we reached you and piled on lol. I was the guy who picked the players to go. I always played in goal for our friendlies , but was not a patch on you. So settled for the bench.  if you pm me your email address I will pass on the photo. I can not seem to  transfer it onto this web site.

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