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Promotion/Relegation 2015/16

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From SWPL Website

Below is the official statement and lists of clubs who have applied for promotion this summer. This deals with both clubs in East & West wishing to be promoted to Premier and from the feeder leagues wishing to be promoted to East & West.
I would like to add, as an additional note that is not part of the formal statement, that we are encouraged greatly by the sheer number of clubs who have applied for promotion. In addition we have fielded many other enquiries from clubs looking to step up but who may have ground work to do before applying in future years, or who are aware that in this particular season they are not going to be able to finish high enough in their respective league tables.
“One swallow doesn’t make a Summer”, but their is almost enough applicants to not just trigger promotion & relegation but to in fact replace a whole division of clubs. Certainly it will be interesting to see not just who gets in this time around, but the standards of clubs (on & off the pitch) that are not accepted this time around.
The board of the league should, in my opinion, consider the official statement to be a ringing endorsement of the SWPL as it heads into its 10th season.
Phil H

Allocation of club from outside the feeder league system:
None Received this year.
Step Seven to Step Six: (East & West to Premier)
Liskeard Athletic West Division
Plymouth Argyle West Division
St Dennis West Division
Sticker West Division
Tiverton Town East Division

Feeder Leagues to Step Seven: 
Buckland Athletic * South Devon League See Note 1
Dartmouth South Devon League
Elmore Devon & Exeter League
Feniton Devon & Exeter League
Ilfracombe Town North Devon League
Ludgvan Cornwall Combination
Mullion Cornwall Combination
Newtown Devon & Exeter League
Plymouth Marjon Plymouth & West Devon
Topsham Town Devon & Exeter League
Torridgeside North Devon League
(Watcombe Wanderers * South Devon League See Note 2)

Note 1: Buckland Athletic application is subject to the first team gaining entry to the Southern Football League, if they do not gain promotion then this application will fail.
Note 2: Watcombe Wanderers application has been withdrawn following clarification between league & club of regulation 5.5 which states that if a ground-share arrangement is proposed the club must already be playing at that venue in order to be eligible for promotion.
Premier Division: One club from each of East & West is eligible for promotion each season. The eligible club must pass the ground grading first and then finish within the top 3 places only to be considered. Should two clubs be eligible for promotion then two clubs will be relegated, if one club then only the bottom side will be relegated.
Division One East & West: Two clubs are eligible to be promoted each season.
The two Step 7 Divisions currently have 35 clubs in membership, rules allow maximum of 36. The first club to be accepted fills the vacancy and a second club accepted triggers relegation. Provided the two clubs at the bottom of East & West wish to remain in membership they are entitled to a playoff match under the same rules as the league cup final to decide who remains members.
The maximum strength of the league is 56 clubs, 20 in Premier and 18 in each of East & West.
All clubs will now be ground graded for the standards required and these must be in place by the 31st March. After the ground visits the clubs will be informed if they are acceptable or not. Those that are acceptable ground wise will then be ranked based on final league positions to determine who are offered places.
With 11 active applicants from 5 different feeder leagues it is worthwhile making the following comments:
Only clubs who achieve a ground grading are acceptable
Only one club per feeder league can be accepted
Clubs must finish in the Top three of the league
In the event of more than two clubs remaining eligible the next determining factor is league position. The rules state the Champion club of any 1 feeder is ranked higher than a 2nd or 3rd : No difference is afforded to the perceived strength of one league over another. If two champion clubs are acceptable they are accepted and clubs finishing 2nd or 3rd fail, likewise if we go down to 2nd the clubs finishing 3rd fail etc.
In the event of more than 2 clubs achieving the ground standards and finishing in the same position the board at its May meeting will vote on who to accept, those tied clubs will be invited to make representation prior to any vote.
Philip Hiscox (Company Secretary)

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What a healthy list of applicants-

From my observations I can See Tiverton Town (res) being promoted from the East Div. to the Premier division

In the West Div. its lucky to have a top three finish qualification as both Mousehole and Penryn who have not applied and could block the competition for promotion from four clubs.

With one vacancy in the League at present we could see three new clubs in membership for next season with likely relegation from the league by Okehampton Argyle (East) and either Millbrook/Vospers OV from the West.

Or will one get a reprieve due to the vacancy?

What are the views of others?

Edited by Mike Odgers
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I think at the moment based on the current standings and achieving the required ground grade we would see St Blazey and Camelford both drop down to Division 1 West with Sticker and Tiverton Town Reserves coming up from Division 1 West and Division 1 East, Plymouth Argyle's team would then be shifted to Division 1 East.

As for the teams coming up from the feeder leagues I don't have a clue who would come in, Elmore should be able to get the grade if they do not already have it and I have heard the Bar Sol Ona are very strong in the Plymouth and West Devon League though they would be changing their name to Plymouth Sol if they come into the South West Peninsula League.

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No candidates from the East Cornwall Premier League

12 Applicants

2 clubs from the South Devon League --4 from the Devon & Exeter League--2 from the North Devon League--2 from the Cornwall Combination League--2 from the Plymouth & West Devon League

There will be quite a number of disappointed clubs at the end of the season


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Looks as if the bottom two sides in the Premier Division are doomed with the sides in the East/West that have applied for promotion

Thats the way it should be Leeds, top of premier should take notice.

Yawn, we all guilty of it, Bodmin, St.Austell, St.Blazey in years gone by, etc etc...

You only want us gone as it makes it easier for your own clubs :yahoo:

If it was viable for clubs down here to do it then surely more clubs would have done it over the years?

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What a healthy list of applicants-

From my observations I can See Tiverton Town (res) being promoted from the East Div. to the Premier division

In the West Div. its lucky to have a top three finish qualification as both Mousehole and Penryn who have not applied and could block the competition for promotion from four clubs.

With one vacancy in the League at present we could see three new clubs in membership for next season with likely relegation from the league by Okehampton Argyle (East) and either Millbrook/Vospers OV from the West.

Or will one get a reprieve due to the vacancy?

What are the views of others?

From SWPL Website

Division One East & West: Two clubs are eligible to be promoted each season.
The two Step 7 Divisions currently have 35 clubs in membership, rules allow maximum of 36. The first club to be accepted fills the vacancy and a second club accepted triggers relegation. Provided the two clubs at the bottom of East & West wish to remain in membership they are entitled to a playoff match under the same rules as the league cup final to decide who remains members.
The maximum strength of the league is 56 clubs, 20 in Premier and 18 in each of East & West.

If both bottom clubs in the East/West want to stay in the league then a play-off will take place with the winner staying in the league and the loser being relegated.

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Looks as if the bottom two sides in the Premier Division are doomed with the sides in the East/West that have applied for promotion

Thats the way it should be Leeds, top of premier should take notice.

Yawn, we all guilty of it, Bodmin, St.Austell, St.Blazey in years gone by, etc etc...

You only want us gone as it makes it easier for your own clubs :yahoo:

If it was viable for clubs down here to do it then surely more clubs would have done it over the years?

 Makes me yawn too. Wouldn't make in any easier for most clubs.

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A very late application has been accepted by the SWPL

Bar Sol Ona FC from the Plymouth & West Devon League

This club will change its name to 'Plymouth Sol' in its application to meet the etiquette needs of the SWPL.-Their ground is at Ernesettle

What chances for future clubs to progress -Premier Sixes? Storm-?-LC Phoenix? etc lol

Edited by Mike Odgers
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Anyone know if Plymouth Marjon will be using the 4G artificial pitch in their application or will they be relocating to a grass pitch?

Interesting to see no ECPL applications - Edgecumbe FC haven't applied after they 'failed' last year?!

Edited by Jamesy7
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