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An initiative from the CCFA regarding improving behaviour in the local game

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The CCFA have this morning announced an idea towards improving behaviour in the local game. 

"With behaviour and Respect a hot topic in football and especially Cornish football at the moment Cornwall FA are looking for people to sit on a working party looking at ways poor behaviour can be realistically addressed.

We are looking to work with club officials/players/referees/managers/volunteers/league officials involved in the game to discuss several aspects of behaviour and the discipline process

These include but are not limited to

•             Preventative measures

•             CCFA responsibilities

•             Referee responsibilities

•             Club responsibilities

•             League Responsibilities

•             Player responsibilities

•             Manager and coach responsibilities

•             Spectator behaviour

•             Available sanctions

It is important to have opinions from people involved in a wide variety of football roles so that we can look at all of the issues and look at all points of view. It is also a great opportunity to sit down with County representatives and find out more about the discipline process.

It is a shared responsibility to ensure football is played in a safe environment where people feel comfortable and it is hoped that this working party will identify the problem areas and look at how these can be dealt with all levels of the game in the County.

If you are interested in sitting on this working party or would like more information please contact Cornwall FA governance manager Richard Pallot by emailrichard.pallot@cornwallfa.com or phone 01208 262989.


Richard Pallot

Governance Manager, Cornwall Football Association Limited"

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Well, it's a start, and something I would want to support. Just a couple of queries: Is self nomination the best way to get members of a talking shop, or would representatives of specific interested parties (leagues, referees, supporters groups etc.) give a more balanced committee? The group would have to be small enough to be effective yet large enough to be representative. It must also have a strict time frame or it could outlast the Chilcott inquiry! Lastly a strong, respected Chairman is a prerequisite.

Not much to ask for then, best of luck with that, and, for a change I mean that sincerely.

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I'm pleased to add that as it seems a few people will ask questions on this forum rather than directly to Richard, he is happy to answer anything sensible via me. This will give him a chance to answer any valid points raised.

Many thanks to Richard for offering to do this, but as I always suggest, if you have a query concerning the CCFA, it's best to contact them direct.

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As stated Richard won't be posting direct but via me.

At this stage his main initial concern is more regarding the make-up of the group, he is looking at 10/12 people, hopefully league officials, club officials, referees, managers and players from both Senior and Junior football.

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