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No interest in the senior cup then

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They should try the runners up match just for 1 season to see how it goes im sure it would bring in more revenue and crowds than like 2 little village teams in the junior cup final which i have never bothered to watch i always go to the main match Lots of pictures in the Newquay Voice and Cornish Guardian of the Senior Cup Final but none of my Smokie dog and he had his picture taken as well may have to get the west briton lol . Hopefully next year The GS Phil LOWRY will be holding the cup up but cant see that with the side Bodmin have and Kevin Miller they will still be wheeling him out when hes in his 60s and he will be as good as he is now about time you retired Kev and give other teams a chance because u r the top keeper and no one else can compere to u 

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Hes more of a dog to me bald 1 hes helped me pull through after 2 years of Radiotherapy having most of your Kidney removed and some of your bladder cut away its been bloody hard struggle and the times i have thought i have had enough my little dog has been there and getting to watch the G play each week  has been a real tonic .Maybe it is sad but he is all i have i got no one else my son lives in London and all he cares about is himself .I have seen so many good people pass away over the 2 years of my treatment lots of young kids and i wonder why im still around maybe its just to piss off people like you . Im sorry to mention that im just hopeful im going to be given the all clear just waiting for reports to come back from Penzance Hospital got everything crossed . Ok Bald one u have a good life 

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the older im not Tory the country is in enough mess i would never vote for them but i still say a runners up match with the 2 losing semi finalist would draw a bigger crowd im sure St Austell would be a bigger draw than say Perranporth just a example but if it was a sticker vs Mousehole that would get the crowds both good clubs ran by good people . Sorry if i offended smaller clubs 

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On 30 March 2016 at 18:32, 100%cornish said:

They should try the runners up match just for 1 season to see how it goes im sure it would bring in more revenue and crowds than like 2 little village teams in the junior cup final which i have never bothered to watch i always go to the main match Lots of pictures in the Newquay Voice and Cornish Guardian of the Senior Cup Final but none of my Smokie dog and he had his picture taken as well may have to get the west briton lol . Hopefully next year The GS Phil LOWRY will be holding the cup up but cant see that with the side Bodmin have and Kevin Miller they will still be wheeling him out when hes in his 60s and he will be as good as he is now about time you retired Kev and give other teams a chance because u r the top keeper and no one else can compere to u 

100% just because u can't b bothered to watch the junior cup it doesn't mean no 1 else bothers with it,for some little village it's a massive achievement to win this cup so rather than insult the competition or the teams in it wudnt it b better if u didn't mention wot u thought of it?like many others on I cudnt give 2 hoots bout smokie n his lack of pictures but I'd let him have a photo with me if he can b bothered to drag u along to wadebridge mora nite for our junior cup final against callington town,7 30 pm ko,can't promise u a 7-0 win but I'm sure smokie will enjoy it.u may even get sum autographs off the chaps that play senior football as the majority of us r mates that support each other in theses competitions,all the breast take it cheesy,c u mora hopefully!!!

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Morning  Dave from sunny Newquay i dont mean scrapping the junior cup just play that on a different day like this year and play the losing semi finalists on the finals day Thanks for the offer about Wadebridge but got my grandson tmmrw my son is down for the weekend from london so will be out with him . Lovely people at Wadebridge hope they dont leave there ground been there many a time always friendly Smokie not been there yet . Hope your team wins and theres a good crowd and a good game . Have a lovely weekend Dave 

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 I have had the pleasure of meeting 100% and a well behaved Smokie at Godolphin earlier in the season  and  I must say Smokie is well known ,  better behaved than my Dalmatian ,  people either love dogs or don't  and I can understand where 100% comes from as they can be great company when you are feeling unwell  and they become part of your family , on the subject of the Junior cup  not all players can play at a senior level and it is a great competition to play in and also the chance to play teams you might not in your leagues and visit different grounds , just like when Hayle combo got drawn at Godolphin earlier in the senior cup  and what a good experience it was for us apart from the result , on a personal note I never played at a senior level as wasn't good enough but I loved the Junior cup  for at least one game you can forget the league and dream of progressing into the next round or further , so pluses for both  cups  and memories  to treasure as we all get older .

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One of the reasons taken into account when deciding to change the format this year was that there are few grounds with 4 changing rooms, thus limiting the choice of venues. Now it is possible to play each final at grounds more equidistant to the clubs involved. A reminder also that this years changes are for a 3 year trial period and the pros and cons will be reviewed after that time. 2 games on the same day also resulted in some unacceptable behavior from small sections of "supporters" who had supped more than they could manage! There were no such problems this year, as far as I'm aware.

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