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A statement from the CCFA - Behaviour Working Party


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Recommendations of the working party


Cornwall FA Behaviour Working Group

Recently there has been much debate and discussion about poor behaviour in local football in Cornwall. Following discussions with clubs, leagues, players and referees Cornwall FA asked for volunteers to sit on a working party to identify the reasons for poor behaviour and make recommendations on what steps can be taken to address it.

Following a fantastic response the first meeting was held on April 20th. The group consists of club secretaries and chairmen, club managers, spectators, coaches, referees and league representatives from all levels of football in the County. 

The main recommendations of the working group from the initial meeting are as follows

Pre-season meetings

A pre-season meeting to be held with representatives of The Leagues, Cornwall FA, Devon FA (where a Devon club competes)

 Referees appointed to these leagues will be invited to attend along with The Manager, Captain and Secretary (committee member) of each team. This will be an opportunity for the referees to clarify the laws of the game and for all parties to highlight expectations for the season.

Agenda and discussion points to be drawn up by working party in consultation with league, referees and clubs

Presentations for Clubs

Clubs to host evenings for their players and committee to educate on laws of the game, led by Cornwall FA and inviting local referees “Are you having a laugh presentations to be utilised” so it can be done in a relaxed informative manner. For clubs that don’t have access to bars and clubhouses work with other local clubs who do, more than just the host club can attend. Use the managers and captains who attended league meetings help to run the evening.

Referee Ambassadors

A referee takes on the responsibility of being an ambassador to a local club/clubs. They are the point of contact should the club wish to discuss any issues, request support or want clarification on the laws of the game.

Rewarding Positive behaviour

Instead of focusing on poor behaviour and sanctions Cornwall FA need to promote positive behaviour and good experiences. We will have a monthly prize in which individuals/clubs are nominated to receive an award for displaying sporting or positive behaviour. Each month a prize will be given (boots/footballs/training equipment) and at the end of the season the monthly winners are entered into a draw where an overall individual and overall team winner will be selected by the working party and will receive a further prize. There will be a separate statement with more details

Cornwall FA transparency and communication

When charges of Misconduct are issued the details of any sanctions and offences to be published on CCFA website and social media alongside weekly suspension list highlighting what action has been taken by The County for more serious cases.

The Future

The Working group will be meeting a minimum of 4 times a season to review the recommendations and what impact they have made. They will also look at making further recommendations as and where appropriate.

To make this a success we will require co-operation from everyone involved in the game to make a commitment to improving the standard of behaviour.

The group is still looking for more people passionate about Cornish football and if you feel you could add a different perspective or have a positive impact on the group then please contact Richard Pallot at Cornwall FA

Read more at http://www.cornwallfa.com/news/2016/may/addressing-poor-behaviour#WhOPz2KIIstRZ2Vl.99

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The general consensus at the meeting is that the CFA are quick to punish for bad behaviour, but they don't acknowledge the good behaviour. I think it's a positive step. Hopefully these prizes (which are very good) can be a peak for teams to reach. 

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Don't see why there cannot be incentives. Clubs can gain entry to the Europa League via the fair play system. Ok at that level so why not something at local level.

Running a small club must be expensive at times. So prizes such as kit would be welcome at most clubs I would have thought.


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