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Cornwall Football Forum

CORNISH SOCCER goes digital by public demand!

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Let's update you on some new items!

Keeping up with modern technology as well as making available what has been suggested, CORNISH SOCCER is now available as a digital magazine.

Recent survey research suggests that a lot of people who don't currently buy the magazine would do so if it is online and so with this in mind, and to try and increase the take-up of the only publication covering football throughout the county, the latest JULY issue is now available to order and read via a digital version. You can do this via this clicking on this link

The magazine online is another option for the CORNISH SOCCER readers, especially for those that would rather not pay the extra cost for postage of the printed version. The magazine will cost £2.00 as a digital version and over time, if the take-up is sufficient, the idea is that past editions will also be added to enable readers access to back numbers.

Also, along with the normal monthly CORNISH SOCCER magazine appearing online, there will be from time to time other “Special” publications.

Despite this development, I remain committed to publishing the printed version of the magazine, which will still be sent to current and new print subscribers as normal. Another comment was that the magazine was difficult to order and so again now this can be done with just one click paypal.me/CORNISHSOCCER/2.64

Paypal seems to be generally the preferred option in purchasing, but other methods are still available and detailed on the left of this page.
Recent research has suggested that online is a preferred method for reading the magazine, however this method will be under close scrutiny and constant review.

CORNISH SOCCER continues to be primarily involved with increasing the profile of football in Cornwall and with this in mind, I have also recently introduced the CORNISH SOCCER You Tube Channel. It's only been up and running a couple weeks, but so far the interest seems good and as more of a match day experience it again widens the local football profile. Please take a look if you haven’t already done so. All you have to so is search for CORNISH SOCCER on You Tube.

I also have other ideas in mind for possibly additional regular publications and trial runs will be announced shortly.
At the same time, if you ever have any news or information you want others to know about, please don't hesitate to contact me.


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