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I have no alligence to either side, watching the game as a neutral Falmouth out played Bodmin and were blatantly cheated out of 3 points. 

Falmouth player was booked for suggesting a Bodmin player dived - yet on several occasions Bodmin players swore and were aggressive in the refs face - absolutely nothing done. 

Official lineman (ass ref) went off injured at half time and a Bodmin official took over - in theory nothing wrong, except none of the officials mentioned it to Falmouth, he then took the position to decide if Bodmin were offside or not?!?!

 It was that official that then gave one of the worst decisions I have seen - Falmouth 1-0 up and in injury time, Bodmin attack had ended and ball at goalies feet. Bodmin player sprints across to keeper who has picked ball up and fouls him with both feet - keeper makes gesture to player and Bodmin lineman flags for a penalty. Ref who saw nothing goes with linesman decision and Bodmin score.  Ref continues to add time (9 minutes ??) and Bodmin score a second and win - that goal was very well taken  

I am not having a go at refs (before I get berated) but tonight was a joke and was cheating by the Bodmin official and very very poor game management from the Ref. I sincerely hope there was a CCFA official present as none of the officials tonight did themselves any credit. 

The game was recorded and hopefully the SWPL and CCFA will watch it to decide the suitability of all the officials to manage at this level.

Bottom line is Bodmin won - and history will show 3 points to them, but not half the story - rant over. 

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Unbelievable . Got to feel for Falmouth. Football is not fair sometimes but that's why we love it. Fair play to the bodmin official fir stepping in when required but that really was a decision for the ref to make having said that he didn't have to take your advice. I am blaming the ref on this one. On another note Falmouth ground really looking back to its once best, well nearly !!

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I'm also neutral on this one & agree that Falmouth played well enough to deserve all 3 points, as for the assistant, because he was from Bodmin surely he should have been covering Bodmins defence, not their front line. Also the question needs to be asked, was he a qualified ref/assistant ref? If not, should he be giving infringements?           Personally I thought the penalty was a bit harsh, but you've got to ask why did the Falmouth keeper go to trip the Bodmin striker? Not the most cleverest thing to do

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The Boy, I agree with what you have said. I did hear the Falmouth dugout question the decision as to where the Bodmin official was placed and the remaining official assisant ref said ' at least he can't rule out any Falmouth attacks' to which Falmouth responded ' but at least he can't influence them scoring' - how ironic that turned out to be.

You are right about the Falmouth keeper - he should of picked the ball up when possible and booted it into the far corner - it was already in injury time. His little flick out gave the Bodmin official a chance to call for the penalty - even so very harsh and the Ref never saw anything. At very least I hope the ref watches the game and donates his match fee to a Falmouth based charity.

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Leeds - you are normally so unbiased about Bodmin. It's always a game of opinions, but actually being at the match and hearing the ref tell player that it was in injury time when it was 1-0 to Falmouth and then watching the video that showed the actual injury time, perhaps a new watch from Father Christmas may be in order.

Your taste in drinks is also getting worse by the day!

As an aside I hope your player is okay as he seemed in real pain when he came off?

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Just now, Bobjfh said:

Leeds - you are normally so unbiased about Bodmin. It's always a game opinions, but actually being at the match and hearing the ref tell player that it was in injury time when it was 1-0 to Falmouth and then watching the video that showed the actual injury time, perhaps a new watch from Father Christmas may be in order.

Your taste in drinks is also getting worse by the day!

Credit to Falmouth, they certainly made a game of it, yes we did get out of jail this evening, but to say I am a very happy man this evening is an understatement! I can just picture 3/4 individuals checking twitter etc in the final few moments of the match & being so deflated that Bodmin snatched a dramatic victory :yahoo:

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Having watched this game on Facebook felt a draw would have been a fair result, but champions always play to the end and get their rewards. That saying it was a dubious penalty which the referee has to make the final decision, I felt he knew he should have sent a Falmouth player off minute's before for another foul which should have been a 2nd yellow. At the time I said dive but watching over a couple times the keeper put his leg out and the forward went over it. Unfortunately the referee and linesman don't have the opportunity to look over the decision a couple times. I also can't understand why the stand in linesman who after the game I found out was a bodmin member?? Was allowed to be involved and at worst should have been at the bodmin defence end and not the Falmouths defence? I can't understand why Falmouth officials allowed this??  Nether the less entertaining end to a decent game 

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The more I watch the incident, the more I wonder how it can be a penalty. I'm not one to bash referees but that was an awful decision. The club might complain to the league but the only winners will be Bodmin. Nothing will change, they will win the league and we will have another stale season, unless Parkway finish high enough and take promotion. Have to feel for the club, but credit to Bodmin for not giving up.

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39 minutes ago, Willow Tree said:

The more I watch the incident, the more I wonder how it can be a penalty. I'm not one to bash referees but that was an awful decision. The club might complain to the league but the only winners will be Bodmin. Nothing will change, they will win the league and we will have another stale season, unless Parkway finish high enough and take promotion. Have to feel for the club, but credit to Bodmin for not giving up.

Think every club would not take promotion except Parkway, so you could say that about any other of the 19 teams Willow 

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4 minutes ago, leedsunited said:

Think every club would not take promotion except Parkway, so you could say that about any other of the 19 teams Willow 

When Bodmin let someone else win the league and that team doesn't take promotion, I will!

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34 minutes ago, Nanks said:

I don't think promotion is viable for any Cornish club. 

I feel the same way as you nanks so do we actually need the pyramid system down here?? I did prefer the old south western ecpl combination etc more local derbies and a lot more fans watching but just my opinion 

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22 minutes ago, Tribute said:

East Cornwall league now divided into two , which includes teams from north of the border has lost interest. Just look at the game reports on here and the responses. Bring back local leagues and local football ?

Absolutely agree. There is no point whatsoever having to journey mega miles into Devon just for 90minutes of football. There would be much more interest in a Cornwall League especially as no one wants to take promotion.

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Maybe Plymouth will have 2-3 seasons in the SWPL. If they win the league a few times then maybe they might consider putting their reserve side in to a professional reserve team league or something. This is only a guess may I add and all to do with financial costs as well.

On the other hand, back to the original topic post. Felt really sorry for Falmouth on Wednesday night after watching it on Facebook. They played really well and definitely deserved something from the game, and when they scored through Jordan Annear it looked like they'd do just that. The penalty decision was utterly ridiculous, whether it was given by the guy who was from Bodmin or not. Although in all honesty there was no way that would've been given if the original linesman would've stayed there I'm sure. Hopefully it was or is going to be looked in to by the CCFA as what happened should never have happened and I would hope never happens again. They won't get a better chance as it's all caught on camera which rarely happens. Whether people like them or not, credit to Bodmin though. Despite Falmouth's late goal they still didn't give up and pushed for the equaliser and then the winner. That's the winning mentality of champions for you.

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1 hour ago, JENGLE said:

Maybe Plymouth will have 2-3 seasons in the SWPL. If they win the league a few times then maybe they might consider putting their reserve side in to a professional reserve team league or something. This is only a guess may I add and all to do with financial costs as well.

On the other hand, back to the original topic post. Felt really sorry for Falmouth on Wednesday night after watching it on Facebook. They played really well and definitely deserved something from the game, and when they scored through Jordan Annear it looked like they'd do just that. The penalty decision was utterly ridiculous, whether it was given by the guy who was from Bodmin or not. Although in all honesty there was no way that would've been given if the original linesman would've stayed there I'm sure. Hopefully it was or is going to be looked in to by the CCFA as what happened should never have happened and I would hope never happens again. They won't get a better chance as it's all caught on camera which rarely happens. Whether people like them or not, credit to Bodmin though. Despite Falmouth's late goal they still didn't give up and pushed for the equaliser and then the winner. That's the winning mentality of champions for you.


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17 hours ago, JENGLE said:

And why do you think that BIG AL?

Because the issue is over and done with. Even with photo evidence nothing will or can be done.

Incidentally who was the 'Bodmin' assistant?

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Definate penalty end of story :thumbsup:

Move on, its football, it happens up & down the country every week. To see some comments online that it makes people want to finish with football then do it, don't threaten to do it for attention, just walk away!! From where I was it looked a penalty, football is all about opinions 

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Look at the footage again.  Looked to me like he was trying to avoid another X-rated flying challenge from the same bloke who went in two-footed seconds earlier.  The bodmin full-back should have been sent off straight away for the first incident or if I am charitable at least been booked.  Game stopped.  The ball is dead. Falmouth deservedly win 1-0.

Ref should NEVER have given the penalty on the say so of a Bodmin official!  Some refs with qualified recognised linesman/assistants only let them rule on offsides and throw-ins.  Why would he take the word of a stand-in let alone one with Bodmin connections?

We all make mistakes but the ref should be called to account for his actions I feel.

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Another point from the video - the Ref allowed Bodmin to kick-off following Falmouth's goal, despite a Falmouth player still being 20/30 yards in Bodmin's half.

He also made a massive error in allowing the Bodmin 'assistant' to run the line of his own forwards, He should also have dealt with the initial foul by the Bodmin player - if he wanted to keep play going, fair enough, but he should still have made it clear that he had seen the foul (if he did!), and should have gone back to that incident rather than giving a penalty on the say-so of the assistant, assuming that he saw that incident as well!

Actually, what DID he see?

Basics really

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Last season in a crucial match, a Bodmin player deliberately handled a goalbound shot on the line in the opening minutes.  Penalty awarded - correct decision.  Virtually all the Bodmin players surround the referee for a minute or so.  Referee emerges from the throng.  No red card - incorrect decision as per the laws of the game.  Bodmin play the remaining 85 minutes with 11 men instead of 10 (and win).  At the end of the game the referee walks off the pitch with arms round Bodmin player.  The referee?  Steve Annis.  

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10 hours ago, Tribute said:

I'm certain if it was the other way round a certain Mr Gilbert would of gone insane. 

A certain Mr.Gilbert would be more switched on & if he was not happy he would of voiced his concerns, now if the Falmouth bench was not happy at the proceedings before the start of the second half why didn't they say so? Did they notice? To frightened to speak up? All well & good to pipe up on social media, papers etc but should of made a squeak on the night if they had any concerns at all about the linesman. (Who took the time out of his evening to help out & nearly ruined his best shoes in the process I was told). Thought he had a good game personally!

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Leeds - I thought you said you were there? The Falmouth bench did raise it with the linesman and ref, once the second half had started. The reason they did not raise it during the half time was that NO official mentioned it to them that there was going to be a change due to injury. Other than being told that at least the Bodmin official wouldn't be able to decline a Falmouth goal - they were also told that the lineman on the main stand side had more to do as he was responsible for substitutions - laughable. As an aside I did not recall any of the two appointed assistant referees awarding a free kick at any time (other than after the ref had signalled it) - the only one was this 'penalty'.

The Bodmin official may have been fully qualified (no one has confirmed this yet), but he cheated on this decision and I am sure the club will buy him some new shoes. It is a real shame - Bodmin will very probably go on and win the league comfortably, yet many are going to remember this incident more that their playing ability (makes a change from Mr Gilbert's antics). Falmouth do need to move on though, the CCFA can't and won't overturn the result - they hopefully will consider Mr Annis's  suitability though.

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