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Travellers at Bolitho Park

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Bolithio Park car park is a 'public' space and as such Travllers can and do avail themselves of the land. Simple fact is that Plymouth City council will serve them with a notice to quit and they will be gone by the weekend - I would suggest news is light at the moment in Plymouth and The Herald need a story.

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From the SWPL website forum :

Home  Forums  Postponement News  Saturday 25th Feb : Parkway v Falmouth : OFF

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Phil Hiscox Phil Hiscox 22 minutes ago.

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    Profile photo of Phil Hiscox
    Phil Hiscox
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    Please note that I have sanctioned the early postponement of the Plymouth Parkway v Falmouth Town match which was scheduled for tomorrow – Saturday 25th February.

    The reason for the match being off is that on Tuesday a group of “travellers” moved onto the car park and despite efforts to have them moved on they are still in situ

    This has caused concern about dog mess, waste, anti social behaviour and security and as such we cannot allow the game to go ahead

    Parkway are away next week so hopefully by the time of the next home match this situation will have been resolved

    Very sad to have to stop peoples enjoyment because of this type of incident !


    Phil H

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18 minutes ago, hoppit said:

This must be the first time ever that a match has been postponed for travellers makes a nice change from a waterlogged pitch.


An unfortunate choice of wording hoppit, there is nothing nice about it. Just ask the residents that live 50 metres away, the families who are encouraged by PCC to walk their dogs responsibly, the families of the Under 10's & 12's who cannot play football due to dogs mess on their pitch, the thefts from the corner shop by 'children', the break in at properties in the area and people arrested and then return them back again. For all these responsible people of society who go lawfully about their daily business , nothing can be done. Welcome to La La Land.

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12 minutes ago, Home Waters said:

An unfortunate choice of wording hoppit, there is nothing nice about it. Just ask the residents that live 50 metres away, the families who are encouraged by PCC to walk their dogs responsibly, the families of the Under 10's & 12's who cannot play football due to dogs mess on their pitch, the thefts from the corner shop by 'children', the break in at properties in the area and people arrested and then return them back again. For all these responsible people of society who go lawfully about their daily business , nothing can be done. Welcome to La La Land.

So the travellers are right at home then??

Joking aside, terrible to get games postponed for this! Such a lack of respect from a society that is supposedly built on 'respect'. Terrible for the children who miss out on something they spend their week looking forward to, for businesses and residents. Not to mention the club itself, which is impressed a lot of people of late. Miss out on income, the risk of vandalism. I hope that they are able to move them on sooner rather than later; I've nothing against the folk until it starts to have a deprimental effect on the rest of society. 

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As the gypsies do not own the land the council has the power to evict them within 24 hours.  Seven years ago in my village Meriden near Solihull travellers bought a piece of green belt land for 100k. This land was environmentally and ecologically protected by planning laws and could only be used for agriculture. However on May Day Bank Holiday weekend caravans, bulldozers, earth movers arrived. They put a planning application in on the Friday, five minutes before the Council Offices closed so that it would not be read until the following Tuesday. Meanwhile they would then contravene planning laws and develop the site with 40 pitches each which would include a day home/bungalow, mobile home and caravan placements on each plus parking for lorries etc. 

Our MP got a block by the Council to stop the digging on the Saturday and us locals stopped 90 lorries of hard core from entering the site. She then got a High Court Order to prevent any future development until planning was approved. Thes gypsies live in 5 bedroom houses in a neighbouring village claiming they had nowhere to live. It was a greed not a need development  in whch they were set to make upto £10 million. As a village we pulled together, formed an action group of about 100 people which watched the site 24 hours a day for three and a half years. During that time they cut down protected trees and hedges, ruined protected wildlife sites which were home to great crested newts ,messed up the site and were abusive to us. They had a total disrespect for environment and the local population  

They lost their applications, appeals to the Council and High courts using legal aid (when they had far more money than us), we won 22/22 cases. We went to the European Parliament and Courts of Human Rights in Strasbourg protesting we had rights too and met with the Givernment minister in Westminster. As a result we were on National TV and press as a group of people fighting for their rights. I am pleased to say that we finally won, the gypsies were forced to give up and then had to sell the land to local people, making a substantial loss. 

Sorry to bring this up  on a football forum but it is related to the Parkway issue and illustrates what devious people they are. 

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