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Just back from the football at Bodmin soaked through to the skin but was a good game Bodmin played very well and held there own until Kenneth Zohore came on for the 2nd half and they couldnt handle him hes a real good player ,it was 1-1at half time BeN Watson with a pen for Bodmin .I saw Neil Warnock and gave him a photo i took of him 17 years ago of him with my son when he came to Bodmin with his sheff utd team and won 8-0 there was a real nice thing Neil did tonight there was a young lad in a wheel chair getting soaking wet and Mr Warnock got him a waterproof to cover him up from the weather . Bodmin played some lovely football and will take some beating this season Ollie BROKENSHIRE and Harry EVANS both played well but my man of the match goes to Jake ASH . You have got to give credit to Darren Gilbert he has built this team up from scratch and they look really good.Glad to get home awful driving conditions Smokie was alright he was in the dry in the car .Onto St Austell tmmrw night to see them vs Cardiff youngsters and hopefully severel 1st team players will play hopefully Craig Noone and Morrison 

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I thought Dave Painter and Jake ash were excellent. Special praise for the old timer Steve Simmonds year after year this boy pulls out top performances. His legs might be getting older but his heart for the game gets younger every year. This Bodmin side look really strong, still players to come back into the fold too apparently. If they can stay for they will be a force to be reckoned with this year.

As for attendance well ive got to say, having seen the attendance at both Tavistock and Bodmin over the 2 games, no wonder clubs are struggling! If thats the best support our local fans can show when a championship side comes to town then the decline has well and truly set in!.. if people wont get ou lt and support clubs for a big game like tonight they never will. Shocking. I feel for Bodmin and Tavi im sure they expected more.

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All credit to the Bodmin helpers and staff who put on a first class presentation for the Cardiff game. Well done one and all.

Right from the excellent playing surface through to selling programmes in the pouring rain, the effort and genuine commitment was there for all to see.

It is almost impossible (and unfair) to try and judge the Bodmin team performance against a quality Championship side like Cardiff, so I'm not even going to try.

Friendlies are training shifts first and foremost and I am sure Mr Gilbert has his hands full with pretty much a new team this season in any case.

I think everyone who attended not only got wet through (I certainly did) but will hopefully appreciate the hard graft and effort this SWPL side put into this fixture. They did the league proud which was more than echoed by numerous Cardiff supporters during the evening.

A worthy event for Cornwall football and I count myself lucky enough of having been able to attend. 

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