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Government grants

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The government are giving grants of £10.000 to small businesses affected by the Covid19 virus,
As football clubs with clubhouses are we presume small businesses do they qualify, and has anyone made a succesful claim for the grant.
If this grant is available to football clubs, why are people saying so many clubs will be going bust ( unless of course it's used to fill brown envelopes instead of keeping the clubs head above water )

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Yes we realise that the grants were available some time ago older, we wondered how many clubs applied for the money and were successful.
£10,00 should ensure the survival of clubs in the S.W.P.L. if used properly, and should put to bed the suggestion that clubs won't be able to survive the season.
It comes back to how prudent the clubs are with their expenditure, and what the money is spent on.


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24 minutes ago, We Two said:

Yes we realise that the grants were available some time ago older, we wondered how many clubs applied for the money and were successful.
£10,00 should ensure the survival of clubs in the S.W.P.L. if used properly, and should put to bed the suggestion that clubs won't be able to survive the season.
It comes back to how prudent the clubs are with their expenditure, and what the money is spent on.


Nope, the cost of running a club with residual costs, entry fees, insurance and so on is expensive to say the least. 

A few years ago when we were running up to 4 teams a typical season would be circa £30k 

And no... we do not pay players.

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20 minutes ago, TheolderIgetthebetterIwas said:

Nope, the cost of running a club with residual costs, entry fees, insurance and so on is expensive to say the least. 

A few years ago when we were running up to 4 teams a typical season would be circa £30k 

And no... we do not pay players.

These were given to businesses that were registered for business rates even if they did not pay them because they are below the £12500 a year threshold.

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30 minutes ago, Keith B said:

Surely football clubs at our level cannot be classed as businesses ? 

If we are understanding the reply fom Ieuan Gregory correctly, ( and I believe we are ) grants are available to clubs, and If applications for a grant are still available we suggest those who haven't applied do so A.S.A.P.
£10,000 should ensure the survival of clubs at local level unless they waste it.

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We have just googled " criteria for government £10,000 business grants for sports clubs" and the information we found suggested that money is available plus 100% rate relief.
There is also a suggestion that £617 million has been made available to clubs who rent their facilities.
Our advice would be to go to the site and make your mind up if your club qualifies because there are so many differentials with club situations, that only the individual club would know if it's worth applying.
One thing that is for sure is that if you don't ask you won't get !!!
Good luck if you do apply, there APPEARS to be something for everyone, and you would be unfortunate to get nothing.

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£ 1. 5 billion unclaimed is money sitting in the coffers and will be returned to the government if not claimed by the end of August.

That's the info on the B.B.C. news channel on the 8th of August, and as there is seemingly no restrictions on what it's spent on, you can waste it on the mercenaries if you wish ! or ( perish the thought ) in some cases spend it on updating some of the archaic supporters facilities.

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