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Dave Deacon

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17th December 2023

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our members.

As it's the time of goodwill to all, what about we all attempt to cheer up the forum going forward and one way for this is for everyone to take personal responsibility for what is posted?

I'm therefore asking that from now on we should all post in our personal names.

This is how you change your name on the CornwallFootballForum -

When you've logged in

1) click on your name which should be top right of screen

2) Then click on 'Account Settings'. 

3) You should then be able to see 'Display Name' and to the right of that 'Change'.

4) Update your email address at the same time as entering your real name.

Hopefully that should do it and many thanks.

Dave Deacon

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Great idea Deacs 👍️  Cut a lot of the crap out we’ve had off a certain few individuals the last couple of years on here hopefully mate!!?  Got something to say, positive or negative, say it to someone’s face with your own name!? 👍️ If not, don’t say it! Simple. Lot of good football people on here over the years, that don’t bother anymore cos of all the bullshit, hopefully this will weed out the time wasters 👏🏼👏🏼👍

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Fair enough question in these days of spurious things happening around the world!

I have to be honest that when this forum was set up, over 13 years ago, Richard sorted the techhie side of things and me the football side of the operation. Because of this I think Richard is better suited to directly answer your query, however in the meantime I have found the following :"Data protection is of the utmost importance for the management of Invision Power Services, Inc. (“IPS”) The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to IPS."

At the end of the day, if the majority of members feel that they would rather keep their anonymity with the follow on of this meaning that unfortunately some of the posts question the credibility and the reason of the forum being set up in the first place - to enable Cornish football to be discussed and debated in a friendly environment - it may well be the time for us to review the set-up of the forum administration.

Fresh blood never hurt anyone!   


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So your'e guilty of using an ex world champion motorcycle racers name  from the 60's , Gary Hocking , I always suspected it .

Its all right for you Rappo your'e internationally known anyway .

All joking aside , a good idea because I'm sure that the forum could in the future be ruined by keyboard morons , best to take action now .

sad day my last post as Fenman .

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1 hour ago, fenman said:

So your'e guilty of using an ex world champion motorcycle racers name  from the 60's , Gary Hocking , I always suspected it .

Its all right for you Rappo your'e internationally known anyway .

All joking aside , a good idea because I'm sure that the forum could in the future be ruined by keyboard morons , best to take action now .

sad day my last post as Fenman .

Impressed by your speedway knowledge Fenman 👍 My dad was a big speedway fan when he was a young man and didn’t miss the chance to name his firstborn after one of the stars he loved to follow (my mum only found the reason out months later when it was too late to object). 

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My opinion has always been that forum members should be obliged to use their own name! I've no real knowledge of the ins and outs of GDPR, but my belief is that the "organisation" has a duty to protect the personal information it holds about others. However, if a condition of membership requires posting under a "real name", it's the member who is sharing their own information if they choose to make a comment- not the forum!

Some of us have nothing to hide! To quote an old saying, " Put your money where your mouth is."

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1 hour ago, John Mead said:

My opinion has always been that forum members should be obliged to use their own name! I've no real knowledge of the ins and outs of GDPR, but my belief is that the "organisation" has a duty to protect the personal information it holds about others. However, if a condition of membership requires posting under a "real name", it's the member who is sharing their own information if they choose to make a comment- not the forum!

Some of us have nothing to hide! To quote an old saying, " Put your money where your mouth is."

Would imagine that people on here who use pseudonyms and aliases for their postings, use real names when putting stuff on the various social media platforms.

Can't see how concerns about GDPR would be any different. 

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3 minutes ago, Ian Pethick said:

Would imagine that people on here who use pseudonyms and aliases for their postings, use real names when putting stuff on the various social media platforms.

Can't see how concerns about GDPR would be any different. 

Thats not the case - there are a few of us who even on social media won't use our proper names mainly due to work reasons. I've been contacted privately by a few members on this forum who agreed with my earlier point. I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist about it, I just won't post anymore. I understand the good intention behind this move, however the social and cyber realities of life just make it impossible for me to comply with the request.

Hope to see a few of you at some Truro away games in the new year, I'll be there with my spaniel as I usually am (in grounds that allow in dogs of course)

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29 minutes ago, Darren Ashley said:

It’s the platforms ability to provide security for our personal information. 

Social media platforms do offer security and privacy options, to mitigate user risk. 

(Privacy on here is self moderated with username choice).

If the Forum platform is secure and meets GDPR laws then happy days , if not then potentially they are leaving themselves open to potential issues..

You also have no idea/protection against random weirdos. Real names or not, life has taught me there are a lot of weird people out there/on the internet.

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Understand the thought behind this but honestly don’t think it will work. All the keyboard warriors have to do is  create an account in a false name instead of their current forum name. Most of us are polite and constructive on here. Any forum will sadly always have wind up keyboard warriors. Don't envy you guys doing the administration!

Personally, like Craze I put as little of my personal information on the internet as possible. May close my account and just be a reader.


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Think the majority think its a good idea to give real names on here, for those that don’t want too its fair enough but lets all try and be constructive and keep it to opinions and facts with no nastiness and just remember that on the North Pole Forum Father Christmas has used the alias “S. Claus” 😉

Merry Christmas and a successful New Year to you all. 💙

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I don't mind people knowing my name I just dont want to be found on a social media page that my family say because I see the level of abuse some get on here it wouldnt be nice for family to see. I like the idea that we are accountable for what we say but then I question if people are honest with real names as a realistic name could still be fake 

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2 minutes ago, BrummyBarry said:

I don't mind people knowing my name I just dont want to be found on a social media page that my family say because I see the level of abuse some get on here it wouldnt be nice for family to see. I like the idea that we are accountable for what we say but then I question if people are honest with real names as a realistic name could still be fake 

Your display name has been reverted back.

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I guess this process just highlights how life works nowadays. Some have no issue with the request, some do. 
I can understand why some do have an issue showing their name on social media, that’s their prerogative. However we must all remember, someone has to try and keep this forum flowing. And with all due respect, I don’t believe it’s anyone who has objected to a name change. 
Maybe the way forward will be simple to ban posters who are clearly trolls. I’m sure they annoy quite a few on here who just wish to have a balanced discussion on all matters football. 

For what it’s worth, I’ll post from now on with Harrison’s full name on show, so if anyone has any issues with what I say, they can hunt down a chocolate Cockapoo and take it out on him 😂


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Sorry I have been away for a while.

I can give assurances that the only details held are those given at registration and validated email address.

Unlike commercial websites/social media which sells your data and uses ad tracking. The forum is a non profit site. Remember this forum is free of charge and is kept running based on members kind donations. 

Personally I’m not against the use of pseudonyms.

One of the things that I can probably set up is a separate sub forum where only members who use their real identify can participate.

How that would work I’m not sure as I don’t really want to be in the position of confirming users but maybe that is something Dave could do. Maybe it could be done based on reputation points, get over say +1000 reputation you can enter a separate sub forum. 

If anything this has instigated a debate and welcome any ideas?


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As Richard has now replied regarding your security concerns, can you please confirm you still want to be deleted from the forum?

With regard to the “petulant” suggestion, if is quite clear that from the response that more members were against my idea and so going with the flow!

I wasn’t aware that so many people have things to hide! 

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28 minutes ago, Dave Deacon said:

As Richard has now replied regarding your security concerns, can you please confirm you still want to be deleted from the forum?

With regard to the “petulant” suggestion, if is quite clear that from the response that more members were against my idea and so going with the flow!

I wasn’t aware that so many people have things to hide! 

Its not about having things to hide, its about not putting things on show. A truly worrying and may I say naive viewpoint Mr D

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4 hours ago, Craze said:

Its not about having things to hide, its about not putting things on show. A truly worrying and may I say naive viewpoint Mr D

Yep I admit I have been very naive with this matter. Although a few of us innocent ordinary folk will still think that it would appear people have things to hide! 😄:thumbsup:

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7 hours ago, Dave Deacon said:

Yep I admit I have been very naive with this matter. Although a few of us innocent ordinary folk will still think that it would appear people have things to hide! 😄:thumbsup:

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all innocent ordinary folk. Sadly there’s a small minority, particularly online, who go looking for trouble.

A bloke on another forum I’m on made a joke - bit sexist - but a joke nonetheless - on a closed forum. Some idiot screen shotted what he’d said, found out his identity and sent some of his post history to his boss. Fired. It does happen.

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2 hours ago, Craze said:

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all innocent ordinary folk. Sadly there’s a small minority, particularly online, who go looking for trouble.

A bloke on another forum I’m on made a joke - bit sexist - but a joke nonetheless - on a closed forum. Some idiot screen shotted what he’d said, found out his identity and sent some of his post history to his boss. Fired. It does happen.

So, anonymity is necessary so that we can tell sexist jokes without being held to account? 

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16 minutes ago, Dave Deacon said:

Genuine question for you Craze - I just want to gauge what could be permissible or not.


So as to gauge - if this sort of thing appears in this forum, should it be removed? Irrespective if it’s posted by a named or anonymous. 

Depends on the extent of the comment, case by case basis. I didn't agree with the joke (although it was pretty tame really), but nor did I agree with some bloke having his livelihood taken away because he made a bit of a tit of himself on a closed, members only forum. I guess thats why we have mods to make these decisions/judgement calls.

I'd prefer we all kept it friendly and kept it to the football, but particularly with football, emotions flare up, fans get excited, I'll hold my hands up and say last year when Truro won the playoff I was probably seen as a bit obnoxious, but it simply came from a place of being very excited and a lot of joy.

For the record I've always liked this place, its pretty friendly and I hope it goes from strength to strength over many years.

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