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St Piran League Withdrawals 2024-25

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In the last 24 hours Lanivet Inn (D2E), New Inn Titans (D1W) and Constantine Reserves (D4W) have, for varying reasons, withdrawn from the league.  As a result of these withdrawals:

  • D4W will have 14 teams;
  • Only one team will be relegated from D2E at the end of the 2024-25 season:
  • Only one team will be relegated from D1W at the end of the 2024-25 season:
  • Adjustments will be made to the Percy Stephens and Evely Cup draws which will take place on 1st July.
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2 hours ago, Martin Eddy said:

Teams start off at the bottom, work their way up. Find their level then fold

If that’s what you believe Martin you believe that. I thought better of you than that. We’ve stated the reasons. 
Got nothing to do with “Finding Our Level”

Like I’ve said, financially we couldn’t sustain keeping going, we’re a small squad, yes may have a few signed on but availability each week is a different matter. Surgery to one of our best players season long lay off. Players going back to other clubs. 

The worry of picking up more injuries with a small enough squad as it is. 
Increases from the parish for pitch rent. 
Referee fee increase, meaning we would have to try and obtain more funds, so that officials in the club aren’t paying from their own pocket. 


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Ralph of all people I know those problems, but it has happened time and again in junior football, where sides like to win and win,then fold. And they are clubs with only one side.To be fair you've struggled as a club this season and still won the league, but to be fair the writing was on the wall.

1 minute ago, Martin Eddy said:

Ralph of all people I know those problems, but it has happened time and again in junior football, where sides like to win and win,then fold. And they are clubs with only one side.To be fair you've struggled as a club this season and still won the league, but to be fair the writing was on the wall.

A club is only as good as the volunteers off the pitch, and when those people get pushed to the limit then you are in trouble 

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5 minutes ago, Martin Eddy said:

Ralph of all people I know those problems, but it has happened time and again in junior football, where sides like to win and win,then fold. And they are clubs with only one side.To be fair you've struggled as a club this season and still won the league, but to be fair the writing was on the wall.

A club is only as good as the volunteers off the pitch, and when those people get pushed to the limit then you are in trouble 

We’re a small numbered squad. 

Numbers, depth and financially we can’t sustain a season.

2/3 of us running around behind the scenes, and it’s taken its toll.

3 injuries first 2 games of the season last year, ruined us. Injuries that were long lay offs - 4 months each. We struggled with numbers last year. And we have had numbers decrease again. Which would have no doubt in our minds, made us have to field, 9/10 players in some games. And possibly conceding fixtures which we never wanted to do as a club, or secondly wouldn’t be able to afford it money wise if we didn’t fulfil fixtures. 

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the problem is 'clubs' like new inn titans have no real home, history, ethos, a sense of 'we cant fold what about everyone before us', they take the scraps from surrounding areas and make a 'club' and when the going gets tough just fold.


'Storm looking for new players'

Speak out united..........!!

Dropship 🤔 (camborne park folded, trevenson folded, new inn titans folded..... see a pattern?!)

just go and play for your local club, i've got no sympathy whatsoever i am afraid when you look at clubs rich in history struggling for players and then new clubs popping up playing all over cornwall from one pitch to another season after season! 

i think its way beyond time the CCFA look at what the requirements are to join leagues, they cant allow random people to just make up a new club time and time again! its destroying local football and is clear for everyone to see! yet nothings being done to stop it!

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15 minutes ago, Sijames said:

the problem is 'clubs' like new inn titans have no real home, history, ethos, a sense of 'we cant fold what about everyone before us', they take the scraps from surrounding areas and make a 'club' and when the going gets tough just fold.


'Storm looking for new players'

Speak out united..........!!

Dropship 🤔 (camborne park folded, trevenson folded, new inn titans folded..... see a pattern?!)

just go and play for your local club, i've got no sympathy whatsoever i am afraid when you look at clubs rich in history struggling for players and then new clubs popping up playing all over cornwall from one pitch to another season after season! 

i think its way beyond time the CCFA look at what the requirements are to join leagues, they cant allow random people to just make up a new club time and time again! its destroying local football and is clear for everyone to see! yet nothings being done to stop it!

said it for a few years myself @Sijames

If a player isn't good enough to play for his local Town or Village club, the dummies gets spat out and a new club is born to accommodate.

Dropship have had more homes than Truro City since they started, now playing in Rosudgeon (a club who have recently folded, who only a couple of seasons ago had x2 team themselves) with a core play base from Falmouth 😵

Also same management team who started then folded Mabe 👀


I fully agree that the CCFA must do more to stop this, farcical


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I think, people will always want to see negatives. 

Dropship FC will without doubt, be there to last. 
Youth Set ups for various ages, structured club, now starting to build the foundations, for a CLUB HISTORY


Every club, or team has to start somewhere. 

The issue you see now a days, is there isn’t enough youth coming through and breaking into Reserves, then possibly first team football. 

When you have clubs/teams with aging players, and no youth to branch into a squad, 2/3 or 4/5 as a cluster, who’ve played together for a while and gel, then a club, or team is in trouble. 

Because you’ll have 6 or 7 aging players who through injuries, or age have to give up the game. So yes it is a sad state for local football but it’s unfortunately what is happening.


Also there are things, that go on behind the scenes. As stated, financial sustainability of keeping going. If you don’t have the luxuries of big sponsors, etc then you’ll find that individuals behind the scenes of a (“CLUB”), Team, are using money from their own personal pockets other wise the club are struggling to keep up with Rent increases for pitches, etc. And they can only do that for so long, when they have their own families and lives to live and support. 

Robartes FC played at Illogan park before us, after 10 years or so in Sunday/Mining league. 
Then the manager, of that side wanted to bring in younger players, when that club folded and was named NEW INN TITANS FC because of a previous Robartes FC founder/player had bought the local pub NEW INN and wanted to back a football club - John Webster. 

That was probably 8/9 years ago?

That said Manager then left, and was taken on by someone who drafted in, Shaun Isaacs, who played for Robartes and New Inn when they was first founded. 
Shaun then got together, family and friends who were all coming to the end of their playing days. And sadly from then on we never had any younger players to bring through to help those that would be leaving. 

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I agree to a point as it's happening county wide that players are playing into later years now for that reason. Where are the young lads that live in Illogan and surrounding areas? When I watched Illogan firsts last November, their side wasn't too youthful either, so they're not playing there. There's a few clubs in that area either side of the A30 so maybe a case of too many clubs within a stone's throw. 

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1 hour ago, Foul Throw 3 said:

I agree to a point as it's happening county wide that players are playing into later years now for that reason. Where are the young lads that live in Illogan and surrounding areas? When I watched Illogan firsts last November, their side wasn't too youthful either, so they're not playing there. There's a few clubs in that area either side of the A30 so maybe a case of too many clubs within a stone's throw. 

It’s been happening more and more sadly. 

The issue is, and it’s only my personal opinion. 

Players get accelerated to High level, without actually learning the trade, as they say. And majority of the time aren’t good enough for the higher level but are kept for numbers. 

Theres a lot of “club skipping” each season. And it isn’t the same as years ago for playing for the same team for a few years. 

We have had the same core of players now and stuck together. Sadly we’re all 36-42, and becoming less and less able to recovery from injuries. 

But yes you’re right, where are these youthful players?

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22 minutes ago, Ralph Pascoe said:

It’s been happening more and more sadly. 

The issue is, and it’s only my personal opinion. 

Players get accelerated to High level, without actually learning the trade, as they say. And majority of the time aren’t good enough for the higher level but are kept for numbers. 

Theres a lot of “club skipping” each season. And it isn’t the same as years ago for playing for the same team for a few years. 

We have had the same core of players now and stuck together. Sadly we’re all 36-42, and becoming less and less able to recovery from injuries. 

But yes you’re right, where are these youthful players?

Probably getting their football fix in the flexi-leagues? No real commitment needed, play a few games with their mates, no training involved, weekends free? 

It’s been coming for years, the FA know that player numbers might be down slightly but Saturday football has been dramatically affected but made up by midweek leagues now that astro pitches are more readily accessible. 

Just my opinion. 

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33 minutes ago, Tommy Matthews said:

Probably getting their football fix in the flexi-leagues? No real commitment needed, play a few games with their mates, no training involved, weekends free? 

It’s been coming for years, the FA know that player numbers might be down slightly but Saturday football has been dramatically affected but made up by midweek leagues now that astro pitches are more readily accessible. 

Just my opinion. 

I agree Tommy. 

You aren’t far wrong there. Yes it’s nice to have those options, but as you say.. affects the Saturday league. 

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21 hours ago, Ralph Pascoe said:

I think, people will always want to see negatives. 

Dropship FC will without doubt, be there to last. 
Youth Set ups for various ages, structured club, now starting to build the foundations, for a CLUB HISTORY


Every club, or team has to start somewhere. 

The issue you see now a days, is there isn’t enough youth coming through and breaking into Reserves, then possibly first team football. 

When you have clubs/teams with aging players, and no youth to branch into a squad, 2/3 or 4/5 as a cluster, who’ve played together for a while and gel, then a club, or team is in trouble. 

Because you’ll have 6 or 7 aging players who through injuries, or age have to give up the game. So yes it is a sad state for local football but it’s unfortunately what is happening.


Also there are things, that go on behind the scenes. As stated, financial sustainability of keeping going. If you don’t have the luxuries of big sponsors, etc then you’ll find that individuals behind the scenes of a (“CLUB”), Team, are using money from their own personal pockets other wise the club are struggling to keep up with Rent increases for pitches, etc. And they can only do that for so long, when they have their own families and lives to live and support. 

Robartes FC played at Illogan park before us, after 10 years or so in Sunday/Mining league. 
Then the manager, of that side wanted to bring in younger players, when that club folded and was named NEW INN TITANS FC because of a previous Robartes FC founder/player had bought the local pub NEW INN and wanted to back a football club - John Webster. 

That was probably 8/9 years ago?

That said Manager then left, and was taken on by someone who drafted in, Shaun Isaacs, who played for Robartes and New Inn when they was first founded. 
Shaun then got together, family and friends who were all coming to the end of their playing days. And sadly from then on we never had any younger players to bring through to help those that would be leaving. 

And there's the misunderstanding right there! Why didnt the people within the set up go to an already established and steady club and implement what they're doing now instead of making their own up? there will be no club history, as they will fold within 10yrs mark my words! Resudgeon will also have someone in the not too distant future who will want to reinvigorate the club and teams, and therefore want the facilities solely back to the club and the vicious circle starts again along with the ground hopping! its farcical it really is.

you're as short sighted as those who take these people in and allow them to destroy what potential they could have themselves. its a well known fact that the chap in charge has a flashy car, lots of money, yet doesnt buy any of the hundreds of acres of land available currently and plonk some goals on it and start actually building a club like the rest of the clubs have done from scratch!!!  typical 21st century mentality when they want it all right now and put on a plate for them!


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1 hour ago, Sijames said:

And there's the misunderstanding right there! Why didnt the people within the set up go to an already established and steady club and implement what they're doing now instead of making their own up? there will be no club history, as they will fold within 10yrs mark my words! Resudgeon will also have someone in the not too distant future who will want to reinvigorate the club and teams, and therefore want the facilities solely back to the club and the vicious circle starts again along with the ground hopping! its farcical it really is.

you're as short sighted as those who take these people in and allow them to destroy what potential they could have themselves. its a well known fact that the chap in charge has a flashy car, lots of money, yet doesnt buy any of the hundreds of acres of land available currently and plonk some goals on it and start actually building a club like the rest of the clubs have done from scratch!!!  typical 21st century mentality when they want it all right now and put on a plate for them!


And what is it that you do, to help this situation?

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1 hour ago, Sijames said:

i'm in my 70's, and trust me done my fair share for grassroots sports for 25+yrs probably whilst you were still on the nipple! 

A lot of negativity and hate posts for a 70 year old man! 

Never positive about much on here. 

Surely having done 25+ years for grassroots football, you’d be backing and supporting grassroots clubs/teams to achieve success?


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As I've said previously in this thread, my club Redruth United are building our club with a youth set up for both male/ female leagues. But here's the thing our club is 31 years old and for a third of those years we were a one team club.

What we do have now is a dedicated committee off the pitch and a small band of volunteers.

Personally I feel that a catchment area of Camborne,Pool, Redruth it's criminal that we have never had a big Cornish Club. No disrespect to what St.Day are doing now and Illogan have done in the past.

Look at the records of the top teams, sides like St. Blazey and Porthleven, great clubs with great facilities, but the population is nowhere near our area. Yes I know people will say about rugby, but 90% of the young kids I see around are carrying or kicking a round ball. Travel around the area like I have in delivery and see all the gardens with goalposts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 02/07/2024 at 08:23, Sijames said:

the problem is 'clubs' like new inn titans have no real home, history, ethos, a sense of 'we cant fold what about everyone before us', they take the scraps from surrounding areas and make a 'club' and when the going gets tough just fold.


'Storm looking for new players'

Speak out united..........!!

Dropship 🤔 (camborne park folded, trevenson folded, new inn titans folded..... see a pattern?!)

just go and play for your local club, i've got no sympathy whatsoever i am afraid when you look at clubs rich in history struggling for players and then new clubs popping up playing all over cornwall from one pitch to another season after season! 

i think its way beyond time the CCFA look at what the requirements are to join leagues, they cant allow random people to just make up a new club time and time again! its destroying local football and is clear for everyone to see! yet nothings being done to stop it!

Hi @Sijames,

Only just seen this so it's a bit of a late reply.

The reason we put out a post looking for players is because 7+ of our players left the club. We were close to folding but managed to pull through, due to posts like you quoted above, we've now got a strong squad of 16+ players.

I'm not quite sure why you've mentioned us above, insinuating we've got (as you stated) "no real home, history, ethos, a sense of 'we cant fold what about everyone before us',". We've been playing in the Cornish footballing leagues for nearing 10 years, doing things the right way and in no way have we (again another quote from you) "taken the scraps from surrounding areas and made a 'club' and when the going gets tough just fold." 


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4 hours ago, Storm Football Club said:

Hi @Sijames,

Only just seen this so it's a bit of a late reply.

The reason we put out a post looking for players is because 7+ of our players left the club. We were close to folding but managed to pull through, due to posts like you quoted above, we've now got a strong squad of 16+ players.

I'm not quite sure why you've mentioned us above, insinuating we've got (as you stated) "no real home, history, ethos, a sense of 'we cant fold what about everyone before us',". We've been playing in the Cornish footballing leagues for nearing 10 years, doing things the right way and in no way have we (again another quote from you) "taken the scraps from surrounding areas and made a 'club' and when the going gets tough just fold." 


Storm has been around in Cornish football for a lot longer than 10 years.

Founded back in 2001 by Anthony Penna I believe and has been going ever since.

I was playing for them 10 years ago!

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Difficult times for many reasons at local level. obviously cost of living is one and people have to work. Others and not only these, many more people going into further education today vs years ago and moving away, more structured local football through higher education - do they need to play weekends when playing midweek at college? League restructure under st pirans & only being able to play for 1 cub - lots said clubs would fold as a consequence, football tiering - many players stepping up and pulling from the lower leagues - this season it seems like more than normal,  list goes on...

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Too many leagues with few teams makes it feel somewhat watered down, the lower the league the less important you feel. Less leagues with more teams will make it more competitive and hopefully more appealing to players. Easier to manage I should imagine with regards Referee appointments and administration.

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On 16/07/2024 at 16:05, The Badger said:

Difficult times for many reasons at local level. obviously cost of living is one and people have to work. Others and not only these, many more people going into further education today vs years ago and moving away, more structured local football through higher education - do they need to play weekends when playing midweek at college? League restructure under st pirans & only being able to play for 1 cub - lots said clubs would fold as a consequence, football tiering - many players stepping up and pulling from the lower leagues - this season it seems like more than normal,  list goes on...

These comments hit the nail square on the head. 

Seems to me that we're in an era where Cornish football, at the top end, has never been in a better shape, but the base of the pyramid is struggling like never before.


We're seeing a slow drip of St Pirans clubs going to the wall, hope we don't see this spreading to the Peninsula League.

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  • 1 month later...
On 16/07/2024 at 09:30, Titus Bramble said:

Storm has been around in Cornish football for a lot longer than 10 years.

Founded back in 2001 by Anthony Penna I believe and has been going ever since.

I was playing for them 10 years ago!

It sure has! Yes the clubs first season was in 2001. I left for the States in 2004 and founded Storm FC in the USA (Dallas, Texas), with over 140 youth teams.

When I left I would keep up with how Cornish football was going and even back then it was tough to maintain and attract players.

Those great people that are giving up their time, energy and in most cases financial support to keep clubs/teams going are the hero's. I'm sure if the cost of living continues to get worse those people will be more reluctant, or, unable to continue to support teams/clubs.

Players having to work more to provide and boards/presidents that don't have extra cash to continue to help foot the bills will also see more teams fold.

I have no idea what the costs are now of facility rentals and team/club operation costs are but I'm sure that has significantly risen as well.

To all that give up their time to provide Saturday / Sunday teams keep up the great work, I know how hard it is and that there isn't usually any thanks for doing it, but for your passion. My Nephew Ben, still plays some so I hope for the next generation there will continue to be local teams at all levels to play in.




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