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well done to the Refs for the charity games

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well done to the Refs that sorted and organised not 1 but 2 vets games today played out of Nanpeans victoria Bottom pitch, which was a decent surface TBH

will Anner and john harris and i’m sure others have raised a brilliant amount of money for 2 different charities in the region of over £600

first game that kicked off at 11pm v Par vets in Aid of Little hearts matter and the second v the clays vets at 1pm in aid for Ronnie Richards memorial for new Dfibs 

both games were played in good spirits with some good football played by the all participants.

the game i played in finished with a 0-0 after 90 min with a misted Pen (not me i scored mine) both bars rattled and both keepers having blinders and end to end for about 15 with no shape to any side but defence and attack, it did then go to pens where the Refs ended up winning 👏 

i for 1 have had my yellows over the years but today was a class act and really enjoyed watching and playing v the Refs today especially for 2 brilliant causes 

they may make their mistakes but tjeir only human and they are apart of our beautiful game 


well done to the men in the middle 




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