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Blazey Hobbs


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Guest Uncle Albert

I'm surprised if it's true, though I did hear the red-carded Maddison talking with his mates about it in the crowd yesterday, saying yes, the rumour about Hobbs was true.

I must admit I put two and two together and got five, thinking Hobbs must be in more trouble with pc plod.

Perhaps Ian Southcott can give us an answer about Mr Hobbs' future . . .

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Guest crosser

apparently he played a game for someone else wednesday afternoon before tavy's evening game, which lead to him being bombed out.

If what else i was told on saturday is true Blazey ain't that skint on paying players

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Guest Uncle Albert

Hobbs never quite got to Blaise Park. Blazey did put seven days notice in for him, they were able to talk to him on Tuesday, but Blazey would not pay what the player was asking for.

Good on Blazey, I say. It's about time local football got real, and stopped paying players ludicrous 'pocket' money. We have a credit crunch, why should average footballers expect to be paid more than a nominal amount to play for these clubs?

Take a closer look at the attendances most teams in the Peninsula League are attracting. How can it be justified by clubs with gates of between 50 and 150 to be paying money to players? Why not agree to pay them something if the club wins a trophy at the end of the season?

I'm with Spider on this one. Let's get back to the days (if they ever existed) when people played football for the love of the game.

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Uncle Albert, please don't come on here and make it sound as if Glyn Hobbs was chasing the money. From what I heard he was offerred a fair screw to go to St Blazey (Certainly more than double what he gets at Tavvy!). However, I do feel the sums sometimes mentioned on the rumour mill are a lot more than the majority of players actually do get.

He was spoken to well before Tuesday, but that doesn't really bother me as the 7 days normally go in after a player has already been tapped up / sounded out. That just seems to be the way it is nowadays.

On Saturday at the Blazey game he made it clear he didn't want to go anywhere and was genuinely embarrassed about what had happenned the previous week.

After a lot of though, that is why he was included in our squad on Tuesday night and maybe if I had started him we might still be in the league cup! (Take nothing away from Penryn they were fantastic last night and fully deserved their win).

I might be wrong, who knows?

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Hobbs never quite got to Blaise Park. Blazey did put seven days notice in for him, they were able to talk to him on Tuesday, but Blazey would not pay what the player was asking for.

Good on Blazey, I say. It's about time local football got real, and stopped paying players ludicrous 'pocket' money. We have a credit crunch, why should average footballers expect to be paid more than a nominal amount to play for these clubs?

Take a closer look at the attendances most teams in the Peninsula League are attracting. How can it be justified by clubs with gates of between 50 and 150 to be paying money to players? Why not agree to pay them something if the club wins a trophy at the end of the season?

I'm with Spider on this one. Let's get back to the days (if they ever existed) when people played football for the love of the game.

what about them getting a percentage of the gate :lol: :huh:

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i know glynn hobbs very very well. i went to the same secondary school as him and blazey centre forward danny zalick

all three of us were in the same school team and danny and glynn get on very well so him and hobbsy up front would make a goal-scoring frenzy side.

they did well for their djm teams back in the days as well and i think if the rumours are true then the word from danny zalick might have affect on his signature.

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